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       Trip Report - 27 day solo
Date/Time: 09/20/2024 08:04PM
Trip Report - 27 day solo

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minnmike 10/31/2018 03:39PM
I would like to give an update on something I wrote in my trip report. On day 6 of the trip my Alite camp chair broke. Sierra Trading Post where I bought the chair has given me full credit for the chair after I sent it back to them(they paid the shipping) and they looked at it. Even though I bought the chair 1.5 years ago. I might add that I have quite a purchase history with them without any prior returns, but their representative was awesome and I feel great about the whole thing. I won't be buying another chair from the same manufacturer as i feel their products are not to be trusted when you are counting on them on an extended trip, but I will be using STP for future purchases.
HangLoose 10/27/2018 10:56PM
Thanks for taking me along. I enjoyed the journey.
paddlinjoe 10/24/2018 09:18AM

That was a very impressive first solo. You're trip nearly spanned two trips I took this fall. Sounds like you had a lot of tripping experience ahead of it, but non the less, quite a trip. Thanks for the great pictures and timely report.

I also learned that I still pack way too much food, and your menu description is helpful. Full meals every day are not needed.

boonie 10/23/2018 05:43AM
Yeah, it was pretty nice at the start, Mike, but I don't know about 84. It was windy the first day and I pulled over short of my planned destination. After the first few days it changed considerably . . . The last few days were cold with rain, sun, sleet, sun, hail, sun, snow, and wind. It was so cold after the first few days that when I got out 17 days later, the drinks in my cooler were still cold.

Scottimm, I did similar with food to what Mike did. The food weight for 2 weeks+ (17 days) adds up. I aim at light weight dehydrated meals - mainly Hawk Vittles and Outdoor Herbivore - that are quick and simple to prepare, require little fuel, and calorie dense foods for lunch/snacks. Mine added up to about 20 lbs. of food crammed into 2 Ursacks split between 2 packs. The Ursacks plus Jetboil stove, fuel, mug, spoon, fuel, cozy were about 3 1/2 lbs. more. No separate food pack. It was about 2,300 - 2,400 calories per day. If you want more details, just ask.
minnmike 10/22/2018 10:46PM
Opps, forgot to log in on that last post
10/22/2018 09:25PM
Scotttimm, my food barrel weighed about 33# when full, including Primus canister stove and attachable mug, one big fuel canister, and Toaks Pot and lid combo and home made cozy for the Toaks.
My meals were
Breakfast: coffee with a heaping spoon of coconut oil and 3 tablespoons of nut butter, and an optional piece of beef jerky. I could either have the jerky for breakfast or lunch.
Lunch: trail mix(1/2 snack sized ziploc full for each day). I blended my own and added chocolate covered coffee beans and almonds in and a 1/2 C. of either dried blueberries or mango. Also for each half of trip I had 4 packets of flavored tuna and tortilla shell for days I need a little more for lunch.
Supper: was a dehydrated meal I made myself or I split a 2.5 serving store bought meal, like mountain house or similar, in half and added some dehydrate veggies from my garden to it.
For home made dehydrated meals I would make a big batch of chili or soup without any meat in it, take out the chili I wanted to dehydrate and then add the meat to the rest for eating at home. I then bought some big cans of freeze dried meat(I think mountain house brand) and added that to my dehydrate home made meal. I find freeze dried meats way better tasting and easier to rehydrate that the dehydrated. When I rehydrate in my cozy I also added about 2 Tbsps of coconut oil to each meal. This makes all rehydrated meals I feel way more palatable as it adds grease to the meal and fat calories.
I think my average food weight per day was about 1.5 lbs average so for 16 days thats 24#. Add stove, fuel, barrel, harness, and it was like I said 33# total.
I did lose roughly 13 lbs on the trip, but felt great in the end. The meals worked great for me, I was hungry when meal time came and sated after eating.

Boonie: From those dates you were in you sure had a big swing in temps from beginning to end of trip. I know that on sept 16th it was 84' in ely. Pretty sure your first few day had some thunderstorms forecasted also. I also know it snowed where I was at on sept 29th so you got the full swing.
I'm sure since you've done your share of fall trips that the weather was a surprise to you too. Glad you made through.
boonie 10/22/2018 07:16PM
Mike, I went in 9/13 @ Cross Bay and exited 9/29. I like my Enan, but the headroom is an issue, especially with all the condensation this time, and I'm not tall either.

Short report of my long trip - wet, cold, windy . . . with severe case of plantar fasciitis, which changed my entire trip plan to limit portaging. I also had cold feet and wished for a couple of other warmer items. Otherwise was pretty much OK and survived.

scotttimm 10/22/2018 05:41PM
Awesome goal...when the kiddos are off to college and I can manage a long trip, this sounds like a winner idea.

I am curious, if you have a moment, would like to know more about your meals on the trip. The refresh half way through is a great idea, but wondered how/what you ate for 16 days solo, how heavy your food pack was, etc. Thanks for the awesome report!
pswith5 10/22/2018 08:43AM
Thanks for sharing. I learned a lot about preparation while reading it.
TechnoScout 10/21/2018 10:18PM
Great report Mike. Your two Texas friends were monitoring the weather every day and thinking about you (fired up a few prayers on those bad-weather days). We would text back and forth: "Mike is having it tough today with that nasty weather!" Like I said in the are our hero!!
minnmike 10/21/2018 08:25PM
Thanks everyone, it really was a great and challenging trip. I would do it again hoping for better weather next time. I joked with my wife yesterday mentioning next years month solo. I was only half joking and the funny thing is, is she knew I was only half joking.
In hind sight, the solo part was the easiest to overcome. There were only a few times that being alone was kind of a drag, and it passed quickly. I could see meeting up with another soloist for a few days or a week of it, if we could make it work next fall. I really do like being in for extended periods of time, I feel like I get in a groove after the first week and not have to be heading out already. It really is amazing. I rarely do trips of less than 8 nights in.
Northwoodsman: I do duct tape the lid shut, I too don't trust the Gatorade lids.
Boonie: Thanks for your response. When were you in?
TomT: Yeah, I did love my Hilleberg Akto 1 man, but your right a 2 man may have been a better choice. I do bring a 3 man when 2 of us go. Though it wasn't really the area space that was the problem as was the headroom that bothered me the most. I didn't get CBC on radio, but I did get WELY at most camp sights and NPR came in the best on the FM dial. I chose to avoid NPR as politics dominates most of the shows on it and I really didn't want to hear it while on the trip. I did listen to the national news on it though. And it is amazing all of the AM stations that come in after dark. I got none on it during the day but at night I got stations as far away as St Louis, Chicago and Nashville and what must have been Montreal speaking french.
cyllones30: My favorite area/ lakes was the Cherry to Gijikiki I would have to say for the trip. Not only the view, but the weather was great. Everything from the first snow falls of the fall on Cherry to the beautiful mostly sunny day while traveling from Cherry to Gijikiki. My second favorite would have to be the Malberg area. I had planned on spending several day in Malberg area at end of trip but it was so freaking cold I paddled straight through it. But, these two areas are only a fraction better than any other area, as I really loved it all.
DanCooke: Thank for the comments and again thanks for the great gear. It was an inner battle deciding to continue the second leg of the trip. I am glad I did though and have zero regrets. I think I would have had I bailed then. It's the challenges on a trip that make them most memorable I think. Though I will not be hoping for a repeat of that weather on future trips thats for sure. Also, I was wondering how the Lean would have faired with snow and ice load? Please let me know what you think on that. I thought about buying one for this trip. I know I would have loved the extra space and headroom.
I would be happy to answer any more questions, or just chat about it as it kind of keep the whole experience fresh in my mind. I really did enjoy like 98% of this solo trip and I will be doing more of them in the future.
sedges 10/20/2018 09:53PM
WOW! Great trip, great report. A lot of work to get that together so fast. Thank you for sharing your trip and your sense of humor.
cyclones30 10/20/2018 09:45PM
Great trip! We've done your first week or so between 2 trips and your last few days from Malberg to the EP. What was your favorite lake or spot?
TomT 10/20/2018 07:40PM
I agree with Dan. That's some tough conditions to do a long solo in. Short days, cold mornings, rain most every day.... And - you ran out of books! Well, at least there was the radio. Did you get the CBC? In Quetico that's about all I'll get until the AM comes in at night.
DanCooke 10/20/2018 01:39PM
Good report of a cold wet trip. It took some doing to stick to the trip with the town break in between especially with the forecast of cold and wet continuing. Well done.
30Smoke 10/20/2018 10:13AM
I agree this was awesome. Appreciated the pictures and you sharing what you were thinking as well. It is amazing the swings in emotions you can experience on a solo! Yhanks for sharing.
TomT 10/19/2018 09:56PM
I really enjoyed this. All the pics helped tell your story too. The only thing I would have done different is use a 2 man tent and get a pair of down booties for camp. Too bad on the crummy weather. We all roll the dice with that but having ice on the lakes would definitely cause anxiety for me. As for your video - just upload those to youtube or vimeo and you can embed them in the report. Find a 15 year old to help. :)

SaganagaJoe 10/19/2018 01:54PM
Someday to do something like this would be awesome, except I don't think I would enjoy going solo. Or maybe I would. Way to go man.
Driftless 10/18/2018 08:25PM
That was awesome, thanks and congrats!
muddyfeet 10/18/2018 08:16PM
Thanks for the report! You covered a lot of ground, and some of my favorite places too! I laughed when you started talking about the loon wanting to make friends and how you must’ve started questioning your sanity :).
Tough break on the weather, but that’s all part of the adventure. You stayed out a good long time for your first solo- well done!
Jaywalker 10/18/2018 02:20PM
Just awesome! So well documented in both word and image. I like to think I would have done exactly the same thing in your place with the extra day at GM and pulling out a couple days before plan, especially with that ice forming up. Having had to kneel in the front of my canoe once and whack ice with my paddle on Splash Lake to exit, I have to say I don't think most people have fully thought through the consequences of staying in one or two days too long. That harsh weather was no doubt tough in the moment, but wow what a story it's given you that will be with you all your days. Well done.
joeandali 10/18/2018 12:06PM
Great report!
boonie 10/18/2018 10:56AM
Great report and pictures, Mike. Wish you'd have had better weather . . . because I would have, too! A trip to remember - you'll be glad you wrote this up as you get older and it gets more distant.
johndku 10/18/2018 06:35AM
Great report, nice pics! Thanks for posting.
Northwoodsman 10/17/2018 09:54PM
You were a real trooper for hanging in there with the weather that you faced. You trust the seals on Gatorade bottles much more than I would have. I'm glad that you didn't wake up during the night thirsty and grab the wrong bottle. Thanks for the report.
cowdoc 10/17/2018 09:31PM
Epic, rewarding, gritty test.....congrats
TrailZen 10/17/2018 08:31PM
Great report! Yeah, sketchy weather the last few days, but they should make for good stories around the fireplace later this year. Nice photos, too...
minnmike 10/17/2018 08:00PM
New Trip Report posted by minnmike

Trip Name: 27 day solo.

Entry Point: 16

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