BWCA Gabbro, Bald Eagle, Turtle, Clearwater Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      Gabbro, Bald Eagle, Turtle, Clearwater     
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member (30)member
09/07/2016 09:32AM  
Hello all!
I have done the trip into turtle with my dad twice before, but not since 2003. I have a couple of questions I am hoping someone could answer for me. Does the campsite on the island on turtle lake still exist after the fire of 2006? Is the fishing worthwhile to make it up to clearwater lake, and are there decent campsites? Also, my dad is getting a little older, is the portage to clearwater pretty decent in June. I knew it was boggy on the Turtle lake side in August of 2003 but that is the extent of my knowledge. Thanks for the help!!!

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distinguished member(603)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/07/2016 12:20PM  
The one time I fished Clearwater I did not catch anything. My impression was that with its very clear water that it was probably a rather sterile lake and didnt contain a decent population of anything.
09/07/2016 02:09PM  
An old timer told me there are big northerns in Clearwater. Cool lake. I didn't catch anything either.
distinguished member(8734)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/07/2016 06:20PM  
Only stopped for lunch but liked the north east site on Clearwater. The one by portage to Lake Two. I didnt find portages difficult in September/October - twice around the loop in past three years - in sixties. (Is that a "little older"?) Thinking about part of it for next spring again.
member (34)member
12/22/2016 03:50PM  
We did the Gabbro-Bald Eagle-Turtle-Clearwater-Pietro-Gull loop in early June 2012. The shore around Turtle Lake was in rough shape from the fire at that time and the island was completely burned with no discernible camp site. You will probably have to check with the Forest Service to see if they re-established anything there as there were few standing dead or alive trees in 2012. Either way, you won't have any shade on the island. The portage between Turtle-Clearwater was very boggy and wet at the ends when we did it, so perhaps if you go in the fall it would be better.

I cannot comment about fishing, but there are some nice campsites on Clearwater Lake. The western-most site has a nice sandy beach, but is back in the forest without a view from the lake and was buggy. The second site from the western side of the lake is where we stayed and really enjoyed. There are some photos from the site in my photo album. The third site from the western side looked nice. The eastern-most site was burned in the Pagami fire in 2011, so don't know if they reopened that one yet.

Have a good trip!
member (30)member
12/23/2016 12:59PM  
I am having a hard time sending a reply on here. I really appreciate all of the feedback. My dad is in his late 60s and we are still debating doing the whole loop or stopping at Clearwater and day tripping to Pietro. We are after some bass action (C & R). The campsite updates are helpful too. Too bad the island campsite on Turtle is gone, that was a great one. Only a few months away!!!
12/23/2016 06:10PM  
The island campsite on Turtle was burned during the last fire. The only decent site is the one closest to the portage into Gabbro. Not great but has a decent tent pad. The portage into Clearwater is relatively flat and shouldn't be a problem. The portage from Gabbro to Turtle is a lot more difficult. Bigger northerns inTurtle than Clearwater. I don't know if I qualify as an old timer but I know. If good fishing is what your after and a decent campsite, I'd consider staying on Gull. Fish Gull and consider portaging into Pietro, Clearwater and Turtle.
distinguished member (439)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/24/2016 09:58AM  
A few notes about the area;
1. Fishing - Bald Eagle and Gabbro both can be good but usually crowded. Gull and Pietro really good for small mouth. Clearwater has ulta clear water can be difficult fishing except at night. Turtle has some big pike and would be a good day trip.
2. As mentioned above; Bald Eagle and Gabbro campsites fill up early in the day. Camp early on them and hit the other lakes with day trips. Gull and Pietro have a few good campsites if needed. Clearwater (IMO) not worth the effort. Turtle is okay for day trips if you are after big pike, otherwise not worth the effort.
Guest Paddler
12/27/2016 12:05PM  
When you say Turtle has big big ya talkin'??
12/27/2016 10:08PM  
quote : "When you say Turtle has big big ya talkin'??"
While most Pine are in the 5lb catagory, I've got several over 15lb and one about 20lbs.
12/28/2016 08:40PM  
Clearwater is clear and beautiful, but never had much luck with fish. I would day trip to Gull and Pietro instead, fishing is good in both of these lakes.

I have always liked the campsite on the bluff directly across from the portage from Gull going into Pietro. I have not visited it since the fire.

distinguished member(599)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/29/2016 07:47PM  
I was in the area this September. We stayed on Bald Eagle, and daytripped to Gull and Pietro. I can attest to the fishing in these two lakes, walleye and smallmouth in Gull, and lots of smallies in Pietro. We had lunch on the bluff site on Pietro, I can imagine it was an awesome site before the fire. It is gonna need a lot of time to be awesome again, but it was cool to see the area 6 years after the fire.

Fish caught in Gull and Pietro, taken on bluff site on Pietro

View from bluff site on Pietro
12/29/2016 09:31PM  

Same view from the bluff campsite on Pietro, just 20 years earlier. Makes me sad to see it now, even though I know it is just part of the cycle of things. Good to hear the small mouth fishing hasn't changed.
distinguished member(8734)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
12/30/2016 07:26AM  
Thanks Doug. I've been there twice since Pagami Creek fire, but never before. Very cool.
member (30)member
12/30/2016 10:46AM  
All the pictures are incredible! I have waited way too long to go back. I am leaning more toward Gull and Pietro as possible places to camp. I know with the fire there are some sites that no longer exist. Glad to hear about the fishing, looking for some action. Thanks again for all the helpful replies!
distinguished member(599)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/30/2016 06:30PM  
The southeast side of Gull wasn't burned, and there are 2 sites open there, although I didn't take the time to check them out. The bluff site on Pietro has a fire grate and a latrine, but I wouldn't want to camp there. No real spot to hang a tarp or hammock.
Staying on Bald Eagle, it is an easy trip into those 2 lakes though.
member (30)member
01/11/2017 11:35PM  
I have been talking it over with my dad based on the advice I have received. I think we are going to try to camp on Gull and day trip into Pietro. We would try to stay on Pietro if there was a decent site, but it doesn't sound like that is the case. I have a couple more questions (sorry). How hard will it be to find an open site in gull? (mid June). Would it be easier to do the Snake River entry #84 rather than Little Gabbro #33? Any advice for June fishing in any of the lakes? Thank you all again!!! Feel free to email too.
01/12/2017 02:35PM  
Snake River EP is tremendous. Long. long, long, flat, flat first carry from the car. I did it two years ago and I believe it's length on the maps is underestimated.
Island site on Gull is very nice and fishing is sound on gull. Pietro is great for Small mouth bass. Clearwater gave us nice pike trolling. Super clear water on both of these lakes. Beautiful portage trail between Pietro and Clearwater. Open due to fire , nice perspective/vantage point. I did the Snake River: Bald Eagle, Gull, Pietro, Turtle , loop in early June that year with mine than 13 y.o son.
Good luck.
distinguished member(2695)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/14/2017 07:00PM  
If you decide you want to camp on one of those areas and believe there aren't a lot of places to hang your food pack, use a blue "bear resistant" barrel with a harness. Works great for me & amazingly, it comfortable to carry.
01/14/2017 08:52PM  
I use to camp on Pietro next to the little Island,that was before the last fire. It was a small site,but nice. Maybe that site still is a option with Lynns ideas on the barrel? They do work.
Gull had some bigger sites which may be better for your purpose.

Clearwater to me use to be the nicest looking of the lakes,but it had my number and I had tough time catching fish.
member (30)member
01/14/2017 09:50PM  
Thanks again for all the advice! This time of year I think about the trip everyday. Nicek, good to hear that trip went well, it gives me some confidence. Hopefully we can secure a good site. Thanks for the tip on the portage between Camdre and Clearwater too, I look forward to the vantage point. Glad to hear there were some fish in Clearwater if we camp up there. Voyageur north and Pinetree, great idea on the barrel pack! I never thought of that. I have a lot of nice equipment but have always hung the food pack. I always have the concern of no open sites. If the weather is good, this might be the ticket. Great suggestion. Thanks to everyone on here who has been helping me out, I really appreciate it. I hope it is a memorable trip.
01/15/2017 01:17AM  
You can't get any 'easier' than Little Gabbro. One nice walk in the woods and you are at the put in. I love the Snake River entry. That is fun. Do the loop. It's fun and easy. Gull Lake is a fav of mine. Great loop. Have a nice trip!
distinguished member(2695)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/15/2017 02:57PM  
I have a number of customers who'd rather put in at Snake instead of Gabbro too. They don't mind the few extra portages along the river & like the scenery.
01/15/2017 03:11PM  
quote VoyageurNorth: "I have a number of customers who'd rather put in at Snake instead of Gabbro too. They don't mind the few extra portages along the river & like the scenery."

The Snake is kind of unique and always looks Moosey and I love the big meadows as you enter Bald Eagle where if your going to see a moose,it is good as any spot.
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