BWCA Trip Report - Estro Fest Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Estro Fest     



08/29/2011 02:00PM  
New Trip Report posted by vaniarose

Trip Name: Estro Fest .

Entry Point: 33

Click Here to View Trip Report
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08/29/2011 03:46PM  
Great trip! I've been to the same spot and come from the same place, so I feel a kinship with your group. By "second campsite" on Clearwater, do you mean the second one on the lake as you are coming from the portage to Turtle? I love that campsite! Welcome to the site...I hope you stick around; there's always room for more female Madisonians on this board! ;-)
08/29/2011 03:59PM  
Welcome to the site Vaniarose and thanks for the report. That's a "bevy of beauties" in the group picture. You should all be proud of your successful adventure.
08/29/2011 06:41PM  
With a title like "Estro Fest" how can a guy pass this read up?!

What a fun group and report. I enjoyed your reference to getting away from texting and facebook.

Great job, thanks.
08/29/2011 09:35PM  
Yes, it was the second site from the portage from Turtle Lake along the north shore. It was beautiful site with nice views and swimming area.

Even though the Estro Fest trip report was my first post, I've been lurking on this site for a couple years. I'm sure I'll be sticking around. :) I've learned so many great tips and always enjoy the interesting stories.


08/30/2011 07:18AM  
Thank You for posting such a great Trip Report. I am glad all went well. It sounds like everyone got along great together.
I know someone that "goes all first aid" over every little cut too.
I like the above photograph. The composition is outstanding.
distinguished member(2020)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/30/2011 10:25AM  
That was a fun report to read. Congrats on having a great trip and welcome to the site!
distinguished member(2477)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/30/2011 12:34PM  
Nice trip report and thanks for sharing. Always good to hear about girls and gals paddling in the BWCA.
09/01/2011 08:13AM  
quote OneMatch: "With a title like "Estro Fest" how can a guy pass this read up?!

What a fun group and report. I enjoyed your reference to getting away from texting and facebook.

Great job, thanks."

The trip was called this by our husbands and fathers who stayed behind, jealous of our adventure.
09/02/2011 10:16AM  
What a trip!! You're all pros now. Love that the eagle blessed you as your trip ended. Special memories for sure.
distinguished member(1069)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/03/2011 06:36AM  
Thanks for the report,sounds like a fun and successful trip.
09/06/2011 09:04PM  
A fun read, and congrats. I've been thru that whole route several times, and it isn't easy. You gals would embarass some all-men groups I have met. A very pretty area. Great campsite on Clearwater. I had a group of 8th and 9th grade boys and girls on that site in 1978, at about the same time of the month. We had a fabulous Northern Lights show.
09/06/2011 10:58PM  
Thanks for the great report. I Enjoyed reading it.
distinguished member(2850)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/06/2011 11:16PM  
quote OneMatch: "With a title like "Estro Fest" how can a guy pass this read up?!

What a fun group and report. I enjoyed your reference to getting away from texting and facebook.

Great job, thanks."

Haha! I was thinking with a title like that... how can a gal pass this read up! Great trip report, Vaniarose
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