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       Brule/Gaskin area advice
Date/Time: 09/27/2024 01:47PM
Brule/Gaskin area advice

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Hammertime 01/20/2023 10:28PM
If it were me (it’s not) and fishing was a priority (sounds like maybe it is) I would head down to gaskin on day 1 and spend a few nights, then head up to Meeds and spend a few nights and exit poplar.

If you’re looking for a bunkhouse Rockwood is super convenient and pretty nice.

Good luck and have fun!
CanoeViking 01/20/2023 09:22PM
Beautiful area. The campsites have lots of use. That time of year be bear prepared. They were not aggressive but too friendly for comfort and determined.
straighthairedcurly 01/20/2023 08:39PM
Brule can get quite busy because a lot of people just go basecamp from the entry point, though September should lighten up a bit. I crossed from the east end to the north exit into the Cone Lakes on a very windy day (and my first solo trip). The islands provided a lot of protection from the wind. I just wind ferried from the lee of one island to the lee of the next. Some of the campsites on the very east end are rather dark and dank. But I really enjoyed the campsite on Vernon.
PointMe2Polaris 01/20/2023 06:52PM
Thanks everyone for your input. Always appreciate the good feedback from the good people that make this forum so great!
Northwoodsman 01/20/2023 09:28AM
PointMe2Polaris: "In you're experience, which 1 or 2 lakes in the Gaskins and Horseshoe area are the best for fishing?"

I never fished either of them.
lindylair 01/20/2023 09:11AM
PointMe2Polaris: "In you're experience, which 1 or 2 lakes in the Gaskins and Horseshoe area are the best for fishing?

I have spent a fair amount of time in this area. IMO the best fishing lakes are an easy choice - Vista and Meeds.
Speckled 01/19/2023 10:43AM
I would put in at Brule - make a loop going through Brule, Cherokee, Long Island, maybe gaskin winchell and just pick some base camps along the way. That loop can be done in 2-3 days fairly easily, so plenty of time for fishing and exploring.

Long Island is a decent lake for northerns, the temperance have walleye, cherokee and winchell are good for lake trout and gaskin has the most variety. Lots of nice sites along this route and if you head to cherokee through cam and gasket, some big tall rock slides to see. Muskeg to kiskadinna along with the grassy portage coming down from winchel will scratch any itch you have for taking difficult portages, lol.
PointMe2Polaris 01/19/2023 10:37AM
In you're experience, which 1 or 2 lakes in the Gaskins and Horseshoe area are the best for fishing?

Northwoodsman: "I have paddled from EP47 many times in Sept. The later you go in Sept. the less people you will see. In my experience after the 15th about 50% (or less) of the sites are occupied on Horseshoe, Gaskin, and beyond.

Consider staying a couple nights on Gaskin and a couple nights on Horseshoe (wildlife). Day #1 get to Gaskin (4 hours or less). Take the long portage between the south arm of Horseshoe and Gaskin, not the two shorter ones through Allen. Day #2 do a day trip from Gaskin through Henson, Omega, down through Winchell and back to Gaskin. You want to do Winchell west to east (wind). Day # 3 head to Horseshoe (or Vista) and basecamp for a night or two. If you go to Vista the best site is #771 at the south end. The scenery is beautiful in this area and you have a good chance seeing moose on Horseshoe. Last fall there was a lot of bear activity in the Horseshoe and Caribou area, however this is not typical. If you arrive the day before entry Rockwood has bunkhouses that I highly recommend. You can paddle right from their beach across the lake to EP47. They are a full service outfitter if you need anything. Trail Center and Poplar Haus are only a few minutes away for food."
Northwoodsman 01/19/2023 10:07AM
I have paddled from EP47 many times in Sept. The later you go in Sept. the less people you will see. In my experience after the 15th about 50% (or less) of the sites are occupied on Horseshoe, Gaskin, and beyond.

Consider staying a couple nights on Gaskin and a couple nights on Horseshoe (wildlife). Day #1 get to Gaskin (4 hours or less). Take the long portage between the south arm of Horseshoe and Gaskin, not the two shorter ones through Allen. Day #2 do a day trip from Gaskin through Henson, Omega, down through Winchell and back to Gaskin. You want to do Winchell west to east (wind). Day # 3 head to Horseshoe (or Vista) and basecamp for a night or two. If you go to Vista the best site is #771 at the south end. The scenery is beautiful in this area and you have a good chance seeing moose on Horseshoe. Last fall there was a lot of bear activity in the Horseshoe and Caribou area, however this is not typical. If you arrive the day before entry Rockwood has bunkhouses that I highly recommend. You can paddle right from their beach across the lake to EP47. They are a full service outfitter if you need anything. Trail Center and Poplar Haus are only a few minutes away for food.
Michwall2 01/19/2023 08:33AM
A couple of thoughts:

1. Lizz Lake is a popular entry any time of year. Campsites are often at a premium from Caribou through to Gaskin. Winchell is a heavily used lake, but we have been able to find campsites when we have visited.

2. Shoulder seasons are often windier than other times of year. The thought of pinning my BW trip on a non-windy entry/exit day on Brule causes some concern for me.

3. The Cone Lakes are good fisheries.

4. There is at least one tougher portage between Brule and Winchell (North Cone to Cliff). Lots of rocks make going slow and careful foot placement necessary.

5. You might think of camping on the Gaskin/Winchell end and day-tripping to the Cones/Brule area if you know the wind situation is tolerable.

TuscaroraBorealis 01/19/2023 06:55AM
Actually brought our 2 month old to the east side of Brule for her very first trip. Brule bay baby. Fishing was decent in the bay.

Site #628 on Gaskin is a beauty. (if you can get it?)
PointMe2Polaris 01/19/2023 06:18AM
Yes, travel is part of the goal. We live in southeastern South Dakota, so our one trip a year has to scratch a few itches. We enjoy pretty much all that the BWCA experience has to offer. IE. Sight seeing, fishing, base camping, exploring and the adventure of canoe travel. With that said, we typically will base camp about half the trip and spend the other half exploring and traveling by means of a modest sized loop. So we're looking at spending a couple nights on Gaskins, maybe 3 on Brule and one more layover night on the way back up to the entry point.
naturboy12 01/18/2023 10:58PM
Hopefully this question will help with what advice to give- if the end goal is to base camp on Brule for 2-3 nights of a week long trip, why start at Poplar? That seems like a long distance out of the way, unless the travel is also part of the goal.
PointMe2Polaris 01/18/2023 08:39PM
Looking at going into the Brule/Gaskins area with a group of five in mid-September for a week trip. We've never done this area before but have heard good things. I know numbers are typically down in September, but I am curious how much camp pressure you get in this area during that time of year. Will we have any issues getting a good site/sites?

Also, looking at putting in on Poplar Lake and working our way down to east side of Brule for a 2-3 night base camp stay to do some fishing. I've heard Brule can be a bear of a lake even with moderate winds, but if we stayed to the east side of the lake where all the islands are, can we still expect rough conditions?

And finally, is the fishing just as good on all the chain lakes surrounding Brule to where maybe we just skip Brule all together and base camp on a smaller lake? I know, lots of questions, but would greatly appreciate any input I can get.

Thanks for reading!