BWCA Biggest Quetico Walleye Boundary Waters Fishing Forum
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      Biggest Quetico Walleye     
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distinguished member(1713)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/30/2009 01:44PM  
I haven't fished the Quetico much, only Cache Bay and Saganagons. I have caught one 27" and one 28" fish and am trying to decide if a week in the Quetico searching for trophy walleyes is a good use of 40 hrs of vacation. What is your biggest Quetico walleye?
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12/30/2009 04:16PM  
27 inch, 2009 trip. Yes it really IS worth 40hrs vacation, but 80 would be better!
12/30/2009 04:47PM  
27 inch on Insula in 2006.

Have you seen the pic in the new BWJ of the 34 inch monster from Woodland Caribou Park?
distinguished member (309)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/30/2009 07:47PM  
That is a nice fisha1
distinguished member(890)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/31/2009 12:01AM  
The ones I can remember...also in the same areas you reference.

29.5" first day of serious fishing 2008...trying to snag a lost fishing pole, sunny flat calm 12:30pm, released.

28" first day of serious fishing for smallmouth, sunny flat calm, 11:50a.m, released.

26.5 first day of serious fishing 2000, actually trying to catch a walleye early evening, eaten.

12/31/2009 12:13AM  
30" Brent Lake 2:00 PM Bright Sunny day early August.

Ya just never know when they will bite.

If I don't catch a walleye 25" or bigger on a week long trip to Quetico then I must not have been fishing :)

distinguished member(7945)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
01/02/2010 08:45AM  
Most of the walleyes are gone now because Quetico is so fished out. ;-)
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