Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

BWCA Sawbill to alton
by CoreyL

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 07/10/2024
Entry & Exit Point: Sawbill Lake (EP 38)
Number of Days: 6
Group Size: 3
Day 2 of 6
Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Today we woke up to the loons calling to their fellow mates. After we listened to the loons, we packed up our tent, had a quick breakfast, and got the stuff we needed for quick access on the canoe. And finally, today we depart to the wilderness for 5 days.

All 3 of us went and got our 3 person canoe and put it in the storage area while we got all of our gear ready. As we got all of our gear, I grabbed the canoe and started to load it. Today was a busy morning while we were getting ready to depart into the wilderness. Finally, we departed off the shore for our journey to Alton LK where we found a cozy campsite(camp #846) that we decided to stay here for all 5 days.

After we got all of our stuff set up we had to have something to eat. We all decided to have some tuna and crackers in a bag. This is one of the most easier meals to prep but you need to keep it cold.

This was a big and open campsite with lots of room and can not forget, the latrine has a lid with no bugs(most of the time). I had set up a hammock and this was the first time sleeping in a hammock in the without a backup except for a sleeping mat. It was a bit nerve-wracking cause I didn't know if I would enjoy it, but happily, I did, I slept well except for one thing at 3 am. So FYI, I am a light sleeper and around 3 am I wake up to our dishes getting rusled through. So I got out of my bed and chased the critter off, not knowing what it was.

Miles Paddled: 1.73   Hours: 1.20 Lakes: Sawbill, Alton