BWCA Memorial day fishing - changes due to cold water Boundary Waters Fishing Forum
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      Memorial day fishing - changes due to cold water     
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distinguished member(1731)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/02/2008 09:34AM  
Memorial day is a bit early this year and I'll be going in on May 22 (the Thursday before Memorial Day).

Ice out is a few weeks later than usual this year.

How do these factors change the fishing?
I'd like to target the big three - walleye, pike, smallmouth. I'm not really sure where to look for them this close to ice out.

Any ideas where to look?
Any ideas what to throw? (will it be too early/cold for leeches?)
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05/02/2008 10:08AM  
I'm just guessing but I bet the fish will be in the water. Just a guess.
distinguished member(521)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/02/2008 10:23AM  
Bring an ice auger and you'll be fine!
distinguished member(1731)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/02/2008 10:28AM  
I'm a very avid ice fisherman. I will know what to do if the ice is still there (still working on the ice breaking tip for my canoe though).

I haven't fished shortly after ice-out before....
05/02/2008 11:25AM  
The ice will be LONG GONE by the 22nd...
distinguished member(1731)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/02/2008 01:22PM  

I agree that the ice will be long gone. I'm predicting May 10 for ice out.

But, my trip is closer to ice-out than I expected. I'm wondering what that will do to the fishing...
senior member (77)senior membersenior member
05/02/2008 04:36PM  
shallow and look for moving water
senior member (77)senior membersenior member
05/02/2008 04:37PM  
realll shallow
distinguished member (235)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/02/2008 04:41PM  
If shallow doesn't work, Go deep or go home, eh! That is the sage advice we recieved from MNR officer on LOTW during a cold snap in May one year. It worked too.
The Great Outdoors
distinguished member(5592)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
05/02/2008 10:43PM  
The ice is already going out on many of the small lakes in the Ely area.

Shagawa and Burntside are getting very black and are starting to pull away from the shorelines.

If the predicted weather comes through, most, if not all lakes will be open by May 9th or 10th.

If we get an unexpected cold snap, all bets are off.
distinguished member(1731)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/19/2008 10:26AM  
Now that there is no worry about ice out, does anyone have any advice??

A buddy said that fishing is really poor this early in the year. I've read other folks say that fishing is great this time of year. What's the truth???
distinguished member(521)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/19/2008 11:05AM  
Temp was 26 in Ely this morning... you still may want to bring that auger. ;)
05/19/2008 12:22PM  
Typical early season walleye fishing primarily focuses on shallow moving water. Spawning typically occurs in moving water or around shallow gravel bars near main lake areas. It is typical for the fish (esp males) to remain in and around these areas for 2-3 weeks after the spawn, so that's where I'll be focusing this weekend. That said, they can also head deeper depending on the weather. Catching the big gals is pretty tough this close after the spawn...I'd guess they'll be deeper.

All-in-all, I'd concentrate first on hard-bottomed inlets and outlets, second on deeper adjacent areas and third on shallow bays near typical spawning locations. Most species start the season shallow.
05/19/2008 02:34PM  
Three friends just got back yesterday from a week in the Ensign Lake area. Basically ate Eyes every day for lunch and dinner and stopped counting the Northern. Fishing was great in the shallows on minnows and leeches. Even with all the wind last week they caught fish every time the wet a hook.
distinguished member(1731)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/20/2009 05:24AM  
Any new info for this year??
03/20/2009 06:02AM  
A buddy said that fishing is really poor this early in the year. I've read other folks say that fishing is great this time of year. What's the truth???

The truth is that both statements are true- this time of year can be a real crapshoot. Might get shut out, might experience the best fishing of your life. Weather (cold fronts) can shut down the bite in a hurry. If the waters real cold, don't be afraid to fish very shallow water (less than 5 feet) during the middle of the day if the sun is shining.
distinguished member(2480)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/20/2009 06:32AM  
Come on, what are you guys talking about a late ice out for? It's March 20 and I have mud puddles and bare ground in my yard! I predict ice is going out in April this year, unless this warm spell has been a cruel joke.

If it's cold, then slow down your presentation--listen to TGO and leave your crank baits at home. Floating jig heads, jigs fished slow, bobbers, etc might be the ticket (with live bait of course).

The trouble a lot of time is that the walleyes have dispersed from their spawning sites so they are scattered. Might take some searching and experimenting.
distinguished member(1731)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/20/2009 07:24AM  
mars, The late ice-out comments were from last year... I agree that it doesn't look late this year but it is still too early to tell...
senior member (79)senior membersenior member
03/20/2009 09:44AM  
I'm heading in the 17th of May...Never fished BWCA, been up a couple times but never fished (ducks as to not get hit with pole :) )

LT should be good if my reading is right? Walleye will have probably scattered by then?
distinguished member(585)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/20/2009 05:37PM  
Good advice from gutmon, marsonite and southpa. I'd add this: if the water is still really cold, try fishing with dead smelt or ciscoes. Lindy rig it and let it soak.
distinguished member(2480)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/20/2009 06:16PM  
"mars, The late ice-out comments were from last year... I agree that it doesn't look late this year but it is still too early to tell..."

The joke's on me! So THAT's what those numbers mean on top of each post!
senior member (72)senior membersenior member
03/27/2009 10:45AM  
Was up last year for opener, ice out was the wednesday before that.nailed walleyes 8ft. slip bobber and leeches right from shore.
member (44)member
03/30/2009 11:30AM  
I was there last year from 5/15 - 5/27. Water temps ranged from low 40's at the beginning of the 1st. week to mid 50's by the end of the 2nd. week.

The walleye bite was real slow to begin with. I caught a few each day in riffled areas the 1st week. Then during the 2nd. week the numbers picked up some, but I never caught more 8 fish on the best day.

As expected I did real well with smallmouth - must of taken well over a 100, biggest was a 22" pig ! The pike were everywhere and bite on anything.

distinguished member(1731)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/14/2010 10:27PM  
One more bump...

This was originally posted 2 years ago. I went and caught a few but no really hot action.

Then, I went last year. We did pretty well trolling blue tail dancers. Then we found an isolated shallow bay. It was marmer than the rest of the lake and we did very well on smallies using topwater poppers.

Any advice for this year???
jb in the wild
distinguished member(2651)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/15/2010 05:34PM  
I kept lookin at the dates and thought I was having a flashback.I dont have any advice for ya but I am glad I still have my sanity.

Have a good and safe trip.
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