BWCA Ancient Canoe first aid Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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07/04/2024 04:39PM  
My father and his brother bought a canoe together way back when... Probably in the late forties or nineteen fifties. Herter's. Fiberglass.

This thing has been patched with fiberglass and epoxy more times than you can imagine. No one cares what it looks like, it just needs to float. Dad paints it whenever he has red paint left from something and the paint may or may not be marine quality.

The canoe is now in its retirement home with my father on a lake in Missouri. It leads a very peaceful life and usually sits along shore and watches the wildlife go by. Occasionally, it goes on a mission to rescue a snagged fishing lure or a piece of trash nearby.

Recently in a storm something dented one of the gunwales. My brother is there with my father right now and they set about to fix the damage.

I think they have straightened the gunwale, but my brother says there are SEVERAL cracks leaking.

Not looking for the best option, just a QUICK one. My brother is there one more week.

Is there a tape that would work? Buy more fiberglass (they have bits, but this is systemic)? Dad is 85 and I'd like to know he's not going to sink next time he paddles out to rescue something in the lake. Clearly some damage is not recent. Might as well tackle those too.

Thanks for any ideas!
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07/05/2024 08:14AM  
since there isn't time to order some marine epoxy...your brother can probably do a good enough fix with some 5-minute epoxy that can be found at any hardware store. Fiberglass cloth should also be available at a hardware store if he needs more. A combo of the two should work. Although, I've never used the 5-minute on my boats, I have it on some trips for emergencies.
07/05/2024 09:08AM  
Are there some cases where a hairline crack can just be addressed with epoxy? Or do you always use cloth too, no matter how small?
07/05/2024 09:14AM  
Local hardware could get this in time. Anyone used it?

Pc-11 product
07/05/2024 09:23AM  
Or this is available 30 minutes away.

Tiny amount, but maybe OK.

Jb weld marine epoxy
distinguished member(2659)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/07/2024 09:03AM  
Pow-R Patch is a great patch kit
distinguished member(2659)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/07/2024 09:06AM  
BWPaddler: "Or this is available 30 minutes away.

Tiny amount, but maybe OK.

Jb weld marine epoxy "

Your link goes to a 3-minute trumpline video
07/07/2024 09:37AM  
Canoearoo: "
BWPaddler: "Or this is available 30 minutes away.

Tiny amount, but maybe OK.

Jb weld marine epoxy "

Your link goes to a 3-minute trumpline video"

Oops! Thanks.
distinguished member(560)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/07/2024 10:52AM  
Gorilla tape makes a waterproof tape. The roll I bought is 4" wide and seems perfect for your crack (maybe do both sides). I've used regular clear Gorilla tape to cover boo-boos on paddles and it lasts forever so in your situation I'd just buy the waterproof stuff.
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