Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

BWCA Sawbill to alton
by CoreyL

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 07/10/2024
Entry & Exit Point: Sawbill Lake (EP 38)
Number of Days: 6
Group Size: 3
Day 3 of 6
Thursday, July 11, 2024

Today for breakfast we had bagels with eggs on top with a side of bacon. This is one of the better or more tasty meals of the trip. After that, Levi(my brother) wanted to do something so we explored for wood and found lots of it, especially birch bark that we used for a fire starter.

Later that day when Levi and I were exploring the wilderness not knowing where we were going, hoping that we would reach our destination, a pocket of water on the map, basically bushwhacking the whole way but soon gave up. As we got back to the campsite, my uncle showed up a visitor who decided to show up out of nowhere. This critter was called a "pine martin", similar to a ferret or a weasel, just showed up walking across our camp, climbing on our dishes, and was soon on his way, never even noticing my uncle. This was a really cool experience because you never see pine martins according to the sawbill outfiters personnel.

After that crazy experience, we decided to go fishing to attempt to catch some pike or walleye, we were unsuccessful, so we headed back to camp to start a fire and to play some Five Crown, a good card game to take on a BWCA trip to pass some time or to have fun. After we finished a round of five crowns we needed a nice refreshment so we took a dip, the water was cold but it was worth it in the July weather.

As our second day comes to a close we have some mountain house meals by the fire while playing a game of five crowns to finish the night. The bugs were alright but at night they were terrible, lots and lots in my hammock net but it was peaceful when comfortable

Miles paddled: .53   Hours: 2.34   Portage rods: 32 Lakes: Alton