BWCA Campsite crowding experience Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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member (6)member
10/06/2023 02:04PM  
Hey all, decade long lurker here - actually thought I had a username at one point but couldn't track it down anymore. Anyway!

It's been a few years since my last trip into the BWCA, looking to hopefully convince my wife to join me for a short trip at the tail end of next summer. Thinking mid-late August as a way to introduce her to the BWCA and prep for possibly bringing up our kiddos the following year (they would be 7 and 4 then).

As I'm not the most experienced and it would be her first time, looking to make a pretty short basecamp trip in - renting most gear from an outfitter, planning on double portaging. Primarily thinking Disappointment or Ensign just based on my previous trips being in this area (Ensign, Moose and Basswood). We would have a fairly easy trip in, no gnarly portages, good lakes to do some fishing and both day trip distance to Cattyman Falls. My backup is Lake One, pushing into 2/3 if needed for campsite.

My biggest concern is the crowding/campsite availability post Covid. Can anyone give me a feel for Disappointment or Ensign (or numbered lakes as well) for campsite availability the last couple years? I'd hate to get her into a bad situation on day one of trip one where we end up with an 8 hour travel day to find a spot if I can avoid it! I know those are both busy lakes for exactly the reasons I'm finding them appealing. I'm looking at probably just 2 nights, going in on a Thursday or Friday if we can get a permit.

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10/06/2023 02:29PM  
Check out this thread:

member (6)member
10/06/2023 02:43PM  
joeandali: "Check out this thread:

Thanks! Looks like things have calmed down a bit, that's good news.
distinguished member(1086)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/06/2023 05:14PM  
I'd say good choices for entry points, based on what you describe as your hopes/plans. One thing to consider about Snowbank is that if your experience is limited you may be challenged to navigate those waves if the wind is significant. Of course there are waves on any lake in a good breeze but with Snowbank's openness and size, it can get particularly rocking in a stiff wind.
10/06/2023 08:08PM  
A quick review of the link supports my belief it can be spotty and hard to predict. The permit system is designed to avoid overcrowding so generally you will be okay but at any place or time all sites will be taken. A list of things to consider has developed, one is understanding how busy the area is at the parking lot and traffic, especially at portages. Stop earlier when busy and don't be too picky.
10/06/2023 08:45PM  
Ultimately it depends…the time of year you are selecting helps. Mid to late August it lightens a little. Last week of July/1st week of August are typically the busiest. Holiday weekends too.

senior member (95)senior membersenior member
10/06/2023 09:11PM  
I would second the word of caution about entry on snowbank without a lot of experience. Absolutely get an early start if possible to avoid wind as much as you can. Cutting straight to the Parent or Disappointment portage would certainly help, although that is still a fair bit of big open water to cover in a chop. There can definitely be wind in the early morning, but I have always had really calm water when I've been on it, and we always get an early start.

We went in Snowbank on Labor Day this year, which was my 4th trip at this EP, and first since COVID, and can say it was definitely busier campsite wise than any trip prior. There appeared to be one site open on Disappointment as we crossed early morning on our entry day, and one of two occupied on Ahsub. We came back out Snowbank later in the week and wanted to be close to the EP prior to coming out so we took a chance on Disappointment and lucked out to find our preferred site opening up as we arrived on the northern island site. Didn't go south of the island but got the sense from incoming parties that it was full, as there were a couple groups stopping to come up with plan B after seeing the last two sites occupied. Sounded like Ahsub had filled up too.

One couple set up an illegal camp on the far north end of the lake past any designated campsites, and I believe we saw one other group further to the south doing the same coming out early the next morning.

Despite the campsites being pretty full the traffic wasn't bad at all, and we saw a couple parties at portages, but it was not often, and we never had to wait at all.

Again, this was right around Labor Day, which will impact numbers somewhat.
distinguished member(1382)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/09/2023 09:12AM  
Add me to the chorus of encouraging caution on Snowbank. Not only is it big water, but big wind can pick up and then problems can begin. Navigation is the other: I've been lost exactly once in the BWCA. It was on Snowbank. Luckily there were enough fishing boats to help us out. That said, I don't use GPS, and rely on map and compass only. The islands really confused me.

10/09/2023 07:24PM  
A tow to Splash would make getting to Ensign early enough to find a decent campsite pretty easy. Ashigan is decent for a slightly less busy lake, but it is a pretty good distance to Jordan and Ima if you decide to go further and doesn't seem to have walleye if you are interested in fishing. Vera is supposed to be a pretty steep portage,but also reachable. The Splash campsite would be pretty great too, but since it is the only one there, it is taken a lot of the time.

10/10/2023 08:15AM  
My suggestion would be find an EP with limited permits. Skip the EP's with double digits. The entry lakes and second lakes can get very crowded. Case in point - we just went in on sawbill the last weekend in Sept. Sawbill was full - every campsite we saw taken. We pushed up to Cherokee - we were the only ones on the lake.

A friend of mine went in on a less popular EP that same weekend and saw no one on any of the lakes. It wasn't some weird rarely used EP either, just not as busy as the half dozen or so super popular EP's.
distinguished member(640)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/10/2023 08:52AM  
If you are concerned about crowds I would look at different EPs, the three you listed are some of the busier areas in the park.
10/10/2023 09:44AM  
I would second the last 2 recommendations.
member (6)member
10/10/2023 10:10AM  
BigCurrent: "If you are concerned about crowds I would look at different EPs, the three you listed are some of the busier areas in the park. "

Creature of habit and sticking close to what I know. I'll do some searching in the forum for some other ideas. Any particular EPs or lakes you'd recommend for this type of trip? Prefer Ely, but open to others.
member (6)member
10/10/2023 10:11AM  
MikeinMpls: "Add me to the chorus of encouraging caution on Snowbank. Not only is it big water, but big wind can pick up and then problems can begin. Navigation is the other: I've been lost exactly once in the BWCA. It was on Snowbank. Luckily there were enough fishing boats to help us out. That said, I don't use GPS, and rely on map and compass only. The islands really confused me.


Appreciate the info. I've seen some of the horror stories from Snowbank. If we went this route my plan was to head for the portage to Parent and be able to skirt the big island there either North or South, depending on which provided a better wind break. Sounds like that's not a given though.
10/10/2023 10:37AM  
Its your wife and young kid's first trip and your biggest concern is campsite crowding? In 20+ trips over the last 17 years I've never had a problem finding a site.
member (6)member
10/10/2023 11:40AM  
YaMarVa: "Its your wife and young kid's first trip and your biggest concern is campsite crowding? In 20+ trips over the last 17 years I've never had a problem finding a site. "

Just wife on this one, kids on the next. I hadn't previously had issues finding a site, but all the reports of increased people with activity has me an little spooked! Just worried I tell her it's a 2 hour paddle and 12 hours later we finally find a site. Sounds like I don't need to worry too much though.
distinguished member(1488)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/10/2023 03:08PM  
YaMarVa: "Its your wife and young kid's first trip and your biggest concern is campsite crowding? In 20+ trips over the last 17 years I've never had a problem finding a site. "

How very nice for you. I can tell you this has not been everyone's experience. Care to let us in an your secret spot?

I have been traveling the BW for 20+ years. I have seen all kinds of scenarios for campsite availability. Just this last year we were driven on past our intended destination lake because of a lack of campsites on that lake. This forced us to continue to travel even with a severe weather forecast. This has happened to us 2-3 times over the years. (All in August tripping. As noted above, the time of year does make a difference.)

I have seen the exact scenario the OP just described happen well before COVID. A party put in on Sawbill and ended up on Hub Lake before they found an open site. (Look up the distance on that segment. In addition, I think they paddled most of Alton and all of Kelso before crossing the Lujenida/Zenith monster portage.) We saw them paddle by late afternoon on Mesaba Lake (Mesaba Lake was also full!). I routinely plan on traveling at least a half day (or longer - e.g. from Mesaba to Sawbill) on my last day in the BW in order to avoid having to end my trip early by getting too close to an entry on my last night.

There are others on this website that have described having to return to the entry point on the day of their entry due a lack of campsites and dark approaching.

Are these the norm? No. Does that mean it won't happen? Again, no.

Depending on the time of year, wind conditions, and number of permits pulled in the days before the OP's entry, there are scenarios that may create an overcrowding almost anywhere.
member (7)member
10/14/2023 03:11PM  
The number lakes is a great place to take first timers. I took my girlfriend to the number lakes for her first trip and she enjoyed it. If you stay on Lakes1-4, the portaging is easy. The one into Insula is a little more difficult. There is also an outfitter right on the end of Lake One that makes renting equipment or canoes quite easy. They also have cabins if you want to go that route. Portages on the number lakes can be crowded but I have had good luck finding nice camp sites and solitude.
distinguished member(1512)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/14/2023 05:47PM  
Went to Red Rock Lake second week of September this year. Our groups had some difficulty finding a camp site, but ended up finding them.

In the past when we went second week into Alpine there are no campsites at all available

This is why we now go 3rd or 4th week of September
10/14/2023 06:48PM  
The only semi-red flag was the OP mentioning "short trip-base camp". Normally shorter trips = closer to an EP. Most of the lakes you have mentioned are usually where you will find most of the traffic and usually the spots that fill up quickly with either short trip or less experienced trippers who don't want to paddle in, and it seems (only my opinion, not fact). That most of the basecampers near the EPs tend to stay for longer periods of time The EPs mentioned above are all great. Just don't be afraid to paddle a little deeper--maybe into Ima (also a wind magnet) for example to set up your camp. Much better odds at finding something the farther from the EP you get....just my experience. Of course, the people basing near the EPs also did find them empty--so I may just be way wrong :)
Savage Voyageur
distinguished member(14465)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
10/14/2023 11:37PM  
We were on Ensign 2 years ago in early September. We literally got the last campsite on the lake.
distinguished member (482)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/15/2023 12:06PM  
In my experience the numbered lakes are a better bet for campsite availability than the Snowbank EP. I've been to and through Parent and Disappointment a few times and it's always seemed like the traffic is more than the number of campsites can handle. I'm sure part of the issue is that going "farther in" from Disappointment involves several portages with few sites until you get to Jordan and Ima. I was surprised they didn't lower the Snowbank EP quota a couple years ago when they did that for other EPs.
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