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       Trip Report - A Quetico Solo, August 2008
Date/Time: 09/28/2024 05:00PM
Trip Report - A Quetico Solo, August 2008

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Itchy Menace 05/01/2009 09:04PM
Just spent the last week reading your report a few days at a time, amazing!! I've done 3 solo trips, the longest being 6 nights but I hope someday to do a similar trip. You've inspired me for sure.

Your photography was excellent. I just got a Canon DSLR for Xmas and look forward to using it on trips and hopefully getting some good images. I'm still learning how to use it.

Thanks again for sharing so detailed a report of your experience. In a way it was like being on the trip with you.
lsvanderploeg 04/21/2009 08:15PM
Fantastic! Took me 5 days to read but it was more than worth it. Best trip report yet.
rlhedlund 04/21/2009 07:02PM
Best durn trip report I've read yet. Am still reading it as a matter of fact. Great pics, great writing. Top notch.
Woodbender 04/21/2009 04:12PM
Cedarboy is right - that's going to be a hard report to match. Awesome piece of journaling, very well documented and just a joy to read.

I think we have a winner for solo report of the 2008 year.
UncleMoose 04/20/2009 11:38AM
With regard to food protection, I'm still going back and forth between hang vs. stash. I used to hang exclusively, but on more recent trips I've started to use bear barrels and stashing away from camp. On this particular trip I took two Garcia bear barrels, double-sealed extra dehydrated food meals and stashed the whole pack with all of this stuff as far from camp as practical.

I like TomT's idea of stashing two packs in separate areas, though (or hanging one). If a bear does get to one of them, you'd still have a good chance of having something left to help you get back out.

Another thing I'm considering is to get some kind of noise maker (bells or something) that can be attached to the food pack. Then if a bear does get into it, at least I'd know and could maybe attempt to defend the food pack by throwing rocks, etc...

UncleMoose 04/20/2009 11:01AM
Thanks, SunCatcher. I gave some thought to a favorite area on this trip and started with the following list of what I would consider "highlights" and why (in route order).

- McEwen Creek (quiet and serenity)
- Falls Chain (beauty and adventure)
- Kawnipi Lake (achievement and discovery)
- Cairn Lake (imposing and majestic)
- Trant Lake (spirit and mystery)
- Robinson Lake (solitude)

If I had to choose a single favorite, it would be a close call between Kawnipi Lake and Robinson Lake, but I'd probably have to pick my time on Robinson Lake overall. This isn't necessarily because Robinson Lake itself is any more interesting than the other areas. It was just special to me on this particular trip.

TomT 04/20/2009 07:13AM
Yeah, one thing about solo trips that worry me is losing all my food about 2 days in the interior. A bear once ate all our food on our first night in and it was a tough paddle out with nothing but water to drink for a good 6 hours. I

'm thinking about stashing some sealed food like cliff bars and maybe oatmeal in a ground pack just in case and keeping it seperated from the main food.
wahoojim1 04/20/2009 06:39AM
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Great trip report.
I look forward to my first solo this summer. Your report made me even more excited; I didn't think that was possible.
One question; what did you do with your food? Did you hang your food or just leave it at your dining area?
Again, thanks.
Dyl 04/19/2009 10:30PM
I read through a good portion of it and was amazed at the amount of detail and the photos. It is just too late to continue. I will have to pick it back up at work tomorrow. Nothing like getting paid to read something like this.
SunCatcher 04/19/2009 07:44PM
UncleMoose, I have watched this and studied it several times and am beside my-self at the thoughts and experience you had. I am curious as to what was your favorite area on the expedition? I truly enjoyed the video footage, It gives you a real sense of "being with you" of sorts. I liked the Falls and the Moose footage, and the protages the best, It really kind of let you in the trip like a Mouse in the corner so to speak. Great Trip and Thank You so much for sharing.
UncleMoose 04/16/2009 11:15AM
Thanks, Minnesotian.

I liked the canoe and its performance very much (kudos to Kanoes for bringing it to my attention). With that said, this is my first solo canoe, so I don't have enough experience with other solos to really make any useful comparisons. It took me about a day to get comfortable in it, but by the end of the trip, it almost felt like an extension of my body. In stiff winds, I sometimes found it challenging to keep straight, but that may be more typical of smaller solo crafts in general, I don't know. Also, in a perfect world, I would have opted for the Kevlar version, but the price I got on the factory second royalex was well worth the little extra weight.

Minnesotian 04/15/2009 07:51AM
That was a great report. Nice work.

How did you like the performance of your canoe?

The essay "Silence" from the Singing Wilderness one of my favorite chapters out of that book. The other being when he ice skates with the northern lights. I really liked that you found that old picture as well as finding the spot and taking your own picture.

One thing I appreciate greatly about your trip reports is the publication of your map route with the map. Someday I hope to go to the Q, and I will be referencing your route. Thank you.
Mongo65 04/11/2009 09:56PM
Great report so far. I keep taking it in in bits and pieces. It keeps me going prior to my trip in 60 days.
SunCatcher 04/11/2009 09:06PM
Excellent ! Well Done,
Never solo with a canoe, but did do a 23 day solo bicycle trip from Nebraska to Yellowstone and down to Estes Park, 1600 miles. I know the feeling of accomplishment and mind cleansing that takes place. Until you have done "something" solo you can't imagine. The best part is you can re-live about every step of the trip in your mind for YEARS, like it was yesterday.
UncleMoose 04/11/2009 09:23AM
TomT - I'm ashamed to admit that I did not make at least a few fish meals. I was prepared for it, but got greedy for walleye and only caught one. I love fishing, but it's not exactly one of my strengths. I was having too much fun casting for northern and smallmouth when I should have been working harder to find the walleye. Looking back on it, I should have at least kept a few smallmouth. That's one of the few things I would have done differently if I had the trip to do over again.

nolahlm 04/11/2009 09:13AM
Just did a quick skim and its AMAZING, im going to read it into more depth soon and i know i will enjoy it!
Great report!
TomT 04/11/2009 01:52AM
You mentioned that you went fishing. Did you get to eat any? With all the freeze dried on the menu I think I would have made a few fish dinners.
haro1 04/10/2009 06:44PM
that was the best report ever. pictures, details, layout, wow. not to mention the trip it self. 19 day solo, 129 miles, 55 portages... i am truely amazed, stunned and jealous. i dont know if i could do it. says alot about your character and well being as a man. i would have to say i look up to you and thank you for sharing your trip.
Cedarboy 04/09/2009 01:26PM
Once again you have set a new standard for reports. Nice job.
UncleMoose 04/09/2009 12:51PM
Traveler - I did have the SPOT on track mode most of the time while I was paddling. A couple of family members checked in from time to time to see where I was at, and the system worked very well. I tried to send an "OK" message at the end of each day, and I think most, if not all of the transmissions were properly sent. I really like the SPOT as an alternative to a Satellite phone because there's no two-way communications. I can let family know I'm okay without disturbing my sense of solitude. It's a small inconvenience for their piece of mind.

Dennisal 04/09/2009 08:42AM
Uncle Moose.
I think you are safe as far as my boss is concerned.
I can use the excuss that I was studying on how to train people on how to get things done when by yourself.

Irishstone 04/09/2009 06:56AM
Uncle Moose-

Great work on a fantastic trip report. Very detailed. I especially liked all the map tracking. It is fun to see where someone has gone as well as reading about it. not to mention that the photos and video are simply amazing.

Nice job!
fishguts 04/08/2009 11:45PM

Thanks! wonderful! ....wonderful!
monstersmallies 04/08/2009 10:48PM

Incredible journey and post. Thank you.
lilcowdoc 04/08/2009 08:45PM
UncleMoose~ I wasn't sure if they message was clear!

You do realize, now, that are probably going to have to offer an online "Trip Report 101" for the rest of us?!
Traveler 04/08/2009 08:22PM

Great story and photos. I loved reading about your trip. I do have a question. Your gear list indicates you took a SPOT but I don't recall reading anything about it. Were folks back home tracking your progress through that device? How did you like it?
UncleMoose 04/08/2009 08:12PM
Yes, this was my longest trip by about double. Most of my previous trips have been in the nine day range, give or take.

Dennisal - I almost forgot. I hope your boss doesn't come hunt me down looking for those two lost days of productivity.

kanoes 04/08/2009 08:09PM
a famous line from a great movie comes to mind. waynes world...

"we're not worthy! we're not worthy"

and im serious.
Canoealingus 04/08/2009 08:05PM
Really great writing, fantastic photos and vidio clip ta boot.
What a great trip! Was this your longest trip?
UncleMoose 04/08/2009 07:10PM
I gathered that from your earlier reply, lilcowdoc. ;-)

Seriously, though. Thanks for all the nice comments, everybody. Also thanks to all the folks on this board who helped with advice for this newbie soloer. There's no way this trip would have gone so smoothly without your valuable guidance.

Dennisal - I'd like to experiment with creating one of those publish-on-demand type photo books when I get some free time. You can get so much more photo resolution and detail in a printed format than you can on the web. If/when I ever get around to that, I'll let you all know, in case anyone's interested.

Also, I've talked with Bo (QPassage), and I think he may use some of this content in an upcoming issue of Wilderness Passages.

lilcowdoc 04/08/2009 06:44PM
there are no words. wow.
prettypaddle 04/08/2009 06:17PM
As everyone has said--absolutely fantastic report! I quite literally exclaimed out loud over several of your photos. Very, very nice job.
moose plums 04/08/2009 05:22PM
Great report
mattmilleroutdoors 04/08/2009 04:43PM
what an awesome, awesome, awesome report!! I tip my hat to you! holy moly this was a very educating report. I love the videos!!

Thank you for your time with putting soo much effort into this. as you can see others agree.

bapabear 04/08/2009 04:29PM
Wow. What a trip. What memories. Beautiful photography. A great read. I felt a part of it from start to finish. I agree that a book or DVD of this trip would be an awesome idea. Thanks for your hard work and for sharing it with us.
bdubber 04/08/2009 04:09PM
Wow!!! Thank you!!!
Dennisal 04/08/2009 01:46PM
There are not enough words to describe this report. It is the best ever. Took me two days at work to get thru it. Enjoyed it very much.
Any plans to put this in book form and sell it?
mwd1976 04/08/2009 01:12PM
I can't add much to what the others have said. Absolutely amazing job!
Rambler_Dog 04/08/2009 12:29PM
wonderful report. I remember you posted about your trip before your trip. I waited for some time for the report and thought you were not going to give us a report. I am gland you finally got to it. thanks.
lilcowdoc 04/06/2009 10:04PM
kanoes 04/06/2009 09:34PM
90lbs????? reminds me of portaging my first canoe, without a pack!
peeruwp 04/06/2009 09:31PM
Great report and pictures! you win the April trip report contest... if there was one.

Thanks for the great read!
wetcanoedog 04/06/2009 09:29PM

Firm Handshake--Pat On The Back!!!..the others have used up all the superlatives so i'll just say thanks for all the work not only on the computer at home but out on the canoe trail. i have made many solo trips thru Quetico and seeing many of my old camp thru someone else's eyes was a real treat.
UncleMoose 04/06/2009 08:49PM

The menu was notable for its total lack of variety. Pack weight was a major consideration, and I also needed to factor in camera gear. For me, food is lower priority on a trip like this. I'd rather eat light-weight dehydrated stuff and bring another camera lens instead.

With that said, I brought enough of those dehydrated food packs for two meals a day. A third meal was usually a combination of Clif Bars, instant oatmeal, beef jerky, crackers and peanuts eaten throughout the day during paddling breaks (I brought lots of Clif Bars). Most of the dehydrated food was from Mary Jane's Farm, and the rest was Mountain House. The Mary Jane's Farm stuff packs very well. Most of the meals were things like chili-mac, lasagna, spaghetti, mashed potatoes, etc... Nothing special, just fuel.

Even with that simple variety, the food pack was still very heavy at first (close to 90 lbs, if I remember correctly). Carrying that food pack over the Meadows Portages on that first day made me really question for a moment what I had gotten myself into. By the second half of the trip, though, I could really begin to tell the difference in weight, and it was no longer a problem.

UncleMoose 04/06/2009 08:14PM
I probably should have included a gear list in the original report. The below list is not complete, but may answer a few questions. The video was taken with a little Canon PowerShot TX1 point and shoot camera. I used a Joby Gorillapod for the in-canoe paddling video. I just wrapped it around the front thwart.

I took 5 batteries for the point and shoot camera (video camera). You'll notice that I took a lot more videos the first few days. Then I had to cut way back after I realized I was burning through them too quickly.

The cooking grate was just an inexpensive one I found at Sportsman's Warehouse, but it does the job.

Wenonah Wilderness solo canoe (royalex)
CVCA removable solo portage yoke
Bending Branches Cruiser Plus (bent shaft, primary)
Bending Branches Explorer Plus (straight shaft, backup)
Crazy Creek canoe seat
Bailer and sponge
Mesh anchor bag

CCS Pioneer Pack
CCS Deluxe Food Pack
Kelty backpack (day pack)

REI Half Dome 2HC tent
REI 20 degree sleeping bag
Exped Downmat 9 sleeping pad
CCS Tundra Tarp
1/8" Polyester reflective tent cord

Sawvivor Saw
Gerber camp axe
U-Dig-It Stainless-Steel Hand Shovel
Leather gloves
First aid/repair kit

Fisher paper map set
McKenzie paper map set
Compass (2)
Garmin 60CSx GPS
Garmin TOPO Canada GPS map software
SPOT Satellite Messenger

MSR Whisperlite stove
Pack Grill
Steri-Pen water purifier
MSR Miniworks ceramic water filter hand pump
Nalgene bottles (2)
Platypus water tank
Coffee Mug, plastic
Spoons (2)

St. Croix 4-8 lb rod (jigging)
St. Croix 8-17 lb rod (casting)
Scotty rod holder
Tackle kit
Filet knife

Canon PowerShot TX1 point and shoot/video
Canon 40D DSLR
Canon 24-105mm zoom lens
Canon 16-35mm wide angle zoom lens
Gitzo tripod
Really Right Stuff ball head
Joby Gorillapod

kanoes 04/06/2009 07:29PM
i want to see your full menu!
TomT 04/06/2009 07:15PM
I have a couple of questions.
How many batteries were taken for the video camera?
what did you use for a camera mount on the video when you were paddling?
I saw a nice cooking grate in one pic. Do you like it and if so where did you get it?

This report was really well done with all the links, video, and pics. I liked how you included when you slipped while filming on the trail too. I took the beginning of your route to Louisa Falls and remember those rocky portages. You don't see that stuff in the BWCA. Seeing your video makes me really look forward to getting back to Quetico full time starting next year.

Thanks for taking the time to compile all this. Nice job!

RoJoYo 04/06/2009 07:04PM
Fantastic....really enjoyed it all. One thing...when you listed your gear, you didn't list what you shot your video with. Unless I missed it in the report itself...I'd like to was great quality....but surely had to be small. Thanks again.
bear bait 04/06/2009 06:31PM
wow, great report!!!
UncleMoose 04/06/2009 05:25PM

The report was originally written in an HTML format (I'm trying to learn a few new things). A full HTML version of the report also exists on my own web site, complete with different sized versions of each photo and the video that I've encoded into Flash. This site's trip report feature allows you to use a certain amount of embedded HTML when writing the report (things like basic image tags and hyperlinks). I was able to combine these hyperlink and image tags to produce inline images that you can click on to get the bigger size version. It's a bit tedious, but I already had some of this work done for my personal web site's version.

You are correct about Kawnipi. My paddle across Kawnipi was very uneventful (thankfully). There was a little wind, but all things considered, conditions were as good as I could have possibly hoped. I definitely lucked out that day, which is why I pressed to get to the other side of Kawnipi before making camp. I can definitely see how things could get very difficult out there.

Kiporby 04/06/2009 03:43PM
Uncle Moose,

How do you import those videos and larger pictures into the trip report like that? Obviously it appears to be a different means than the "add photo" button.

Your paddle across Kawnipi must have been fairly uneventful, meaning a lack of wind. Last time I was there it was very windy and difficult to get far.

ChadLeo 04/06/2009 03:27PM
That was AWESOME!!!

Thanks for taking the time to write and share that. The photography and accompanied video clips were outstanding. It makes me want to explore Quetico one day, thank you again!
benr0 04/06/2009 02:45PM
Now thats ***** star trip report!
dl 04/06/2009 02:11PM

My hat is off to you!

You've reset the bar. Next time I follow this route, yours is the guide book.
UncleMoose 04/06/2009 01:44PM
Thanks, guys.

ktoivola - I'm hoping to get out on another solo later this year (maybe September), but it won't be this long of a trip. I'd like to check out the area west and north of the Kahshahpiwi chain in Quetico this time.

BigZig 04/06/2009 11:49AM
I read this report through the facebook link and I am truely impressed. Wish I could spend 19 days on a Q solo too.
phisherman 04/06/2009 10:42AM
I think it is easy to say that we have a trip report contest winner here! Truly inspiring UncleMoose!
mr.barley 04/06/2009 12:39AM
WOW! I've been waiting for this trip report for awhile now, but I had no idea it would be this extensive. Epic! Great job. Did I say wow yet? Wow!
bumabu 04/05/2009 11:52PM
HOLY CRAP!!!! Thats how to write a damn trip report, the trip report bar has been elevated by our friend here. EXCELLENT JOB!!! and GREAT PHOTOS
TomT 04/05/2009 09:47PM
Very cool trip report. Gotta say the video is fantastic. Not to mention the pics too. I got to day 18 when I finally relented the computer to my son. He's been pleading for me to get off.

I'll read the end tomorrow.
ktoivola 04/05/2009 09:00PM
Awesome trip report! Great pictures, video, and narrative. What do you have planned this year to top that??
Boppa 04/05/2009 08:28PM
Incredible - is an adjective that seems unused so far, an very appropriate to describe your trip report. A standard has been reset, an example provided for all trippers. I can't wait to read it again.
Kiporby 04/05/2009 08:21PM
Excellent, Excellent Report Uncle Moose!! Enjoyed it all.
homerun23 04/05/2009 07:41PM
Awesome report!! I'm doing my first solo for July this year and planned on submitting a trip report..... but jeez, videos, great photos, searching out locations from 60 year old pictures, thieving varmints, creek pratfalls....How do you top that!

Again, Awesome report! Can't wait for July
Beemer01 04/05/2009 07:02PM
I think you've just raised the bar a notch. Or two.

Wonderful report, well written, some breath taking pictures and I love the inclusion of the video clips.

Thanks for the many hours you spent on this - it was worth it.
Always Outdoors 04/05/2009 06:55PM
Great job! Thanks for sharing!
sterngirl 04/05/2009 02:19PM
What fun to read and see photos and video clips. Sounds like it was an amazing solo trip. Thanks for putting this together.
UncleMoose 04/05/2009 01:52PM
LOL! Yeah, I took about a week off from writing around Christmas. ;-D

But seriously, thanks.

snakecharmer 04/05/2009 01:44PM
Wow! What an report! I will definitely spend the time to read it more thoroughly in the days ahead, but just did a quick buzz through to get a taste. From doing a couple trip reports myself, I know the amount of time and effort it takes to put even a simple one together. This is top-notch. You've certainly raised the bar. I'm sure it was a labor of love for you. Rest assured, it will bring pleasure to all who read it. Incredible! Thanks for posting it!
kanoes 04/05/2009 01:36PM
gosh tom, i still cant understand why it took you so long to write this. :)

thats one EPIC, INCREDIBLE, BEAUTIFUL, AMAZING trip and trip report.

WOW! thank you!
UncleMoose 04/05/2009 12:32PM
New Trip Report posted by UncleMoose

Trip Name: A Quetico Solo, August 2008.

Entry Point: G

Click Here to View Trip Report wc-20090401-1199