BWCA Old tents and tarps Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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      Old tents and tarps     
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member (7)member
07/03/2024 08:28PM  
I'm curious what everyone does with their old tarps and tents? With owning a sewing business, I have been thinking about offering a recycling program. I would take your old tarps and tents and make them into stuff sacks and other small accessories bags. Is this worth pursuing?
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07/03/2024 10:19PM  
Sounds like a cool idea. It’s usually the seams that fail, might as well put the rest to good use. Give it a whirl.
07/03/2024 10:28PM  
Good idea. I’ve got one old ccs tarp and 3 or 4 old tents that I still have and wondering what I should do with them. I’d love to put them to good use.
member (7)member
07/04/2024 07:27AM  
egknuti: "Good idea. I’ve got one old ccs tarp and 3 or 4 old tents that I still have and wondering what I should do with them. I’d love to put them to good use. "

Can you email me at We can discuss and figure out shipping.
07/05/2024 07:58AM  
MnzGear: "
egknuti: "Good idea. I’ve got one old ccs tarp and 3 or 4 old tents that I still have and wondering what I should do with them. I’d love to put them to good use. "

Can you email me at We can discuss and figure out shipping."

I’ll send you an email next week.
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