BWCA Trip Report - Kawishiwi River Triangle Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Kawishiwi River Triangle     



09/03/2020 08:32AM  
New Trip Report posted by sralig

Trip Name: Kawishiwi River Triangle.

Entry Point: 32

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distinguished member(4167)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/03/2020 09:13AM  
Thanks for sharing! Great pictures and a well told story. Glad you guys could find sites each night and even found a really good one. Next week was supposed to be my Quetico trip but that's not happening so now I'm living through trip reports like this...
distinguished member(4162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/03/2020 09:13AM  

The noises you heard coming from the dead Balsams on day 2 were Sawyer Beetle larvae. They’re not the ones that killed the trees, however. The ongoing Spruce Budworm outbreak is the most likely suspect.

09/04/2020 09:13AM  
I'm so glad to learn the answer! Thank you for reading and solving the mystery. Now I need to read up and learn more!
09/04/2020 09:14AM  
Did I respond to this already? I'm not sure if my response went through. In any case, thank you for reading and I'm glad you enjoyed it! I also lived vicariously through trip reports on here all summer. We originally planned this trip with four people and two of them had to drop out, so I spent months worrying the whole thing would fall through. I'm sorry you aren't able to get up to Quetico this year and hope you can make it soon!
09/04/2020 03:29PM  
Great report, I really enjoyed reading it!

09/04/2020 07:43PM  
Thanks for the story, I enjoyed reading it.
09/04/2020 09:13PM  
Enjoyed the report. Thinking of doing that route as a day trip in October
09/05/2020 02:33PM  
Nice report, I hope to do that sometime. Curious, did you simply want to go to Betty's Pies? Its not on the way to EP 32. Heading north of Two Harbors on Cty rd 2 is closest way to EP 32.
09/05/2020 04:18PM  
Nice report Sarah. Thanks for the beautiful pictures and story. Nervous now with your campsite issues. We're going in the 20th .. guess we will see.
distinguished member (285)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/05/2020 11:26PM  
Great trip report! Thank you for posting.
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