BWCA Cache Bay to PP to Kawnipi to Cache Bay Boundary Waters Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
      Cache Bay to PP to Kawnipi to Cache Bay     



06/21/2012 08:08PM  
i know it's a bit early to be planning for a september trip, but looking for some input on this proposed route.
we're not out to break any speed records and have minimum 2 weeks, max 4 weeks, leaving 9/19 +/- a few days.
would like some fishing, photography, message jars (missed the one on mcintyre last time), pictos, peace and quiet.

Enter Cache Bay, head for the Man Chain, to Carp, Birch, Basswood, Kett, Tuck, Dart, Cecil, Deer, McIntyre, Brent, Susanette, Burt, Marj, Joyce, Kahshapiwi, Trant, then a bunch of puddle jumping and portages to Agnes.

Option 1 from Agnes: travel north to Bird, McVicar, Kawnipi and return via the Falls Chain to Cache Bay

Option 2 from Agnes: travel south to Louisa, then NE to Farquar, Rod, Edge, Turn, Glacier, McEwen, Wet, enter Falls chain near Little Falls and return via Falls Chain to Cache Bay.

looking for campsites good for fall camping, protection from the wind. campsites that have roaming potential in case we're windbound for a few days.

fishing for anything. we usually plan on 3 fish meals.

would like to spend more time on mcintyre, only had about 12 hours last time there, some time on brent, kahshapiwi, agnes.

2 people, 1 kevlar Souris River "Lily", 3 packs @ 45# each. we double portage.
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distinguished member(8737)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/21/2012 08:52PM  
I've been both routes of your option and think you might find the Louisa to McEwen route more interesting and in my experience a lot more solitude - we saw no one for 3 days in July.
06/21/2012 08:55PM  
Great Route. Getting back from Agnes via Louisa-McEwen OR Kawnipi-Falls Chain are both cool paddles. Your entire route is a resonable two-week paddle.
07/05/2012 09:10PM  
okay, found out we have less than 10 days for "a trip" this fall. one of us wants the falls chain (it's not me, hate moving water), the other one wants the tuck, sarah, mcintyre, brent, susanette, kahshapiwi... (me).

two totally different trips, how to compromise?
07/05/2012 10:05PM  
I would go Cache through the Man chain then Glacier and McEwen to go "UP" the falls chain back to Cache. I think it's less intimidating to go up current rather then getting the "if we miss the portage, we will be swept over the falls" feeling.

Ho Ho wrote a nice trip report of this route recently and it's one I plan to do next year from PP.

07/05/2012 10:12PM  
How about Agnes, Kawnipi, Keats, Cutty, Sark, Kahshapiwi, Yum Yum, Burke?

Great variety, fishing, scenery.
07/06/2012 01:46PM  
The Agnes to Louisa and up route will offer a lot more solitude, but that time of year is pretty quiet to begin with. Fishing will be good either route, if you go the Louisa way I can throw some tips your way.
07/06/2012 04:34PM  
I assume you are entering at Cache no matter what, because you are over on the Gunflint?

If that assumption is correct, then I tend to think with 10 days you would be pushing it to do the Sarah Kahsh etc route. I love that area but I would only do that trip in 10 days if I were entering at PP. Of course, if you are a power paddler who loves to cover long distances every day I might feel differently.

On the other hand, 10 days if more than enough to do the Louisa McEwen Falls Chain route. You would be able to add some side trips on. No need to hate the falls, you portage around them, just approach with appropriate caution, and they are spectacular! Keep in mind, though, that the campsites between Louisa and Clacier are limited and may be exposed to the elements. The best one is on Fauquier across from the portage to Dumas. More info in my trip report from last summer's trip through this area.

distinguished member (349)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/06/2012 06:42PM  
McEwen to Louisa is my suggestion.

Louisa, as I was told by a biologist from Canada who spent the summer doing a fish study of Lousia, says that it is beleived that Louisa may be for numbers and size the best Lake trout lake in all of Ontario!! I spent an afternoon doing some rock climbing and exploring between Agnes and Louisa. Lots of really cool stuff on the bluff between those two lakes.

*** There is an impromtu campsite located about 3/4 the way up the bluff from Agnes to Louisa. I'm not talking about the one by the "bathtub" at Louisa falls or the one at the base of Louisa falls.

This particular site sits way back in the woods and kinda hangs on this flat spot on the bluff. Probably 100 feet or so above the lake. Room for 1 tent and a small fire ring is there. Not to give it away but whoever made that camp hasn't been there since 1983, how I know that is something you have to figure out for yourself. Lots of really cool stuff at that site. It offers a full view of Agnes from way up above and you can hear the falls in the distance. If you decide to ever look for the site you will need some rope to get your gear up there and a good pair of shoes is required to get to it.
07/07/2012 06:29PM  
read my email.... :) 3 trip options
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