BWCA Photo published! :-) Boundary Waters Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
      Photo published! :-)     
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03/24/2015 06:08PM  
Hey I just opened my Spring Boundary Waters Journal and there on page 71 is my picture of my buddy Dustin and a bear on the William River on our way into Darkwater last spring. Ya Hoo!
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distinguished member(2981)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/24/2015 08:48PM  
That--- is a cool shot!
03/24/2015 09:45PM  
Congrats, guts!
03/24/2015 09:58PM  
No wonder it looked familiar! Congratulations!
distinguished member(6284)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/25/2015 06:27AM  
At least the bear sighting brightened the day :-)
distinguished member(1177)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/25/2015 08:54AM  
WOW...great pic FG
03/25/2015 09:13AM  
Wife and I commented on it a few nights ago when we saw it. Nicely done.
03/25/2015 10:50AM  
03/25/2015 11:42AM  
Thanks! All, Yah! it was a rainy day and got much worse as we paddled across Darkwater and Wicksteed to our eventual camp....we were wet, cold and miserable. Our fire cheered us up.:-)
distinguished member (184)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/25/2015 12:28PM  
Congratulations! Great photo. I bet you are glad your camera was handy to capture this impressive image. Mine would likely have been packed away with the existing weather conditions at the time.
03/25/2015 03:51PM  
quote fishguts: "Thanks! All, Yah! it was a rainy day and got much worse as we paddled across Darkwater and Wicksteed to our eventual camp....we were wet, cold and miserable. Our fire cheered us up.:-)

That looks like a great way to end a day!
distinguished member(1758)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/26/2015 01:26PM  
Cool! --Goose
04/04/2015 10:24AM  
I'm guessing you set up that night shot with a tripod and slow exposure. Don't mean to turn this into a photography workshop but what did you shoot the night shot with? I have an old SLR Olympus OM-1 35mm but I rarely take it because it doesn't do well with moisture and is a beast to carry. It does take great pics and was thinking you must have used something like that....and told everyone to hold...very...very...still :)
04/04/2015 11:30AM  
Yes! A tri-pod and my Nikon D3100 set on no flash and a timer to let me get in the picture. I took a Pelican case that seemed to keep things dry yet was easy to open and get a shot of the bear as we were traveling.....Here is a picture of the Orange Pelican case. Ya! that is a no-bake cheese cake! Yum!
04/04/2015 09:12PM  
quote fishguts: "Yes! A tri-pod and my Nikon D3100 set on no flash and a timer to let me get in the picture. I took a Pelican case that seemed to keep things dry yet was easy to open and get a shot of the bear as we were traveling.....Here is a picture of the Orange Pelican case. Ya! that is a no-bake cheese cake! Yum!"

Excellent! One man. One cheesecake. Life is perfect.
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