BWCA Dog first aid kit Boundary Waters Group Forum: Doggie Paddle
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      Dog first aid kit     



distinguished member(2653)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/31/2021 01:22PM  
What do you have for your dog for a first aid kit?
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01/05/2022 10:37AM  
I don't really have a separate first aid kit for my dog, but I do have a few adds into my main first aid kit which is pretty well stocked. Thinks like sterile pads, gauze, cling wrap, betadine and a slushing syringe, SAM splint aspirin, would all work on either of us. I always have a scissors and/or a razor for trimming away hair from a wound. A few things I do have added in for the dog would be:
- A thermometer. Actually this works on either of us if needed, but a high (102.5+) in a dog is such a good way to tell if there is something wrong. This would work on people too obviously, but I bought a new one and whichever one of us needs it first gets it!
- A plastic dog boot to help protect a bandaged foot if needed. My vet made it out of an old IV bag.
- Tick remover.
- Sutures - not sure I'd use, but like to think Cowdoc will paddle by just when I need him.
- One thing I plan to add this year is a small bottle of hydrogen peroxide in case I have to get her to barf something up. The syringe would help get it in there.

I have not brought much more in the way of medication though I have seen some others do this (benedryl, anti-diarrhea stuff,etc). I would be glad if I could get some antibiotics just in case but am not sure if my vet will hand them out in advance. I have talked with her about long canoe trips with my dogs in the past, and think asking her this question about first aid items would be a great discussion.

I will add this is a good time to make a plug for pinching down or better yet grinding off the barbs on any fish hooks. One spring trip my spoon got snagged on a rock, then suddenly came loose and shot out of the water hitting my dog in the ear. I am still so grateful it did not hook him, and that we did not tip which was close. No barbs for me anymore.

I'm always eager to see what others have too.

01/05/2022 05:29PM  
Oh, I forgot to mention having forceps or a hemostat for pulling porcupine quills. Forceps are easier than needle nose pliers if you have to use them one handed and get quills out of the tongue or gums.
distinguished member(2653)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/06/2022 11:32AM  
I ask because our puppy got an injured paw a few weeks ago (broke a toe) and I was wondering what I would have done in the BWCA. The biggest thing I found was the dog turmeric are safe for dogs but they act as an anti-inflammatory and anti-pain supplement. In fact, it works better than the pain meds the vet gave. So I was thinking of adding that to the 1st ait kit.
distinguished member(2653)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/06/2022 11:38AM  
Jaywalker: "Oh, I forgot to mention having forceps or a hemostat for pulling porcupine quills. Forceps are easier than needle nose pliers if you have to use them one handed and get quills out of the tongue or gums. "

We have these for fishing, hopefully will never need them for the dog
distinguished member(2653)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/06/2022 11:39AM  
Jaywalker: "
- Sutures - not sure I'd use, but like to think Cowdoc will paddle by just when I need him. "

I wonder if it is worthwhile to have a dog skin staple gun?
01/06/2022 08:37PM  
I think the staple gun seems like a great idea, and it’s not just for dog skin! I watched a couple YouTube videos on them and they seem like a great option.

Yes, you surely don’t want to ever have to pull porcupine quills. I had to do it twice in two days with a friends dog. I also learned that you have to dispose of porcupine carcasses much further than 200 yards from the cabin or the dog will find it again. Most websites say not to try it yourself, but leaving them in for 24+ hours is much worse.

Turmeric for inflammation and pain is interesting. I’m curious what meds your vet prescribed? I just gave my sister’s german shepherd a Vetsulin which seems to help when he has done too much (he is aging). I read somewhere that different dogs react differently to sedatives or pain meds.

Again, these are all good topics I plan to ask my vet about.

distinguished member(2653)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/07/2022 10:47PM  
The meds he got for a broken toe was metacam
distinguished member(2653)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/07/2022 01:23PM  
I ended up buying a skin staple gun for the first ait kit. If I don't bring it camping I can still use it at home for our animals if needed. Chickens are always getting themselves into trouble.
02/11/2022 11:32AM  
My chihuahua made the chihuahua mistake of biting a pit bull. It didn’t go so well for my chihuahua. The vet estimated over $1000 to fix her. I did the repair with superglue. She lived another ten years and never again attacked a pit bull.
02/11/2022 11:32AM  
My chihuahua made the chihuahua mistake of biting a pit bull. It didn’t go so well for my chihuahua. The vet estimated over $1000 to fix her. I did the repair with superglue. She lived another ten years and never again attacked a pit bull.
distinguished member(2653)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/09/2022 12:17PM  
jwartman59: "My chihuahua made the chihuahua mistake of biting a pit bull. It didn’t go so well for my chihuahua. The vet estimated over $1000 to fix her. I did the repair with superglue. She lived another ten years and never again attacked a pit bull."

Great job! I have fixed lots of chickens with super glue. One time one of our hens had managed to cut most of her foot in half. I washed the wound really well sprayed it in colloidal silver and then superglued it back together. Then I tapped it all up. Chickens heal so well that the foot attachment actually worked! That hen had that foot the rest of her life. It helped that there was 20% of the foot left attached, but it was amazing.
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