BWCA Allen or Gaskin? Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      Allen or Gaskin?     
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distinguished member (106)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/07/2018 02:22PM  
Heading up for a week of base camping in September. I know there is only one site on Allen but wondering if it is worth while trying to get it or just staying on Gaskin?

Would like to get into some smallmouth and walleye fishing. Is the fishing any good on Allen?

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distinguished member(4162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/07/2018 03:32PM  

There are a lot of sites on Gaskin that look more appealing from the water than the one on Allen. Many on Gaskin look roomier too. I guess I would prefer a roomier base camp than having a lake to myself. We didn’t fish, but the portages into Allen aren’t difficult for a day trip of fishing.

08/07/2018 03:32PM  
The site on Allen is ok. I wouldnt stay there a week in bug season but Sept might be ok. Not sure on the fishing in Allen but Gaskin would supply your fishing needs. If I was to base on Gaskin for a week, I would pick the west end site on the point (faces west....I forget the #) Good walleyes between/around the islands when the wind blows and creates currents and good smallies in the bays around structure. There has always been a small but productive weed bed just north of the site as you round the point and head back east. More people on Gaskin maybe but that site is secluded. Only one site on Allen but everybody passing through goes by it.
I see you're from Franklin......not far from my old home town and my mom taught in the Muskego school district.
08/07/2018 03:48PM  
We just got back from a loop that included staying on Allen for a night. I'd agree it's a decent site for a night or two, but not really suited for a long basecamp.
08/07/2018 07:57PM  
I ate lunch at the Allen site right by the Jump portage. I must have caught it on a bad day, I thought it was pretty weak. BUT if you're gonna be in that area do make the trip through Jump Lake. There's not much to it and the 2 portages are quite tricky, but it's a cool little lake that usually has a bunch of unusual waterfowl on it.
08/07/2018 09:38PM  
I was just through there a couple weeks ago.
Did the Jump portage to Allen...
Like others have said, I would say stay on Gaskin.
08/07/2018 09:38PM  
I was just through there a couple weeks ago.
Did the Jump portage to Allen...
Like others have said, I would say stay on Gaskin.
distinguished member (106)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/08/2018 07:50AM  
Thanks guys, I was kind of leaning that way as it was. Hope I can get a good site on Gaskin. Only spending half the trip there, then heading over to another favorite lake for the last 3 days. Can't wait!
distinguished member (106)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/08/2018 07:51AM  
cowdoc: "I see you're from Franklin......not far from my old home town and my mom taught in the Muskego school district."

Cool, I am literally a 3 minute walk from Muskego. I do lot of kayak fishing on Big Muskego.
distinguished member(5162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/08/2018 03:04PM  
Allen is one of those lakes I just never cared for. Maybe a few hungry hammer-handle northerns for the kiddies, but no other redeeming factors IMHO?

Gaskin is a nice lake. Lots of fishing prospects, and a portage away from one of the most beautiful lakes in the BWCAW that I've paddled, Winchell.
distinguished member (332)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/08/2018 03:28PM  
There are decent pike, at least eater size 'eyes, and smallies in Allen. Site is fairly nice for two tents close to fire grate, a flat area back a ways that could be soggy, and one tent pad back around the side. Nice rock for fishing out front.

I really enjoyed knowing we were the only group on the lake. Gaskin is beautiful, we spent one night there and two nights on Allen.
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