BWCA Trip Report - Numbered Lakes Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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10/31/2009 04:58PM  
New Trip Report posted by Koda

Trip Name: Numbered Lakes.

Entry Point: 30

Click Here to View Trip Report
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Itchy Menace
distinguished member (366)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/01/2009 12:26AM  
Amazing report with great photos. Thanks for sharing all the great details.
11/01/2009 12:04PM  
Very nice report Koda

I have done that same trip years ago

your pictures brought some very nice memorys
11/01/2009 03:42PM  
Thanks, guys. Only problem is that you were looking at my September trip. The link was supposed to take you to my May trip. Try this link instead.
distinguished member(3473)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/01/2009 06:33PM  
Nicely done - thanks for sharing.
distinguished member(752)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/01/2009 01:43PM  
Should be helpful for next year.
distinguished member (303)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/17/2010 02:26PM  
Awesome report man Thanks, going here in August
03/21/2010 10:43AM  
Very nice Koda. I like all the details of your gear and food. Very nice pics as well. How did you manage the distorted one?
03/21/2010 11:32AM  
quote TomT: "Very nice Koda. I like all the details of your gear and food. Very nice pics as well. How did you manage the distorted one?"

Do you mean this one?. I used the Palette Knife option (under Filters) in Photoshop. Here's another one I used that tool on.
03/21/2010 01:02PM  
Yeah, that's it. Who needs to learn how to paint when you can work this kind of magic. All kidding aside I really like the effect. I think having an 8X10 digital frame for these would be cool.
distinguished member (389)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/27/2010 04:03PM  
After reading many kind remarks about your trip reports I decided to find one. They were all correct, well written, interesting, educational, funny at times, and wonderful photography.
08/28/2010 02:52PM  
Thanks, Gunflinter.
08/29/2010 08:20AM  
Nice Report Dave,
Enjoy your photos a lot.
How do you like the Olympus Camera.
I borrowed my sons Fuji waterproof and it does take nice photos,
but my other son uses an Olympus at work in Florida on the water and says they are better?
Thanks for the glimpse into your trip.
08/30/2010 08:11AM  

Just re-read your trip report - it was great! DH and I are headed up to the numbered lakes next week. Since we have never paddled the numbered lakes, your trip report was very helpful. Great photos. Thanks.
09/11/2010 05:28PM  

Thanks, alpine. I'm glad you found it useful.

quote SunCatcher: "Nice Report Dave,
Enjoy your photos a lot.
How do you like the Olympus Camera.
I borrowed my sons Fuji waterproof and it does take nice photos,
but my other son uses an Olympus at work in Florida on the water and says they are better?
Thanks for the glimpse into your trip.

Hi, Paul,
Thanks. I like the Olympus well enough for a no-brainer, rough-and-tumble, point-and-shoot. The optics are good, which is my main criterion beyond weatherproofness. It lives in the pocket of my PFD so is always available on the water, but it's so slow I sometimes miss shots.
Good to see you this weekend!
11/12/2010 07:40PM  
Having read many of your reports, I'll just say I enjoyed this one, too, as usual.

I also looked at your Brois Brule report. I've done that section a few times in the past. Your pictures brought back good memories.
11/12/2010 09:24PM  
Excellent trip report Koda. I've only recently discovered my love for this wilderness, and have now set about obtaining all the knowledge and gear necessary to enjoy these waters for years to come. I come to this website daily and peruse all of the separate threads and links. This community has informed me a great deal already, and reading all of your trip reports with attached photos just gets me fired up for next summer. Last summer was my inaugural trip, and next summer I intend to go back twice, and once I'm done with school and not quite so cash strapped I hope to make it there three times a year (perk of being a teacher ;)).
11/12/2010 10:05PM  
Thanks, rr. I hope to paddle the Bois Brule some time when the water's a little higher.

Thanks, strom. Good for you to have big tripping plans - and a lot of years ahead of you. I hope to make two trips a year until I can't any more (being only 61, that could be a lot of trips). I'd think about going more often, except I have this aversion to biting insects, crowds of people, and hot weather. So I'm pretty much relegated to the "shoulder" seasons. Plus I'd have to take more pictures and write more trip reports, and I think that would get tedious after a while.
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