BWCA Motorized Prairie Portage fees Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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member (9)member
05/12/2023 08:27AM  
It has been three years since I've used the motorized Prairie Portage into Basswood. Anyone have any idea what the fees will be for 2023? Thanks!
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05/12/2023 11:09AM  
Reach out to LaTourell's (218) 365-4531 they should be able to tell you. They run the portage, if I'm not mistaken.
member (9)member
05/12/2023 12:42PM  
Thank you! I knew that they have had the contract for many years, but wasn't for sure if that was still the case.
member (23)member
05/12/2023 04:32PM  
last year I think it was about $35 round trip.
member (23)member
05/14/2023 10:15AM  
Went yesterday to Basswood yesterday. $38 round trip.
distinguished member(2663)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/14/2023 02:27PM  
And how was the fishin?
member (23)member
05/14/2023 04:27PM  
yogi59weedr: "And how was the fishin?"
We did well..lake trout and walleye.
distinguished member(2663)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/18/2023 11:15AM  
Atta boy.
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