BWCA Fishing numbered lakes before opener Boundary Waters Fishing Forum
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      Fishing numbered lakes before opener     
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senior member (90)senior membersenior member
03/19/2016 12:42PM  
So I'm heading up to the numbered lakes with my father in law the last weekend of April. He's not much of a fisherman but I gotta do some fishing if I'm in the boundary waters. I know walleye is off the menu but is there any good panfishing on those lakes?
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03/23/2016 08:00PM  
You might find some crappies on Lake Three. Just hearsay, you understand.
03/23/2016 08:56PM  
quote RMinMN: "You might find some crappies on Lake Three. Just hearsay, you understand."

maybe some sizeable gills too...Maybe
distinguished member(7234)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/24/2016 09:39PM  
Supposedly gills in Horseshoe off of Lake Three.
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