Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

BSA Northern Tier Canoe Trip - Bissett, Manitoba Atikaki Provincial Park
by Ohiopikeman

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 07/07/2016
Entry Point: Other
Exit Point: Other  
Number of Days: 14
Group Size: 18
Day 5 of 14
Monday, July 11, 2016

START DAY: Lake David

END DAY: Sasaginnigak Lake


This was a long day of rowing through Lake David, Kawaseecheewonk Lake, and then into a large bay on the eastern side of Sasaginnigak Lake where we made camp.

We went through a very cool portage at “four corners” that emptied into Kawaseecheewonk Lake. I caught a number of nice walleyes in the rapids here with the best going 4 ½ lbs. Unfortunately, the fishing lasted only about 15 minutes total as this day was all about travel. We learned later that our sister trek had camped right at this portage and also enjoyed the fine fishing from this spot. The picture below of three scouts fishing the sunset is from our sister crew that camped on the portage.

After two long days of paddling and portaging, the boys were tired and ran into their first group dynamics struggle about taking a rest day vs. moving on the next morning. After much deliberation, the boys decided to use a layover day to relax and do some fishing.

After the tents were set, we had dinner and hit the sleeping bags early as all were tired.