BWCA Combo of cabin and BWCA paddling Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      Combo of cabin and BWCA paddling     
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Old Hoosier
distinguished member(640)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/10/2023 11:49AM  
Planning a trip to BWCA area this June 2023. Taking daughter and family (husband and 3 kids) on first time canoeing adventure. Wanting to find a cabin on BWCA border, but canoe daily into BWCA for fishing, hiking and adventure.

I am aware of Kiwishiwi Outfitters, and had a good experience there 15 years ago. But are there other options? Looking for 5-6 nights and we will bring our own canoes. Would also be interested in a similar option for Superior NF if that exists. Am not aware of SNF details at all.

Just starting to gather info. Any suggestions helpful and appreciated.

Old Hoosier
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distinguished member(8120)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
01/10/2023 01:23PM  
We enjoyed our stay at Hungry Jack Lodge last year for a day trip adventure base. You could also try Rockwood on Poplar Lake. Both of these are halfway up the Gunflint with some nice amenities nearby.
senior member (63)senior membersenior member
01/10/2023 01:30PM  
Rockwood Outfitters are great people and awesome to deal with.
01/10/2023 02:59PM  
We have stayed at Kawishiwi Lodge before and liked being on a non-motorized lake. They only do full week Sat.-Sat. rentals and book up early for the whole summer.

We have stayed at Rockwood many times and love it. It is our favorite. In addition to canoeing and hiking, the kids love the use of their SUPs, paddle boat, and kayaks. There are three BWCA Entry Points you can access from Poplar. They have become more and more popular which makes it tough to book.

We booked in September of 2022 for our upcoming August 2023 stay and there were already very few openings left for the whole 2023 summer. You can look at their availability calendar and see that they only have a couple of June openings left. I added a Rockwood link down at the bottom. I tried to edit my post and put it here, but it added it down at the bottom instead.

We've stayed at Bearskin Lodge which is very nice, but too expensive for our blood and it has two BWCA EPs you can access directly (East Bearskin and Crocodile).

I've used the bunkhouse at Clearwater Lodge a couple of times and their cabins look great and Clearwater Lake is amazing with the cliffs and deep clear water.

Trail Center which is also on Poplar has 2 cabins down by the lake and we've enjoyed staying in each of them one time.

Tuscarora Lodge is somewhere we'd like to try sometime. They are the only resort on Round Lake and there aren't any private cabins on it. You have direct access to Missing Link and Brandt Lake Entry Points and Cross Bay EP is a short walk/drive down the road.

01/10/2023 03:12PM  
Clearwater Lodge is another option. Nice place on one of the most beautiful lakes in the BWCA. Good options to go further from there. If you want one ambitious day Johnson Falls is within reach and is one of the cooler spots in the BW. Lots of good options up there.
member (37)member
01/10/2023 03:33PM  
Up the Echo Trail, Big Lake Wilderness Lodge would be an option.
01/10/2023 04:31PM  
Poplar House was great for my gang a couple years ago and had fine live music in the lodge. Last summer we had a fantastic time at East Bearskin although my wife was a bit tuckered after we day-tripped to Johnson Falls and fought head winds all the way back to the resort. There are many excellent options but you better hurry for good selection and be flexible to rent for a week.
distinguished member(4167)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
01/10/2023 06:07PM  
Tuscarora is a great option.

I'd put Clearwater on the list, too, but a step below.

If you want something on the Ely side, LaTourells or Williams and Hall have access to a few entry points and are right on the water.
distinguished member (267)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/11/2023 12:34AM  
BigFlounder: "Rockwood Outfitters are great people and awesome to deal with."

+1 on Rockwood. I love them.
distinguished member(8733)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
01/11/2023 06:11AM  
I've always thought if doing this I'd stay at Canoe Country Outfitters Moose Lake base. Nice cabins, little store, sauna. What I like most about it is that a day trip to Louis's Falls is easily possible (and a run into Ely for dinner is possible.)
Old Hoosier
distinguished member(640)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/12/2023 05:03PM  
Many thanks to all the replies. This is exactly what I needed. Several good choices based on real experience from fellow paddlers.

Now I need to get busy on next step research.

Old Hoosier
distinguished member(2070)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/12/2023 06:33PM  
Another vote for Rockwood.
distinguished member(7945)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
01/12/2023 10:37PM  
Nice to see you posting again, Don! It's been a while. No more trips into our favorite lake in Q? I'm not sure how many more times I'll be heading in there. Still going to Q, though. Just looking for trips with fewer portages... at least fewer long portages. :)

Good luck with your planning and have fun!
01/13/2023 12:46PM  
I had mentioned Golden Eagle Lodge on the Gunflint, but apparently since they do not sponsor this site, my post was removed. Was unaware that the only places we could mention have to be site sponsors. That is too bad as Golden Eagle is a wonderful place one portage away from the BW.
01/14/2023 09:58AM  
Just booked cabin 5 at Rockwood for Sept 12-16 for me and the gf from the recommendations here. Took a bit of salesmanship but I finally broke thru and she is going. Oh man am I excited, thanks guys for the advice. Totally psyched!
Old Hoosier
distinguished member(640)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/15/2023 03:13PM  
Thanks, Jackfish!

You have a good memory. Have not been to Q in about 5 years. Did a Canadian fly-in with a 2 cousin in 2019 and missed a few due to covid. Doubt I will see Q again unless covid vax regs up north ease up.

Am working on getting my grandkids all exposed to wilderness canoeing/fishing. The youngest are just now old enough to start easy trips. Have to break them in easy.

Also wanting to plan a trip this year with Ted. He is "almost retired" now and wanting to get a trip set for this fall.

Sure do miss the Q. I am 73 now and fully retired in July 2022. Not too many tough Badwater type trips are left in me either. The passion is there but the knees and hips are starting to slow me down a bit. Maybe 3-5 more years on the "original equipment" and it will be time to get some "aftermarket parts" for renewed adventures.

Am really glad to see you still on the forum.

Old Hoosier
distinguished member (143)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/20/2023 05:30PM  
it looks like you have a lot of choices, all good. However, let me add one to your list: Vosburgh's Custom Cabins on Moose. Great people and the most stunning views of any cabins near the BWCA. Give Willy and Betsy a call. You won't regret it.
distinguished member (375)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/20/2023 08:43PM  
I had a negative experience with Rockwood last year and mentioned it, as it pertained to this thread. It no longer appears. Are we not allowed to post our negative experiences with outfitters? I use this website to gather information from those that have been there before me, and I appreciate knowing the bad and good to make informed decisions.
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Rockwood Outfitters