BWCA Current fishing in Sturgeon & Russell Boundary Waters Fishing Forum
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distinguished member(1197)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/06/2024 07:21PM  
Heading up again in a couple of weeks. Am curious about fishing conditions in these two lakes. Was in McAree three weeks ago and walleyes were hot; smallies were not. Curious about water levels as well. Thanks

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distinguished member (244)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/06/2024 08:09PM  
See my post in the Quetico smallmouth thread. If water levels stay high, that strategy might still apply.
distinguished member (228)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/06/2024 09:57PM  

I was on McAree June 14 thru 21. Fished Pulling and Pond as well. Worst smallmouth fishing ever. Any idea as to why?

Worst black flys as well.
distinguished member(1197)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/06/2024 10:59PM  
RunningFox: "Adam,

I was on McAree June 14 thru 21. Fished Pulling and Pond as well. Worst smallmouth fishing ever. Any idea as to why?

Worst black flys as well. "

Not sure what was up with the smallies. At first I thought it was the high water, but we were up there a couple of years ago in June 2022 when the flooding was off the charts and smallies were biting then. Maybe they were hugging the shallows? Couldn’t locate the portage to Pond, so didn’t get a chance to fish there.

We pulled up stakes on Father’s Day after base camping on the middle island in central McAree. We got out just as the black flies were heating up, but the mosquitoes were thick the week of our trip (worst in 25 years in my opinion). Were you the guys on the next island over at the 5-star campsite?

distinguished member(1197)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/06/2024 11:30PM  
MichiganMan: "See my post in the Quetico smallmouth thread. If water levels stay high, that strategy might still apply."

Gotcha. Thanks for that info.
distinguished member (228)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/07/2024 12:00AM  

When we came in on the 14th all the camp sites were taken. So we made camp on the south-side of one the two big Islands at the south end of McAree before it narrows into the Namakon river. It used to be a an unmarked 5 star camp site, but with the recent fire it has been abandoned and now would get zero stars. No shade whatsoever!

The portage into Pond is on the left of the inlet; the Mckenzie map shows it on right. We saw a moose on Pond on June 19th.

member (22)member
07/08/2024 10:42AM  
AdamXChicago: "Heading up again in a couple of weeks. Am curious about fishing conditions in these two lakes. Was in McAree three weeks ago and walleyes were hot; smallies were not. Curious about water levels as well. Thanks


Water was very high. Would be very hard getting up the outflow from Russell into Sturgeon.

We struggled with fishing these two lakes aside from hot smallie fishing In northern sturgeon.
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