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       Moose Lake to Ensign with two kids
Date/Time: 09/27/2024 02:37PM
Moose Lake to Ensign with two kids

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Dbor 05/04/2023 10:07AM
I brought my son there when he was 8. I brought a foldable crawfish trap with. Ensign is full of them. He had a great time catching crawfish until the resident snapper tore it apart to get the fish head bait. The snapper was like a dog. Sticking it's head out begging for fish scraps. It had obviously been fed/trained before us. He was more persistent than many camp squirrels I have met. We base camped at 1224. It was a great site, but the camp to the south, 1225 was a nicer site but occupied.

I use boulders in the front of the canoe to hold it down otherwise we spin when I go out fishing and there are no packs inside. I never thought about the dry bag full of water. I bet that would be better for the canoe.
nooneuno 04/28/2023 09:13PM
pswith5: "That's a good first trip. Stay close to shore on Moose. Portage into suckered and Ensign is nothing. Maybe pick an island site on ensign. Just for peace of mind. Kids can't go too far if they wander. Day trip to cattyman falls. I don't think there are any beaches on Ensign but there are a ton of sites. As long as it's not the 4th of July you should get one. Travel early. Less people/less wind ( usually) good luck"

Thats good advice to stay to the shore, on the way out stick to the right hand shore as the towboats seem to stick to a prescribed route on the left and the wakes can ruin your day especially paddling with kids
pswith5 04/27/2023 09:04PM
That's a good first trip. Stay close to shore on Moose. Portage into suckered and Ensign is nothing. Maybe pick an island site on ensign. Just for peace of mind. Kids can't go too far if they wander. Day trip to cattyman falls. I don't think there are any beaches on Ensign but there are a ton of sites. As long as it's not the 4th of July you should get one. Travel early. Less people/less wind ( usually) good luck
Bonsia 04/25/2023 12:27PM
Kidkinkaid: "Hello,
first week of June I’m taking my family out for six days. We have two canoes lined up. I’m putting my strong 13 yr old with my wife in one canoe and my 9 yr old with me. I’m planning on getting towed half way at the start. Am I crazy to think I can paddle a pretty full canoe by myself? I'm in shape and been training to make sure I don’t fall short. Just looking for some reassurance or advice. Thank you all."
I’ll be in the area during that time also. I’m sure that most in the bwca community are with you in your adventure. And most ready to help .. have a great adventure
tumblehome 04/25/2023 10:10AM
No rocks needed but I use them sometimes when I’m alone out in a tandem fishing.

Move a heavy pack to the front.

I wish my Dad took me to the BWCA when I was a kid. You’re a good Dad and hopefully your kids keep doing it and passing the tradition.

Keep them comfortable and occupied. Bring some warm cloths in case of a cold day.

Lucky kids….

OldGuide2 04/23/2023 03:29PM
As someone who once took out kids ranging from 7-18 and our son on his first trip when he was 5, you have picked a good route to start. You shouldn't need rocks, etc. to adjust trim. Moving packs around usually can take care of that. Be sure and have the best rain gear you can afford along with a good tarp and tent. Let the whole family plan the menu. During a six day trip you will probably run into rain at least once. There is plenty to do on Ensign and it is easy to take day trips from there. Fishing is also usually good. For kids plan some in camp activities. There is a lot you can do with pine cones including golf, baseball, football, even basketball, and tag-chase games. Bring along a book with good stories to tell around the campfire. When our son was small we always went on explores where we would just paddle and/or bushwhack looking to see what we might find. Best of luck on your trip and bring us all back some good pictures.
Hammertime 04/22/2023 08:25PM
Like everyone else has mentioned the main problem solo paddling a tandem is trim and staying level on the water, as long as you have that covered you will be in great shape.

My bow partner is almost 40 and I solo paddle half the time, we get where we need to go. Bwahahaha
podgeo 04/22/2023 08:41AM
HayRiverDrifter: "It's all about the wind. If you have a head wind, put a rock or two in the front of your canoe. The canoe acts like a weathervane. The canoe will pivot around the heavier end. Tail wind you should be ok.

Worst case, put both kids in one canoe and 'tow' them."

I would never suggest to put rocks in the canoe. If you roll the canoe and the rocks don't fall out good chance it will help your canoe sink..

I would buy a collapsible water jug and fill that. A 3 gallon jug is going to weight about 25#
AceAceAce 04/21/2023 03:03PM
Lots of good advise already given on here, and I agree with all of it.

I do prefer a dry bag full of water vs a rock for ballast to trim the canoe, but either will work.

Be flexible in timing and plans, go with the flow. Makes sure it's focused on fun for them over everything other than safety. Safety is of course always #1.

Bring more snacks than you think you'll need. Bring more Toilet paper than you think you'll need, and then bring even more than that.

Hide a surprise favorite treat somewhere in your food bag. Save it for when it's raining and everyone's spirits are low. A soup mix can be a great spirit lifter on a cold rainy day as well.

The portage from Ensign to Vera would be a great day hike if you need to change it up one day. I'd probably just camp on Ensign if I were you but the view from the top of the hill overlooking Ensign is worth the walk up, without kids having to carry gear anyway. And as a bonus there is likely cell phone service at the top so you could let them call a family member or friend to tell them how awesome their dad is for taking them there.

YetiJedi 04/20/2023 11:11PM
It sounds like you have the experience to do just fine. I agree with the other comments about proper trimming with weight in the front as well as taking it at your own pace. I'll suggest early morning travel to increase your chances at favorable wind conditions (aka less wind in the morning) and to provide more time if needed. I trip with young children and I am also flexible on stopping early, staying an extra night in a campsite, and making sure we all drink plenty of water and have easy snacks to keep smiles on faces. :)

Good luck and enjoy the trip!
ISRO 04/20/2023 10:17PM
Did the same thing with my 8 year old on her first BWCA trip. Paddled up Moose-then did the Ensign-Ahsub-Disappointment-Snowbank loop in a WenNoNah Boundary Waters.
HayRiverDrifter 04/20/2023 08:04PM
It's all about the wind. If you have a head wind, put a rock or two in the front of your canoe. The canoe acts like a weathervane. The canoe will pivot around the heavier end. Tail wind you should be ok.

Worst case, put both kids in one canoe and 'tow' them.
TuscaroraBorealis 04/20/2023 07:57PM
Welcome to!

You are not crazy. Simply put, just go at your own pace, don't force a bad situation and you will be fine. Here's a trip I did with my daughter when she was 9 a few years back. Daddy, daughter Duncan day trips

...also, poke around in this forum. Lots of excellent firsthand information about bringing kids on wilderness adventures.
Kidkinkaid 04/20/2023 07:32PM
first week of June I’m taking my family out for six days. We have two canoes lined up. I’m putting my strong 13 yr old with my wife in one canoe and my 9 yr old with me. I’m planning on getting towed half way at the start. Am I crazy to think I can paddle a pretty full canoe by myself? I'm in shape and been training to make sure I don’t fall short. Just looking for some reassurance or advice. Thank you all.