BWCA Taxes on new canoe in MN Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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      Taxes on new canoe in MN     
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distinguished member (435)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/26/2023 01:15PM  
So I just registered a new canoe today (Duluth). I bought it from Piragis and paid the tax up front (so I thought). Today when I registered it, the woman at the DMV told me I only paid part of the tax, and that I also had to pay Duluth city tax on top of the state tax simply for living in Duluth.

I understand there's a sales tax and a use tax, but the lady at the desk was adamant that the additional tax was due to the city of Duluth as a sales tax, but had no documentation that she could provide me. A few older threads that I found here yielded no solid answer. So just curious what the deal is.

Can the city charge me more tax on something I didn't buy in the city, after I already paid the applicate state and county tax? Both locations in St. Louis county so... Ended up paying almost $350 in tax. Ridiculous for a canoe, if you ask me.

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04/26/2023 03:45PM  
Im picking up my new canoe this weekend. Hoping I don’t have a similar experience when I register it! I’ll post when I do though.

04/26/2023 04:38PM  
I have not bought a new canoe in MN in over 20 years, but that did not happen when I did back in 2000. Of course, a lot can change in 23 years, and MN does love its taxes.

I have purchased multiple used canoes since, most recently a year ago. All licensed in Dakota County, and the DVM has never asked about taxes let alone for me to pay more.
distinguished member(1382)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/26/2023 05:54PM  
I found this:

City of Duluth General Sales Tax

From the web page: You owe use tax when Minnesota / City of Duluth sales taxes are not charged on taxable items you buy, whether you buy them in Minnesota or outside the state. If the items you are buying are for your personal use, you can buy up to $770 worth of taxable items during the calendar year without paying use tax. If, however, your purchases total more than $770, you must pay use tax on the entire amount.

Perhaps I'm reading it incorrectly (and I will stand VERY corrected if I am) but it sounds like a mafia scheme. HOWEVER, it sounds to me like you paid the state taxes, so you shouldn't have to pay more to the Duluth cartel.


distinguished member(8737)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/26/2023 06:19PM  
If there is Duluth sales and use tax (I think all sales tax are in fact sales and use tax - at least in NY and IL) greater than what you've paid, you technically do owe it. I bought a used canoe from an outfitter in Ely, and paid MN sales tax, but had to pay the difference when registering in IL. Technically you buy something in another state with lower sales and bring it home, you are suppose (by law) to voluntarily pay the difference to your state. They generally only get it when you have to register the purchase like cars and boats.
distinguished member (435)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/26/2023 06:57PM  
MikeinMpls: "I found this:

City of Duluth General Sales Tax

From the web page: You owe use tax when Minnesota / City of Duluth sales taxes are not charged on taxable items you buy, whether you buy them in Minnesota or outside the state. If the items you are buying are for your personal use, you can buy up to $770 worth of taxable items during the calendar year without paying use tax. If, however, your purchases total more than $770, you must pay use tax on the entire amount.

Perhaps I'm reading it incorrectly (and I will stand VERY corrected if I am) but it sounds like a mafia scheme. HOWEVER, it sounds to me like you paid the state taxes, so you shouldn't have to pay more to the Duluth cartel.



This is pretty much how she outlined it. Doesn’t matter if I never use in the city of Duluth, or if I bought it in Ely, simply because my address is within city limits, I pay the tax on top the State tax. Seems borderline no legal but I’m not an attorney.
04/26/2023 07:02PM  
That sucks…I’ve heard of this before though. Most cities don’t charge this, so it isn’t super common, but who knows might become more so.

distinguished member (435)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/26/2023 07:39PM  
timatkn: "That sucks…I’ve heard of this before though. Most cities don’t charge this, so it isn’t super common, but who knows might become more so.


The worst part, no receipt whatsoever outlining the tax and she couldn’t even cite what the tax law states, only that she has to use a table with numbers and the just adds that to the total.

I guess I was a little blown away at how ignorant the people working at the DMV are to the laws and taxes they are enforcing. Extremely unhelpful.
distinguished member (278)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/26/2023 08:28PM  
I have registered several used and new canoes at various DMV in MN and never had to pay more than the state tax paid at the canoe dealer.
I always find the closes DMV when buying a used canoe so there isn’t any problems. There is a DMV in Ely, they didn’t charge me any more than the registration fee.
distinguished member(2196)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/26/2023 11:53PM  
I sell fire alarm systems to various locations all over the state. Whatever city we install the fire alarm system, we charge the use tax for that city, based on a use tax chart. I use the one from

From the site:

"The sales tax rate in Minnesota is 6.875. With local taxes, the total sales tax rate is between 6.875 and 8.875"

Some examples from the chart:

Minneapolis 8.025
St. Paul 7.875
Duluth (highest) is 8.875
Ely is 7.375

So if you are in Duluth, and pay the 8.875 on a 3k canoe, you would pay $266.25. But if you've already paid 6.875 on the purchase, I would think you only have to pay the 2% additional city tax, not the full 8.875.

Wisconsin does something similar, I just google Hudson use tax, or whatever city I'm installing the fire alarm system. Wisconsin charges 5%, and when I google the Hudson use tax, it lists 5.5%, which combines state and local. Google says that number is a combination of state, county, and city taxes. So I'm assuming the chart I use in Minnesota, that lists 8.875 for duluth, is combining state, county, and city sales tax. If that was a 3k canoe, I think the total sales tax you should pay for state, county and city, is 266.25, but you might have to pay other fees on top of that.
distinguished member(2170)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/27/2023 12:52AM  
Peoples Republic Of Duluth..... Go figure !

I bought a 17 Square Stern Grumman last week, in near perfect shape, from a Church rummage sale.
3 paddles, life vests, boat cushions, and extra seat.
for under 400 bucks (a real steal)
distinguished member (135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/27/2023 05:51AM  
What is the reason for the canoe registration law? We do not have to register canoes and kayaks here.
distinguished member (163)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/27/2023 06:13AM  
I'm in Illinois. We don't have to register canoes and kayaks here, thankfully. This is the only financial benefit I've ever experienced living in this state.
distinguished member (435)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/27/2023 07:08AM  
Sparkeh: "What is the reason for the canoe registration law? We do not have to register canoes and kayaks here. "

You already know the answer to that lol
distinguished member (435)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/27/2023 07:13AM  
analyzer: "I sell fire alarm systems to various locations all over the state. Whatever city we install the fire alarm system, we charge the use tax for that city, based on a use tax chart. I use the one from

From the site:

"The sales tax rate in Minnesota is 6.875. With local taxes, the total sales tax rate is between 6.875 and 8.875"

Some examples from the chart:

Minneapolis 8.025
St. Paul 7.875
Duluth (highest) is 8.875
Ely is 7.375

So if you are in Duluth, and pay the 8.875 on a 3k canoe, you would pay $266.25. But if you've already paid 6.875 on the purchase, I would think you only have to pay the 2% additional city tax, not the full 8.875.

Canoe was $3850 + tax, so that makes sense. I paid $284 in taxes at Piragis up front. DMV charged me about $55-60 (didn't give me any receipt so I dont know for sure). But that makes sense, as the difference in percentage would be roughly $57 dollars owed to city of Duluth, per the math.

SOOOO, here is a hypothetical... Since you can renew vehicle registration at any state DMV, what would stop someone from registering their canoe at a DMV outside of Duluth, and would that DMV know to charge you that extra amount just because your address says Duluth, or would they let it slip? It feels so much like you're being punished for living here, what an absolute scam. I'm not concerned about $50, but it's the concept that has me pretty fired up.
04/27/2023 07:47AM  
I don't understand why you need to register a canoe with the DMV. My canoe is registered with the DNR. I've never dealt with the DMV considering a canoe is not a motorized vehicle. What am I missing, and do I owe the state of Minnesota thousands of dollars in unpaid fees?
distinguished member (435)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/27/2023 08:10AM  
egknuti: "I don't understand why you need to register a canoe with the DMV. My canoe is registered with the DNR. I've never dealt with the DMV considering a canoe is not a motorized vehicle. What am I missing, and do I owe the state of Minnesota thousands of dollars in unpaid fees?"

For intents and purposes of registering a newly purchased canoe or kayak (over 10' long) from a dealer or manufacturer, they are the same thing. All DNR transactions for watercraft registration can be done at any DMV service center. All NEW purchases (from a dealer or mfg) are subject to the sales tax, whether you go to the DNR registrar in St Paul or a DMV service center, you can't get a registration sticker in MN on a new watercraft over 10' long without paying tax on it.

I think the online portal is for renewals only but I could be wrong.
04/27/2023 08:27AM  
I live in Duluth as well. Great city geographically - incredibly poorly run and the administration is very anti-business and development in thier policies .

I register all my stuff in Two Harbors at the DMV office there, stop and have a beer at Castle Danger and grab some smoked fish from Kendals Smokehouse in Knife River on the way back.
04/27/2023 08:42AM  
So you already paid the extra tax? If so then that sucks and there is nothing you can do about it at this point. The only thing you could have done differently is tell them that you would have to speak with your tax professional to properly calculate, pay and record the tax.

If you haven't paid it yet, then I personally would just ignore it and only worry about it if they start coming after me about it. You shouldn't be able to tax someone for something purchased elsewhere under different tax laws. That should not be legal. I would jump through whatever hoops necessary to avoid crap like that. Higher sales tax in an area by itself is already controversial, going out of their way to apply that tax in legally questionable ways is just wrong.
distinguished member (435)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/27/2023 08:50AM  
A1t2o: "So you already paid the extra tax? If so then that sucks and there is nothing you can do about it at this point. The only thing you could have done differently is tell them that you would have to speak with your tax professional to properly calculate, pay and record the tax.

If you haven't paid it yet, then I personally would just ignore it and only worry about it if they start coming after me about it. You shouldn't be able to tax someone for something purchased elsewhere under different tax laws. That should not be legal. I would jump through whatever hoops necessary to avoid crap like that. Higher sales tax in an area by itself is already controversial, going out of their way to apply that tax in legally questionable ways is just wrong. "

Unfortunately, after reading into this a lot last night, it's legit. On a NEW canoe, from a dealer or mfg, you pay the state tax and then the additional tax to equal whatever the total sales tax is in the city you live. I can't deny that I live here, they have my address on file, and I couldn't deny what I paid for it since there is a receipt/bill of sale, which I have to have in order to register the boat anyway... so yeah. Shitty tax law but that's the way it is now.

From my understanding this is new to canoes/kayaks but it's been this way for many years with vehicles. Back in the day people would fly to other states to buy cars to try and avoid the high local taxes, but now it doesn't matter where in the US you buy your car, because you can't pay the tax or register it at a dealer, you do it when you get back home at your local DMV, and even if you drove it to another county with a lower tax rate, you will still have to provide your permanent address and they tax you at YOUR local rate. That's why you always see the car ads that say "plus tax title and license", because they dont know what your taxes are going to be.

The only way around it is to not have your permanent address on record to be here in Duluth.
distinguished member(8737)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/27/2023 09:34AM  
Well, if they didn't collect sales and use tax, they'd make it up with higher property taxes. At least with sales and use non-residents contribute.
distinguished member(8737)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/27/2023 09:36AM  
Dreamer: "I'm in Illinois. We don't have to register canoes and kayaks here, thankfully. This is the only financial benefit I've ever experienced living in this state. "

Used to. Think it changed around 2010 or a little later, to a "water use stamp", which when they rolled it out applied to inner tubes used as floats.

Personally very happy I no longer live in Illinois.
distinguished member(916)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/27/2023 09:41AM  
Our son lives in Duluth. He calls it the "pay to play" tax.
No question, there are higher taxes in Duluth - same in Cook County farther up the shoreline. As Bill points out, at least with the sales and lodging taxes, visitors are also paying into the local tax system.
But I do hope you get to put miles and miles on the new canoe - what did you buy?
04/27/2023 10:54AM  
egknuti: "I don't understand why you need to register a canoe with the DMV. My canoe is registered with the DNR. I've never dealt with the DMV considering a canoe is not a motorized vehicle. What am I missing, and do I owe the state of Minnesota thousands of dollars in unpaid fees?"

The DMV is where boats get licensed in MN.
distinguished member(1382)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/27/2023 11:06AM  
Though I posted a response yesterday, follow-up posters have clarified the issue for me. I totally get it now. I don't agree with the tax situation and I don't like it and I think it's a hose job, but I understand.

When I lived in New York City in the mid-90s, we frequently went to New Jersey for bigger purchases because, at that time, New Jersey's sales taxes were lower than that of New York. It was common knowledge that New York State revenue agents (or whatever they are called) would hang out in the IKEA parking lot writing down the numbers of the cars with New York state license plates. Invariably, every time we went to IKEA, we would get a letter in the mail a couple weeks later reminding us to pay taxes to the state of New York on our purchases made in New Jersey. Everybody got these letters, and nobody paid, at least to my knowledge.

Alexander, as you noted, it's a bit worrisome that the person you interacted with was so poor at understanding or verbalizing the nature of the tax she insisted you pay.

distinguished member (435)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/27/2023 11:43AM  
billconner: "Well, if they didn't collect sales and use tax, they'd make it up with higher property taxes. At least with sales and use non-residents contribute."

My property tax is up 44% since 2021 when I bought the house here lol. Seems like city of Duluth is going through a major cash grab right now. Could be because it was way behind to begin with, or it's all going to subsidize developers and outside interests. Depends on who you ask.

Our son lives in Duluth. He calls it the "pay to play" tax.
No question, there are higher taxes in Duluth - same in Cook County farther up the shoreline. As Bill points out, at least with the sales and lodging taxes, visitors are also paying into the local tax system.
But I do hope you get to put miles and miles on the new canoe - what did you buy?

Having left Boulder, CO (brief stint in TX) then coming here, I can understand the "pay to play" tax for sure. Though I rented out there, literally everything else was taxed through the roof. The only difference I guess being that Boulder would very openly advertise that they are taking the tax money and putting it back into parks and rec, which they did in spades. The city would often spend millions at a time to buy ranches and open space around it to prevent the city of Broomfield and Louisville from buying it and developing it into apartments and malls. They instead would create networks of trails and park areas in it. It was kind of cool, but also part of the reason Boulder has a far worse housing issue than Duluth.

I bought a Northwind Solo in Blacklite and wood trim. I figure it will be my forever boat, or at least one of them. Hasn't touched water yet, but the St. Louis river is open now and I plan on getting out in the bay maybe this weekend if it's not raining or windy.

Alexander, as you noted, it's a bit worrisome that the person you interacted with was so poor at understanding or verbalizing the nature of the tax she insisted you pay.

This is really the only thing I was mad about in the moment. Not the $50, but the fact that should could neither recite the tax law for me, or provide me any documentation, not even an itemized receipt outlining the additional tax. Simply said "you can look it up online or call the state". She wasn't mean or anything, just totally oblivious to what it all meant other than "I have to use this tax table here to tell you how much you owe", followed by me saying "no I already paid the tax on this boat"... In the end she was right and I was wrong but it's pretty ambiguous so I can't be blamed for not knowing that and asking her questions.

04/27/2023 12:13PM  
Frenchy19: "
egknuti: "I don't understand why you need to register a canoe with the DMV. My canoe is registered with the DNR. I've never dealt with the DMV considering a canoe is not a motorized vehicle. What am I missing, and do I owe the state of Minnesota thousands of dollars in unpaid fees?"

The DMV is where boats get licensed in MN."

Yes, I live in MN. I usually go to the DNR office or DNR website to renew my canoe license. I wasn't aware that the DMV did this as well.
04/27/2023 12:55PM  
egknuti: "
Frenchy19: "
egknuti: "I don't understand why you need to register a canoe with the DMV. My canoe is registered with the DNR. I've never dealt with the DMV considering a canoe is not a motorized vehicle. What am I missing, and do I owe the state of Minnesota thousands of dollars in unpaid fees?"

The DMV is where boats get licensed in MN."

Yes, I live in MN. I usually go to the DNR office or DNR website to renew my canoe license. I wasn't aware that the DMV did this as well. "

I did not know I could do this on the DNR site; good to know! Thanks for the info!!
04/27/2023 01:37PM  
I bought my new canoe from Canada and paddled it solely in Alaska. When I moved back to MN I went to register it at the DMV and was charged with the MN taxes that were on the receipt. Alaska does not require regestration for canoes. I paid the taxes and got to thinking, "that was canada dollers on my receipt" so I paid an extra amount based on the receipt and forgot to mention that to the DMV.
Dumb move on my part.
distinguished member (135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/27/2023 02:08PM  
AlexanderSupertramp: "
Sparkeh: "What is the reason for the canoe registration law? We do not have to register canoes and kayaks here. "

You already know the answer to that lol "

No I don't. Please explain. Does the tax money support the fish and game department or something like that? I'm not from the bwca area.
distinguished member (435)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/27/2023 03:22PM  
Sparkeh: "
AlexanderSupertramp: "
Sparkeh: "What is the reason for the canoe registration law? We do not have to register canoes and kayaks here. "

You already know the answer to that lol "

No I don't. Please explain. Does the tax money support the fish and game department or something like that? I'm not from the bwca area. "

The registration fees and misc fees are paid to the DNR, they appropriate funds to things like invasive species management, wildlife management, waterway management, etc. Why they charge it on non-motorized watercraft over 10' I don't know, but I suspect it really just boils down to collecting more money and nothing more.

The additional sales tax however just goes to the city where it get's spent (in most cases) on useless things that nobody asked for. At least that's the way it usually pans out in Duluth. They're not great at managing budgets. No matter how much they raise all the taxes they always seem to be asking everyone to approve higher taxes and complaining that they have deficits
04/27/2023 03:26PM  
You may be able to avoid this by registering your canoe at an office outside of Duluth and they will skip the tax. Then do each subsequent registration online.

When I registered my canoe in Ely I had to show sales tax from where I purchased it (Maryland). No additional tax was levied.
distinguished member (435)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/27/2023 03:50PM  
Banksiana: "You may be able to avoid this by registering your canoe at an office outside of Duluth and they will skip the tax. Then do each subsequent registration online.

When I registered my canoe in Ely I had to show sales tax from where I purchased it (Maryland). No additional tax was levied."

Yeah I'm not sure how heavily it's enforced in each city or if each clerk even knows to do it. It's something I will definitely be cognizant of the next time I buy a new watercraft.
distinguished member(916)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/27/2023 03:56PM  
This strikes a nerve in me: "I suspect it really just boils down to collecting more money and nothing more" and "The additional sales tax however just goes to the city where it get's spent (in most cases) on useless things that nobody asked for"

It's easy to complain about appropriation of funding but do nothing to help manage it. Join the citizens groups available to you to do something about it. Take what you learned in Boulder and bring it to the City Council. Last Nov., city residents gave a clear No vote to the parks levy proposal.

Go ahead and bite my head off, but for all the love expressed around here for wilderness areas, and the complaining that goes on about motorized tows and seeing ONE other canoeist on some soul-seeking adventure ... it seems like folks want everything - large tracts of untouched land, free of roads, motors, mining, forestry....for free. Quiet sports enthusiasts have to ante up.

Registration fees and taxes support areas used by the paddlers. If you hate it so much, move across the bridge to Superior. Wisco has no registration on non-motorized canoes. They ask folks to consider doing it voluntarily.

These non-game wildlife funds, bird conservation groups, trail groups, park groups.... they run on shoestring budgets. Once there is interest from some deeper-pocketed groups interested in hunting or fishing (D.U., P.U, T.U. etc), then land protection / public access starts to get some traction. Furthermore, DNR and USFS are under heavy lobbying pressure from deep-pocketed businesses like Polaris for more UTV access.

Ever see this show?
Destination Polaris

Think if we could fund a "Destination Northstar" show on that same channel.

04/27/2023 04:12PM  
This is just a one time thing? On the purchase?

If they levy it again on registration renewal I'd do what Banksiana said :)


distinguished member (435)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/27/2023 05:54PM  
jillpine: "This strikes a nerve in me: "I suspect it really just boils down to collecting more money and nothing more" and "The additional sales tax however just goes to the city where it get's spent (in most cases) on useless things that nobody asked for"

It's easy to complain about appropriation of funding but do nothing to help manage it. Join the citizens groups available to you to do something about it. Take what you learned in Boulder and bring it to the City Council. Last Nov., city residents gave a clear No vote to the parks levy proposal.

Go ahead and bite my head off, but for all the love expressed around here for wilderness areas, and the complaining that goes on about motorized tows and seeing ONE other canoeist on some soul-seeking adventure ... it seems like folks want everything - large tracts of untouched land, free of roads, motors, mining, forestry....for free. Quiet sports enthusiasts have to ante up.

Registration fees and taxes support areas used by the paddlers. If you hate it so much, move across the bridge to Superior. Wisco has no registration on non-motorized canoes. They ask folks to consider doing it voluntarily.

These non-game wildlife funds, bird conservation groups, trail groups, park groups.... they run on shoestring budgets. Once there is interest from some deeper-pocketed groups interested in hunting or fishing (D.U., P.U, T.U. etc), then land protection / public access starts to get some traction. Furthermore, DNR and USFS are under heavy lobbying pressure from deep-pocketed businesses like Polaris for more UTV access.

Ever see this show?
Destination Polaris

Think if we could fund a "Destination Northstar" show on that same channel.


Yes it is very easy to complain about it.

Is it not concerning to you that the state of MN is touting a projected $18 BILLION tax surplus this year while at the same time we have local governments basically begging their voters to pass things like this park Levy? And the worst part... those programs running on shoestring budgets that can actually make a real difference in conservation, are going to keep running on shoestring budgets and it's not because the quiet sport enthusiasts didn't "up the ante".
04/27/2023 06:25PM  
Forgot to add:

Congratulations on your new canoe!!!
distinguished member (435)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/27/2023 06:33PM  
Banksiana: "Forgot to add:

Congratulations on your new canoe!!!"

Thank you! It’s basically a dream canoe and I can’t wait to get it on the water. They say a solo canoe is good for the soul and it’s something I really needed in my life right now.
distinguished member(2170)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/28/2023 12:30AM  
Dreamer: "I'm in Illinois. We don't have to register canoes and kayaks here, thankfully. This is the only financial benefit I've ever experienced living in this state. "

You got that right !
also, when I bought my last canoe, I paid a church..... So guess what....
04/28/2023 07:08AM  
jillpine: "Our son lives in Duluth. He calls it the "pay to play" tax.
No question, there are higher taxes in Duluth - same in Cook County farther up the shoreline. As Bill points out, at least with the sales and lodging taxes, visitors are also paying into the local tax system.
But I do hope you get to put miles and miles on the new canoe - what did you buy?"

Aren't they already paying into the local system when they spend non-tax dollars there? Don't the local businesses already pay taxes and price those costs into their prices? The out of town consumer is essentially being taxed twice.
distinguished member(2402)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/28/2023 07:32AM  
AlexanderSupertramp: "
jillpine: "This strikes a nerve in me: "I suspect it really just boils down to collecting more money and nothing more" and "The additional sales tax however just goes to the city where it get's spent (in most cases) on useless things that nobody asked for"

It's easy to complain about appropriation of funding but do nothing to help manage it. Join the citizens groups available to you to do something about it. Take what you learned in Boulder and bring it to the City Council. Last Nov., city residents gave a clear No vote to the parks levy proposal.

Go ahead and bite my head off, but for all the love expressed around here for wilderness areas, and the complaining that goes on about motorized tows and seeing ONE other canoeist on some soul-seeking adventure ... it seems like folks want everything - large tracts of untouched land, free of roads, motors, mining, forestry....for free. Quiet sports enthusiasts have to ante up.

Registration fees and taxes support areas used by the paddlers. If you hate it so much, move across the bridge to Superior. Wisco has no registration on non-motorized canoes. They ask folks to consider doing it voluntarily.

These non-game wildlife funds, bird conservation groups, trail groups, park groups.... they run on shoestring budgets. Once there is interest from some deeper-pocketed groups interested in hunting or fishing (D.U., P.U, T.U. etc), then land protection / public access starts to get some traction. Furthermore, DNR and USFS are under heavy lobbying pressure from deep-pocketed businesses like Polaris for more UTV access.

Ever see this show?
Destination Polaris

Think if we could fund a "Destination Northstar" show on that same channel.

Yes it is very easy to complain about it.

Is it not concerning to you that the state of MN is touting a projected $18 BILLION tax surplus this year while at the same time we have local governments basically begging their voters to pass things like this park Levy? And the worst part... those programs running on shoestring budgets that can actually make a real difference in conservation, are going to keep running on shoestring budgets and it's not because the quiet sport enthusiasts didn't "up the ante". "

All cities in Minnesota receive Local Government Aid (LGA) from the state. The LGA is proposed to increase as part of that surplus. If you want to do some reading, here is the complete Governor's proposed budget: Specifically, LGA is addressed under Tax Aids, Credits and Refunds hyperlink at that site.

For more information about LGA, here is the Department of Revenue: and here is the City of Minneapolis, that as the largest city recieves the biggest distribution, website:

Also, Duluth is certified to receive $30,807,820 of LGA in 2023.
distinguished member (435)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/28/2023 03:04PM  
All cities in Minnesota receive Local Government Aid (LGA) from the state. The LGA is proposed to increase as part of that surplus. If you want to do some reading, here is the complete Governor's proposed budget: Specifically, LGA is addressed under Tax Aids, Credits and Refunds hyperlink at that site.

For more information about LGA, here is the Department of Revenue: and here is the City of Minneapolis, that as the largest city recieves the biggest distribution, website:

Also, Duluth is certified to receive $30,807,820 of LGA in 2023. "

How gracious of Mr. Walz to give back have one half of Billion dollars, of the 18 they supposedly will have. What a scam.

Also, this is just a proposal still, and even if Duluth did receive $30M, good luck figuring out where/how they spend it. The paper trail is made complicated by design.
distinguished member(916)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/29/2023 09:08AM  
>>>Ridiculous for canoe if you ask me.<<<
Exactly my point.

I have a friend whose favorite t-shirt promotes the slogan, "Freedom is not free". As a veteran who suffers severe PTSD, he survives now by long trips alone into the woods.

Apply his t-shirt logic to wilderness places under pressure from over-use or resource-extraction. They are not free. Their management and planning take money and effort. One way to get this money is through taxation.

The opportunity to paddle your incredible new boat that will be critically important to your health comes with responsibility to protect the places where you will paddle. This a truth that evades many wilderness paddlers - that is my opinion because it describes not only what I observe, but it also describes who I was. People want no motors, no mining, no logging, and they want no crowds, no litter, no drones, and they expect this all to just magically be there for

I was one of those paddlers. I had all of these expectations, and was crushed when fires and crowds roared across "my" BWCA. I even wrote about it here. "Pasty dudes" racing me across the lake to a site where I was already camped, as smoke from forest fires made them cough as they furiously paddled. I was angry and frustrated. It was a wake-up call that there is no "they" in the world. I am the "they" that needs to step up and fix it. I am not arguing with your politics or your frustration. But I am trying to tell you that you are the "they", and you need to channel your frustration into more effective paddle strokes than just lashing out here.

If you're frustrated about the local taxation, I encourage you to do something about it. One effective manner is to join a citizens' group that raises money and lobbies for its interest at the same time, such as the Northern Paddlers Alliance, the BWAC, the Friends of the Boundary Waters, etc. Another is to be a part of the Duluth local government, or Chamber of Commerce, or Parks Board, etc.

Congratulations on your new canoe. I think you will find that solo paddling will bring you an abundance of both peace and challenge.
distinguished member(1711)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/29/2023 07:43PM  
Wait wait wait. Growing up in WI we bought all our clothing in MN to avoid the tax. Are you saying we were supposed to voluntarily cut a check to the WI state government for the tax we would’ve paid in WI? That’s wild to me.

distinguished member(916)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/29/2023 11:50PM  
thegildedgopher: "Wait wait wait. Growing up in WI we bought all our clothing in MN to avoid the tax. Are you saying we were supposed to voluntarily cut a check to the WI state government for the tax we would’ve paid in WI? That’s wild to me.

Good leap.
Here is the topic:
WI Boat registration

distinguished member(8737)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/30/2023 06:01AM  
thegildedgopher: "Wait wait wait. Growing up in WI we bought all our clothing in MN to avoid the tax. Are you saying we were supposed to voluntarily cut a check to the WI state government for the tax we would’ve paid in WI? That’s wild to me.


Can't speak for WI, but the analogous situation if you lived in NY is yes.
05/03/2023 09:06PM  
So I just registered my canoe today in Maple Grove. Total charge from the DMV was $30.34

I was a little worried I was going to get a similar surprise but was happy I didn’t. That is absolute BS that the Minnesota state DMV is charging a city tax.

Savage Voyageur
distinguished member(14465)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
05/03/2023 09:26PM  
Welcome to Minnesota, land of 10,000 taxes.
distinguished member (182)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/04/2023 09:40AM  
I ran into the same thing. I live in Wisconsin and they don't require registration, but I only really paddle the canoe in Minnesota. I figured I would "do the right thing" and register it in Minnesota. Then they wanted like $80 or something like that for additional taxes on my canoe in addition to the license and I said forget it. As long as I don't leave it in Minnesota more than 90 consecutive days I should be good.
distinguished member(1460)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/06/2023 08:51PM  
A couple of points...
When people talk about registering a boat at the DMV they are usually refering to a local DMV registrar. This is a private or local government entity that contracts with the state to disperse various licenses including boat licenses (which are ultimately from the DNR).

On the local sales tax bit, yes if you live in a city that has a local sales tax you will be charged that no matter where you register either a new car or a new boat.

I've only bought used boats from private parties and have never had to pay a sales tax on one. In another case I moved my son's kayak to MN from WI. I didn't have to pay sales tax when I registered that one either.

Also, about 15 years ago I bought a new canoe from Ranger Canoe in New Hampshire. I didn't get charged a sales tax when I registered it here. It may have been an over site at the local registrars office.
distinguished member (407)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/10/2023 10:40AM  
I'm from Iowa and last week I went to the county courthouse to register my new Northstar Northwind 17 in Blacklite purchased from Piragis and delivered to my house. I had the receipt to show it was purchased, the price and the vinn number included. The county recorder gave me an additional form and told me it couldn't be registered until the DNR or Sheriff inspects it and checks to make sure it was not stolen. A county sheriff friend of mine came to inspect it yesterday and I was able to register it today paying the 6% sales tax. When I looked at the registration it said Nelson weather for the Make of the canoe instead of NorthStar. I had to go in and get that changed to NorthStar. The recorder said the system put that in when she put in the vinn number. Also the system wouldn't let her put in blacklite composite for material and she kept asking me if it was plastic. I had to assure her that I didn't want plastic on the registration so the material is left blank. It was quite the process.
distinguished member (212)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/10/2023 11:47AM  
Would be helpful if they accepted credit cards instead of just cash and check, especially if they are levying several hundred dollars in taxes for new canoes....
07/10/2023 01:37PM  
tomo: "Would be helpful if they accepted credit cards instead of just cash and check, especially if they are levying several hundred dollars in taxes for new canoes...."

Yeah, but then you'd pay another fee, the CC processing fee.
Savage Voyageur
distinguished member(14465)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
07/10/2023 01:44PM  
Sparkeh: "What is the reason for the canoe registration law? We do not have to register canoes and kayaks here. "

I have no idea where you live, but here in Minnesota any vessel longer than 10 feet you will need to register it. My 13’ Old Town paddle kayak needed to be registered in Minnesota per law.
distinguished member(2039)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/10/2023 03:07PM  
wrestlencanoe: "Also the system wouldn't let her put in blacklite composite for material and she kept asking me if it was plastic. I had to assure her that I didn't want plastic on the registration so the material is left blank. It was quite the process. "

Minnesota's form has an "other" category for material.
distinguished member (435)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/10/2023 03:21PM  
straighthairedcurly: "
wrestlencanoe: "Also the system wouldn't let her put in blacklite composite for material and she kept asking me if it was plastic. I had to assure her that I didn't want plastic on the registration so the material is left blank. It was quite the process. "

Minnesota's form has an "other" category for material. "

Yes, this is what mine was listed at. I told her it was "Kevlar and carbon" and she just stared at me completely clueless.

I have to go in there next week to (finally) transfer ownership on a 2016 Souris River that I bought from Seagull Outfitters last year. The tabs are up. I am sure they are going to try and charge me sales tax on that since I bought it from a business, even though it's a 7 year old canoe.
distinguished member (219)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/10/2023 05:57PM  
AlexanderSupertramp: "
All cities in Minnesota receive Local Government Aid (LGA) from the state. The LGA is proposed to increase as part of that surplus. If you want to do some reading, here is the complete Governor's proposed budget: Specifically, LGA is addressed under Tax Aids, Credits and Refunds hyperlink at that site.

For more information about LGA, here is the Department of Revenue: and here is the City of Minneapolis, that as the largest city recieves the biggest distribution, website:

Also, Duluth is certified to receive $30,807,820 of LGA in 2023. "

How gracious of Mr. Walz to give back have one half of Billion dollars, of the 18 they supposedly will have. What a scam.

Also, this is just a proposal still, and even if Duluth did receive $30M, good luck figuring out where/how they spend it. The paper trail is made complicated by design."

I can pretty much guarantee where they they WON’T spend it: on the streets. Two years ago I test drove a 4-wheel drive vehicle and the salesman who accompanied me suggested I drive up a certain Duluth street because it was in such horrid shape that it was a good simulation of offroad conditions. It was the street I live on, and it hasn’t been repaired since.

Meanwhile, the baseball field down the block is getting new fencing and the city has put in some pretty (and useless, other than looks) brick walls on at least one of the pull offs on the North Shore. Simultaneously, Ms. Larson decided to raise our property taxes by 23%.

I realize that different pots of money are used for different things, but Duluth seems to have become almost as tax-happy as Hermantown.
07/10/2023 06:01PM  
AlexanderSupertramp: "
straighthairedcurly: "
wrestlencanoe: "Also the system wouldn't let her put in blacklite composite for material and she kept asking me if it was plastic. I had to assure her that I didn't want plastic on the registration so the material is left blank. It was quite the process. "

Minnesota's form has an "other" category for material. "

Yes, this is what mine was listed at. I told her it was "Kevlar and carbon" and she just stared at me completely clueless.

I have to go in there next week to (finally) transfer ownership on a 2016 Souris River that I bought from Seagull Outfitters last year. The tabs are up. I am sure they are going to try and charge me sales tax on that since I bought it from a business, even though it's a 7 year old canoe."

Way to keep Duluth funded so well!
distinguished member(8737)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/10/2023 06:32PM  
AlexanderSupertramp: "
straighthairedcurly: "
wrestlencanoe: "Also the system wouldn't let her put in blacklite composite for material and she kept asking me if it was plastic. I had to assure her that I didn't want plastic on the registration so the material is left blank. It was quite the process. "

Minnesota's form has an "other" category for material. "

Yes, this is what mine was listed at. I told her it was "Kevlar and carbon" and she just stared at me completely clueless.

I have to go in there next week to (finally) transfer ownership on a 2016 Souris River that I bought from Seagull Outfitters last year. The tabs are up. I am sure they are going to try and charge me sales tax on that since I bought it from a business, even though it's a 7 year old canoe."

When I bought used canoes from MN outfitters, they collected sales tax, as I believe is required. I think only individuals and their sales not regularly in the business are exempt.
member (37)member
07/10/2023 06:37PM  
Another thread begging for cheese to go with the wine...

Proverbs 12:16; Proverbs 14:15.
distinguished member(548)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/10/2023 07:36PM  
stonewoodstream: "Another thread begging for cheese to go with the wine...

Proverbs 12:16; Proverbs 14:15.

The post before yours was five minutes earlier. You seem very quick tempered.
distinguished member(548)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/10/2023 07:41PM  
Northland: "
AlexanderSupertramp: "
All cities in Minnesota receive Local Government Aid (LGA) from the state. The LGA is proposed to increase as part of that surplus. If you want to do some reading, here is the complete Governor's proposed budget: Specifically, LGA is addressed under Tax Aids, Credits and Refunds hyperlink at that site.

For more information about LGA, here is the Department of Revenue: and here is the City of Minneapolis, that as the largest city recieves the biggest distribution, website:

Also, Duluth is certified to receive $30,807,820 of LGA in 2023. "

How gracious of Mr. Walz to give back have one half of Billion dollars, of the 18 they supposedly will have. What a scam.

Also, this is just a proposal still, and even if Duluth did receive $30M, good luck figuring out where/how they spend it. The paper trail is made complicated by design."

I can pretty much guarantee where they they WON’T spend it: on the streets. Two years ago I test drove a 4-wheel drive vehicle and the salesman who accompanied me suggested I drive up a certain Duluth street because it was in such horrid shape that it was a good simulation of offroad conditions. It was the street I live on, and it hasn’t been repaired since.

Meanwhile, the baseball field down the block is getting new fencing and the city has put in some pretty (and useless, other than looks) brick walls on at least one of the pull offs on the North Shore. Simultaneously, Ms. Larson decided to raise our property taxes by 23%.

I realize that different pots of money are used for different things, but Duluth seems to have become almost as tax-happy as Hermantown."

This winter was pretty tough on the streets here in Duluth. Hope they get it figured out soon. Did you buy the truck?
member (37)member
07/10/2023 07:43PM  
Many, many posts. When a thread descends to political comments attempting to "own" someone the mods should step in and do their job. It has been happening more and more over the last 3 - 4 four years. Yes, it's only a handful of people. But what is this messageboard supposed to be about? I get the hairy-assed chest thumping from people that love the sound of their own thoughts. They still add good info here and there. But the political comments (of ANY ilk) have no place here. Give them a warning then boot their butts for good. Otherwise this continues to descend into just another uncivil free-for-all of verbal axe throwing.

Proverbs 18:2.
distinguished member(548)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/10/2023 07:58PM  
stonewoodstream: "Many, many posts. When a thread descends to political comments attempting to "own" someone the mods should step in and do their job. It has been happening more and more over the last 3 - 4 four years. Yes, it's only a handful of people. But what is this messageboard supposed to be about? I get the hairy-assed chest thumping from people that love the sound of their own thoughts. They still add good info here and there. But the political comments (of ANY ilk) have no place here. Give them a warning then boot their butts for good. Otherwise this continues to descend into just another uncivil free-for-all of verbal axe throwing.

Proverbs 18:2."

Can we add religion to the list?
distinguished member(548)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/10/2023 08:07PM  
I’ve bought a few canoes from VNO and I paid the taxes when I purchased them in Ely. I was living in Mpls at the time. Is it just a Duluth thing? Probably get more watercraft registered here because the big lake.
Savage Voyageur
distinguished member(14465)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
07/10/2023 08:08PM  
Sometimes it’s impossible to stay on topic, this is that time…
member (37)member
07/10/2023 08:09PM  
"Can we add religion to the list?"

I'm an atheist. Yes, Please.
07/10/2023 08:31PM  
stonewoodstream: "Many, many posts. When a thread descends to political comments attempting to "own" someone the mods should step in and do their job. It has been happening more and more over the last 3 - 4 four years. Yes, it's only a handful of people. But what is this messageboard supposed to be about? I get the hairy-assed chest thumping from people that love the sound of their own thoughts. They still add good info here and there. But the political comments (of ANY ilk) have no place here. Give them a warning then boot their butts for good. Otherwise this continues to descend into just another uncivil free-for-all of verbal axe throwing.

The irony of your post is outstanding.

Trying to own someone - check
Verbal axe throwing - check

member (37)member
07/10/2023 08:37PM  
YaMarVa: "
stonewoodstream: "Many, many posts. When a thread descends to political comments attempting to "own" someone the mods should step in and do their job. It has been happening more and more over the last 3 - 4 four years. Yes, it's only a handful of people. But what is this messageboard supposed to be about? I get the hairy-assed chest thumping from people that love the sound of their own thoughts. They still add good info here and there. But the political comments (of ANY ilk) have no place here. Give them a warning then boot their butts for good. Otherwise this continues to descend into just another uncivil free-for-all of verbal axe throwing.

The irony of your post is outstanding.

Trying to own someone - check
Verbal axe throwing - check


Who did I attempt to "own"? Remember the Duluth Pack thread from a few years back, when a politically connected family member visited Duluth? It goes both ways.

My hatchet and Agawa saw are both sharp, but nothing I posted could be seen as an attempt to wound by any but the most thinned skinned. Just stating facts.
distinguished member(548)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/10/2023 09:07PM  
Who did I attempt to "own"? Remember the Duluth Pack thread from a few years back, when a politically connected family member visited Duluth? It goes both ways.

My hatchet and Agawa saw are both sharp, but nothing I posted could be seen as an attempt to wound by any but the most thinned skinned. Just stating facts.

Are you ok?
member (37)member
07/10/2023 09:28PM  
PaddlinMadeline: "Who did I attempt to "own"? Remember the Duluth Pack thread from a few years back, when a politically connected family member visited Duluth? It goes both ways.

My hatchet and Agawa saw are both sharp, but nothing I posted could be seen as an attempt to wound by any but the most thinned skinned. Just stating facts.

Are you ok? "

Absolutely! :)
distinguished member(1087)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/10/2023 09:51PM  
Frenchy19: "
egknuti: "I don't understand why you need to register a canoe with the DMV. My canoe is registered with the DNR. I've never dealt with the DMV considering a canoe is not a motorized vehicle. What am I missing, and do I owe the state of Minnesota thousands of dollars in unpaid fees?"

The DMV is where boats get licensed in MN."

I know it's a picky point and is really just semantics but MN does not have a "DMV".

MN does have DVS.

That has come in handy when trying to weed out non-official websites when I'm looking for related information. If they represent themselves as the MN DMV you know it's not legit because Minnesota's official information is not presented that way.
distinguished member (219)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/11/2023 05:58AM  
PaddlinMadeline: "
Northland: "
AlexanderSupertramp: "
All cities in Minnesota receive Local Government Aid (LGA) from the state. The LGA is proposed to increase as part of that surplus. If you want to do some reading, here is the complete Governor's proposed budget: Specifically, LGA is addressed under Tax Aids, Credits and Refunds hyperlink at that site.

For more information about LGA, here is the Department of Revenue: and here is the City of Minneapolis, that as the largest city recieves the biggest distribution, website:

Also, Duluth is certified to receive $30,807,820 of LGA in 2023. "

How gracious of Mr. Walz to give back have one half of Billion dollars, of the 18 they supposedly will have. What a scam.

Also, this is just a proposal still, and even if Duluth did receive $30M, good luck figuring out where/how they spend it. The paper trail is made complicated by design."

I can pretty much guarantee where they they WON’T spend it: on the streets. Two years ago I test drove a 4-wheel drive vehicle and the salesman who accompanied me suggested I drive up a certain Duluth street because it was in such horrid shape that it was a good simulation of offroad conditions. It was the street I live on, and it hasn’t been repaired since.

Meanwhile, the baseball field down the block is getting new fencing and the city has put in some pretty (and useless, other than looks) brick walls on at least one of the pull offs on the North Shore. Simultaneously, Ms. Larson decided to raise our property taxes by 23%.

I realize that different pots of money are used for different things, but Duluth seems to have become almost as tax-happy as Hermantown."

This winter was pretty tough on the streets here in Duluth. Hope they get it figured out soon. Did you buy the truck?"

Nope. I passed on it and bought the same model from a dealer in St. Louis because the latter was rust-free.
distinguished member (135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/11/2023 06:17AM  
Savage Voyageur: "
Sparkeh: "What is the reason for the canoe registration law? We do not have to register canoes and kayaks here. "

I have no idea where you live, but here in Minnesota any vessel longer than 10 feet you will need to register it. My 13’ Old Town paddle kayak needed to be registered in Minnesota per law. "

You did not answer the question. What is the reason/ purpose of the law?
We do not make laws without purpose or reason so I am curious.
07/11/2023 07:20AM  
Sparkeh: "
Savage Voyageur: "
Sparkeh: "What is the reason for the canoe registration law? We do not have to register canoes and kayaks here. "

I have no idea where you live, but here in Minnesota any vessel longer than 10 feet you will need to register it. My 13’ Old Town paddle kayak needed to be registered in Minnesota per law. "

You did not answer the question. What is the reason/ purpose of the law?
We do not make laws without purpose or reason so I am curious. "

All waterway clean up, marinas, boat launches is paid for by funds from boat registration, not general tax funds. Sort of a user tax…those that use those areas the most pay for it. I don’t know what it costs to register a boat but a canoe isn’t a lot and is good for 3 years. I want to say $20? A bigger boat I assume is more?

The other reason is to counter theft. All water craft bigger than 10 feet need to be registered. If someone steals your canoe and try to register it it is easily traced. Or if they just simply don’t register it…it is easily seen since they are violating the law and the DNR will stop them check the serial number. Of course they can just sell it in a state that is unregistered…but to use ANY canoe in MN I believe it needs to be registered some where, wether your state requires it or not, just for that reason. So essentially if a canoe is stolen it is worthless in MN or any other state that requires registration. At least originally that was the case. When I sold my canoe in 2020, the new owner had to provide proof of purchase to get registered due to it being previously registered to me.

The other reason is if a canoe is found abandoned on a lake they can track who it was for possible activating search and rescue vs. finding the owner to return it.

Is it worth all of that? I don’t know or really care to argue…I have more important things going on in life to argue for or against canoe registration but those are the reasons I was told when I bought my first canoe in 2002.

distinguished member (435)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/11/2023 08:21AM  
billconner: "
AlexanderSupertramp: "
straighthairedcurly: "
wrestlencanoe: "Also the system wouldn't let her put in blacklite composite for material and she kept asking me if it was plastic. I had to assure her that I didn't want plastic on the registration so the material is left blank. It was quite the process. "

Minnesota's form has an "other" category for material. "

Yes, this is what mine was listed at. I told her it was "Kevlar and carbon" and she just stared at me completely clueless.

I have to go in there next week to (finally) transfer ownership on a 2016 Souris River that I bought from Seagull Outfitters last year. The tabs are up. I am sure they are going to try and charge me sales tax on that since I bought it from a business, even though it's a 7 year old canoe."

When I bought used canoes from MN outfitters, they collected sales tax, as I believe is required. I think only individuals and their sales not regularly in the business are exempt."

Technically yes, and this is where I'm going to get screwed, because the Bill of Sale that Seagull gave me shows just the flat $1650 that I paid them, which was supposed to include all tax. However, they used one of their handwritten receipt forms and where it says "Tax", they put a "0", and just wrote $1650 on the "Total" line... So what I see happening (because people are stupid), is that when I go to register this boat, they are going to say "well you didn't pay any tax on this, so that will be $160", or whatever it comes out to, plus the registration. To which I will argue of course, and say that that the $1650 included any taxes that would be collected at time of purchase for their locality, per the law on taxable items. And I should only be liable for that extra 1-2% that Duluth cash-grabs when you happen to live in their city limits.

We'll see how it plays out.
distinguished member (434)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/11/2023 08:47AM  
Vessels Exempted from Registration

Non-motorized canoes, kayaks, punts, rowboats, or rubber rafts (regardless of length), or other vessels under 14 feet in length when paddled, poled, oared or windblown. Adding an outboard or trolling motor to one of these vessel types requires titling and registration.

A non-motorized vessel may have previously been titled as a motorboat. You can query ownership to check whether a title has been issued.
For i=1 to infinity
// Bureaucrats need money-->>more taxes.
taxes = taxes + increase
// More taxes-->>hire more bureaucrats
bureaucrats = bureaucrats + morebureaucrats
next i

Savage Voyageur
distinguished member(14465)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
07/11/2023 09:31AM  
Sparkeh: "
Savage Voyageur: "
Sparkeh: "What is the reason for the canoe registration law? We do not have to register canoes and kayaks here. "

I have no idea where you live, but here in Minnesota any vessel longer than 10 feet you will need to register it. My 13’ Old Town paddle kayak needed to be registered in Minnesota per law. "

You did not answer the question. What is the reason/ purpose of the law?
We do not make laws without purpose or reason so I am curious. "

Oops, sorry, read too fast. The reason to register a vessel longer than 10’ is because it is easily traceable back to you if lost or stolen, or like Tinatkn said used to fund landings. I would bet it also funds the boat inspections and vessel decontamination services.
07/11/2023 10:32AM  
timatkn: "
Sparkeh: "
Savage Voyageur: "
Sparkeh: "What is the reason for the canoe registration law? We do not have to register canoes and kayaks here. "

I have no idea where you live, but here in Minnesota any vessel longer than 10 feet you will need to register it. My 13’ Old Town paddle kayak needed to be registered in Minnesota per law. "

You did not answer the question. What is the reason/ purpose of the law?
We do not make laws without purpose or reason so I am curious. "

All waterway clean up, marinas, boat launches is paid for by funds from boat registration, not general tax funds. Sort of a user tax…those that use those areas the most pay for it. I don’t know what it costs to register a boat but a canoe isn’t a lot and is good for 3 years. I want to say $20? A bigger boat I assume is more?

The other reason is to counter theft. All water craft bigger than 10 feet need to be registered. If someone steals your canoe and try to register it it is easily traced. Or if they just simply don’t register it…it is easily seen since they are violating the law and the DNR will stop them check the serial number. Of course they can just sell it in a state that is unregistered…but to use ANY canoe in MN I believe it needs to be registered some where, wether your state requires it or not, just for that reason. So essentially if a canoe is stolen it is worthless in MN or any other state that requires registration. At least originally that was the case. When I sold my canoe in 2020, the new owner had to provide proof of purchase to get registered due to it being previously registered to me.

The other reason is if a canoe is found abandoned on a lake they can track who it was for possible activating search and rescue vs. finding the owner to return it.

Is it worth all of that? I don’t know or really care to argue…I have more important things going on in life to argue for or against canoe registration but those are the reasons I was told when I bought my first canoe in 2002.


I hear what you're saying, Tim. But if you look at it in terms of overreach as opposed to a miniscule $20 levy, it is part of a broader battle - one I wish more people would pay attention.

The nuisance factor associated with this tax is somewhat jaw-dropping. You require someone who buys a modestly priced, recreational item with no mechanical power to drive a across town to a government agency to pay $20. Nothing says dead-weight loss quite like that.

Preserving the waterway? These are plodding vehicles that don't pollute and create no discernable wake and attendant harm to shorelines and habitats.

Theft remediation? Does this work for cars? Or any registered product? Has the efficacy of this claim ever truly been studied or is it just peddled or assumed?

And why don't these measures apply to bicycles? Are they not akin to cars as canoes are to motorboats?

I don't know where the legislation for this all got started - perhaps not even in MN. But I wouldn't be surprised if it was originally a well-intentioned law pertaining to motorized watercraft. Then some bureaucrats somewhere decided to push this into the benign realm of canoes/kayaks just because it feeds the machine. Then it's noticed among authorities or bureaucrats elsewhere and is similarly adopted.

To sit back and say "I don't care" or "It's too small to worry about" is not my way of thinking. We ask the government to create policies and we should similarly ask them to repeal bad policies. It requires a group effort. This bulletin board is an example of a grassroots organization that could potentially be harnessed in affecting change if there was enough buy-in and someone to lead and organize the cause. As I live in Ontario I'm afraid I don't have a dog in this hunt (trust me, we have our own demons here - I'm still irked by having to carry a waterproof flashlight in my canoe in broad daylight! Big fine if I don't.)
07/11/2023 12:27PM  
While we're kinda on the topic, lets get rid of fishing licenses too.
distinguished member (199)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/11/2023 02:16PM  
i'm calling BS. if i bought a truck and paid 20k,paid the % tax , in ohio. if i moved to duluth, they would try to get me to pay the sales tax on it again, when i went to register it. that is the way i read it, not the best example. so i paid $999 for my canoe here and paid the tax here. if i moved there. they would want an additional % sales tax for duluth.
distinguished member(8737)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/11/2023 06:05PM  
blackdawg9: "i'm calling BS. if i bought a truck and paid 20k,paid the % tax , in ohio. if i moved to duluth, they would try to get me to pay the sales tax on it again, when i went to register it. that is the way i read it, not the best example. so i paid $999 for my canoe here and paid the tax here. if i moved there. they would want an additional % sales tax for duluth. "

My experience is only paying difference in tax. Bought in Ely and paid 6% or whatever. Registered in Illinois where tAx was 9% or whatever, just pay 3%. Works same with cars I believe. And not moved there, from there when you purchased
07/11/2023 07:23PM  
I don't mind paying tax or a few bucks a year for registration, but the amount of time it takes at the local license office is flat-out discouraging.

20 minutes there, a full hour (minimum) standing in line, 20 minutes for the transaction, and commute home.

I'd pay more if it could be online (yes, renewals are. But I have some new horses in the stable & that has to be done in-person.)
distinguished member (435)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/12/2023 07:29AM  
blackdawg9: "i'm calling BS. if i bought a truck and paid 20k,paid the % tax , in ohio. if i moved to duluth, they would try to get me to pay the sales tax on it again, when i went to register it. that is the way i read it, not the best example. so i paid $999 for my canoe here and paid the tax here. if i moved there. they would want an additional % sales tax for duluth. "

No, this tax law is only applied if the ownership is new to you at time of registration and you purchased the canoe outside of city limits while having an address within city limits. If you already own the canoe or vehicle and you are simply moving here, you dont pay any sales tax when you register it in Duluth, you pay the registration. In the case of a car, you also pay for titling fees and the license plates.

This has been the law for cars for many many years, which is why you never pay any tax at a car dealer, you pay it at the DMV when you register it. It's new for canoes, and the general consensus here is that it's a effectively a cash grab for Duluth to use on pretty much anything except what they want you to think they are using it on.
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