BWCA 8th annual last trip Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      8th annual last trip     



06/04/2024 10:46AM  
Marlin will turn 80 in July. Here is a picture from our trip this year to Saganagons.

He is still a "fishing and paddling machine".

"Well boys... I might go again next year, if you'll have me".

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06/04/2024 11:38AM  
Awesome photo!
distinguished member(587)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/04/2024 12:11PM  
Life goals! Way to go, Marlin!
06/07/2024 11:00AM  
That's awesome! Hope I'm still tripping into the backcountry in 30 years.
06/07/2024 06:40PM  
Way to go Marlin!
06/08/2024 09:07AM  
Guys like Marlin are heroes to me these days, as I waste time fretting about whether I'll be able to keep paddling into my 60's.
06/08/2024 02:03PM  
Awesome!!! Here’s to the 9th annual last trip! And more!

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