BWCA Camp Chore Routine Boundary Waters Group Forum: Solo Tripping
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   Group Forum: Solo Tripping
      Camp Chore Routine     



member (30)member
02/23/2012 10:18AM  
I have my first trip planned for the end of May. It will be just myself and my dog since my friends are either too soft or too busy to go. With my trip approaching (getting anxious/excited) and not having the experience (other than the knowledge gained from reading thousands of posts), I was hoping maybe to get a gameplan from some of you.

What, roughly, is your system when you decide to make camp. What I'm trying to avoid would be something like: Setting everything up only to find out the latrine is full to the brim.

I realize it will vary widely, I'm just wanting to get an idea of where to start and I'll fine tune it as I gain experience. Formulating this gameplan will help calm my nerves the first day out.
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02/23/2012 10:49AM  
Sounds like you have a pretty good idea already. Before I set up or even unload the canoe, I walk around and check for bear sign, food trash, check the latrine, and see if there's an adequate tent pad and tarp rigging area.
distinguished member(4443)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
02/23/2012 11:14AM  
boonie hit the nail on the head,a walk around to check out the main items.after that for me it's the time of day,weather and bugs that determine the order of the chores.bad weather and bugs,the big Baker shelter go's up and the packs under cover.then the tent with the sleeping gear inside but not unpacked.if it's just bugs a walk around for fire wood and water after the shelter is up,if rain i stay in the shelter and have a cup of tea.
nice weather i may just sit and watch the lake and relax before the chores which would include airing out the sleeping bag.on damp days the sleeping bag stays in the stuff bag until bed some point i'll have spotted a tree for the bear rope and get that up before dusk.
thinking about it i don't really have a routine as such,i have been out so many times that all the camp set up is almost automatic and i can go to each item,water,shelter,bear rope, on just as it comes,like i'm pulling the canoe up so i have the water bucket along so it's not another trip.part of the fun is setting up a camp,your home in the woods.i fuss around to find just the right spot for my candle lamp or the clothes line,that sort of house keeping.

here i arrive on a fine spring day and did no set up at all,just kicked back and enjoyed being outside.

on this day i pulled into camp after a day of paddling in the rain,i set up the shelter,pulled off my damp/wet clothing and made a hot cup of tea.the hassle level is sort of higher here as you can see.

one bit of camp routine i never fail to do is the "half way sort"
on a layover half way thru the trip i dump everything out,sort out the food and hang out the clothes,used or not,and's a few hours time off and on but i find that setting off again with a fresh pack,so to speak,makes the trip a bit easier.
member (30)member
02/23/2012 12:00PM  
quote wetcanoedog: "...on damp days the sleeping bag stays in the stuff bag until bed time."

This was just the sort of thing I was looking for. It makes complete sense but I probably would not have thought it through. You likely saved me a chilly night's sleep!
02/23/2012 12:06PM  
quote boonie: "Sounds like you have a pretty good idea already. Before I set up or even unload the canoe, I walk around and check for bear sign, food trash, check the latrine, and see if there's an adequate tent pad and tarp rigging area."

+1. Then if everything is OK I set up the tarp first, then the tent, blow up the Exped, get situated with the rest of the stuff and sit back for a few minutes rest. Depending how much time I have left and if evening fishing is in order I'll get the meal started, collect firewood and go on from there...
distinguished member (268)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/23/2012 12:26PM  
My routine never varies.
1) Scout the site for any problems
2) Put canoe in safe spot. Tie to tree. Put paddles and PFD under canoe
3) Set up tent
4) Put sleeping pad, bag and dry clothes in tent
5) Collect enough firewood for dinner and breakfast
6) Go down to shore, take off wet boots, rinse muck off wet boots and wet socks. Dry feet, put desenex powder on feet (especially between toes), put on dry socks and shoes. Put wet boots in sun or at entry to tent. Hang wet socks to dry.
7) Take it easy
jb in the wild
distinguished member(2651)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/23/2012 12:58PM  
Check the thunder box and tent pads to see if the site works for me.

Set up the tarp rain or shine.
If it's raining or begins to I have a dry place to set up my tent.

Set up my tent. Then all the stuff that I need in the tent, pad, sleeping bag and dry clothes. If it is raining keep your clothes in your dry bag so they don't get damp.

Look for wood for the fire get it all cut and ready.

Stove out to cook, pots and pans. Secure the food barrel to a tree with a strap.

All the gear stowed away and the canoe secured for the evening unless I plan on fishing.

Hope it helps

02/23/2012 01:28PM  
Since others have given good advice on camp set up, I'll just throw in a tip about meals. I found on a solo trip it worked best to cook a hot breakfast and a late (entree) lunch, then do a smaller non-cooked meal for dinner. Being alone, it was easier to clean up after cooking while it was light and my energy level was higher. Cooking at night and trying trying to clean up when tired was a hassle. Much more time to enjoy the evening and relax a bit before bed.
distinguished member(2020)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/23/2012 03:44PM  
First thing I do at a new camp is tie down the canoe, especially if it's windy. Then take a quick look around the site. If I'm tired, I may pull out my chair to rest for a bit. Then unload. If the weather is/will be wet, the tarp goes up first. If I'm hungry, food is the next thing. Then the tent with the gear thrown into it. If time permits, get the firepit/wood ready. May have a cigar and/or drink at some point during all this.....and at some point, I'll clean/rinse my socks and wet boots. Usually fish a bit before dark.
02/23/2012 04:37PM  
land, tie off the canoe and check out the site. if its ok unload the canoe, pull it out of the water and tie it off. carry gear to open area. if raining, set up the tarp immediately. if not, sit down and take a little break.

set up tent, unroll the exped inside the tent, unstuff the sleeping bag and and lay it on the exped.

mix a drink...the time consuming stuff is over. :)
02/23/2012 06:40PM  
First thing I do is take off the wet boots and socks. I keep my camp shoes and clean pair of socks stuffed inside them at the top of the pack.

Tarp and sleeping hammock go up next. I will then take a break and walk the site or maybe go for a swim.

02/23/2012 08:13PM  
I usually check out a couple sites before I decide to camp. I first look at the landing,to make sure I can unload and unload the canoe safely and easily. Then I look at the tent pads, and the fire pit
The thunder box isn't important to me, until I have to use it.
Then I set up the tent, and then set up the bed roll. I never put up a tarp unless the weather mandates it. Then I relax a bit, maybe take a walk in the woods.
02/23/2012 11:00PM  
I follow pretty much the same routine as others after I have checked the site and decided to camp there, with the usual weather dependent variations. One of the first things I usually do is fill and hang the water bag of the gravity filter and let it do its thing while I do the other chores.
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