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       Finger Lakes area information seeking
Date/Time: 09/20/2024 07:57PM
Finger Lakes area information seeking

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CoffeeInTheWoods 06/06/2019 08:52PM

We may be on Fat at that time. If the tent is burgundy, and the canoe black, come on over. I think on the 15th however, we'll probably be making our way from Loon to Steep. I'm not sure if we are going to spend a night on South or not. So we might not be on Fat until the 16th or 17th."

Well, if you see a middle-aged man trying to keep up with 2-3 teenage boys, wave me over and say, "Hi Josh."
analyzer 06/06/2019 07:00PM
CoffeeInTheWoods: "Jaywalker: ">CITW: Looking at Tony's map above brought one more thing to mind about Fat. Earlier in the post you said you liked the sites on Slim, but also may push on to Fat. I can not recall perfectly, but I THINK you can pretty well see the campsite from the end of the portage on Fat, though its a long ways. You could check the sites on Slim, then just hike the portage over to Fat (maybe bring binoculars) to see if it looks open - then go back for your gear if you want to continue. The site on Fat is elevated. Tents may or may not be visible, but if a tarp is up it should be visible I think, so would canoes as the landing faces the portage and there are not a lot of places on Fat a canoe would not be visible. Just an idea to consider. "

Depending on what time we get to Slim, we’ll take the canoes over, look to see if the site is open. If it is, we’ll go back for the bag. If it’s not, we’ll fish for a while then camp on Slim."

We may be on Fat at that time. If the tent is burgundy, and the canoe black, come on over. I think on the 15th however, we'll probably be making our way from Loon to Steep. I'm not sure if we are going to spend a night on South or not. So we might not be on Fat until the 16th or 17th.
CoffeeInTheWoods 06/06/2019 07:54AM
Jaywalker: ">CITW: Looking at Tony's map above brought one more thing to mind about Fat. Earlier in the post you said you liked the sites on Slim, but also may push on to Fat. I can not recall perfectly, but I THINK you can pretty well see the campsite from the end of the portage on Fat, though its a long ways. You could check the sites on Slim, then just hike the portage over to Fat (maybe bring binoculars) to see if it looks open - then go back for your gear if you want to continue. The site on Fat is elevated. Tents may or may not be visible, but if a tarp is up it should be visible I think, so would canoes as the landing faces the portage and there are not a lot of places on Fat a canoe would not be visible. Just an idea to consider. "

Depending on what time we get to Slim, we’ll take the canoes over, look to see if the site is open. If it is, we’ll go back for the bag. If it’s not, we’ll fish for a while then camp on Slim.
Jaywalker 06/06/2019 07:45AM
>CITW: Looking at Tony's map above brought one more thing to mind about Fat. Earlier in the post you said you liked the sites on Slim, but also may push on to Fat. I can not recall perfectly, but I THINK you can pretty well see the campsite from the end of the portage on Fat, though its a long ways. You could check the sites on Slim, then just hike the portage over to Fat (maybe bring binoculars) to see if it looks open - then go back for your gear if you want to continue. The site on Fat is elevated. Tents may or may not be visible, but if a tarp is up it should be visible I think, so would canoes as the landing faces the portage and there are not a lot of places on Fat a canoe would not be visible. Just an idea to consider.
CoffeeInTheWoods 06/06/2019 06:43AM
analyzer: "Coffee,

My wife and I are going in on the 14th of this month at LIS north, and exiting about the 22nd. We're basically following ghamer's itinerary. We fell in love with his video, and are mirroring their clockwise route, with the exception of maybe adding Fat, and taking a day off gun.

We'll be traveling in a northwind 17 blacklite, we're 54 and 52. She has blonde hair; I have no hair. I'll probably have a moose hat on. Say hi if you see us. If you want to share a campsite for a night, we're ok with that too.

I'm looking forward to an 11 day trip with just her and I, so I guess I don't want to spend the whole week with you, but a night or so would be fine/fun. Especially if we both want Fat.

I'm "G" and she's Nette.

When are you heading in?


I'll have 2-3 teenage boys with me on this one so be careful about that sharing invitation. They're quiet, good kids, though, so even if we're right across a small lake, you won't hear us much unless we land a trophy.

That'd be fun to meet up, though, and swap tales of campsites and fishing holes. We enter on the 15th and will be tailing you, but have about half the time in the park as you.
analyzer 06/05/2019 11:31PM

Is there any part of your trip that you would change? A certain lake that wasn't too productive, or interesting, that you would just skip if you had it to do over? Something you wish you had done or seen on that route?

I do think I want to add Fat, and try to catch some lakers in there.

Did you find the walleyes anywhere besides Finger?

Do you think I should bring my portable depth finder, or will I find the lakers without it?

Again, I want to thank you very much for your fantastic video. I've shared it with a number of relatives, and friends, and they enjoyed it too. One person thought the music was a little sappy. I guess you'll have to do one to 80's hair band music next time. LOL. I'm kidding.

My wife loved the music, and it was well timed with the slides.

I liked the way you referenced the map and route in your video. It made it easy to follow along.
analyzer 06/05/2019 11:25PM

My wife and I are going in on the 14th of this month at LIS north, and exiting about the 22nd. We're basically following ghamer's itinerary. We fell in love with his video, and are mirroring their clockwise route, with the exception of maybe adding Fat, and taking a day off gun.

We'll be traveling in a northwind 17 blacklite, we're 54 and 52. She has blonde hair; I have no hair. I'll probably have a moose hat on. Say hi if you see us. If you want to share a campsite for a night, we're ok with that too.

I'm looking forward to an 11 day trip with just her and I, so I guess I don't want to spend the whole week with you, but a night or so would be fine/fun. Especially if we both want Fat.

I'm "G" and she's Nette.

When are you heading in?

analyzer 06/05/2019 11:17PM
ghamer: "We did a loop through Finger a few years back. It was a great trip! Lots of SMB topwater action below Devils Cascade, Gun Lake and Oyster.
Here is a link to my YouTube slide show to give you and idea what the area is like: May 2016 LIS loop "

Ghamer, that's a fantastic video. I found it about a month ago, and showed it to my wife. Between canoecopia, and your video, I have her talked into an 11 day trip. She normally doesn't want to go more than 5 days. This will be her first portaging trip, and much of the credit goes to your video. it was very well done, pleasant, and the Vandiver's music was nice. Thank you for that.

anthonyp007 06/05/2019 12:19PM
CoffeeInTheWoods: "anthonyp007: "All good info so far. Fat is my favorite lake over there. There’s a shortcut unmaintained portage from Slim to Fat that could save you some time. It’s about 300+ rods, but very easy to follow. Let me know if you’d like more info on that portage. Also, the bigger island site on Finger has pictos on the big boulder in camp. At least they sure look like pictos of hand prints. I’m attaching a video of a solo I did through there a few years back. It’s got some campsite footage that may be helpful.

LIS North Solo 2017 "

Tony, I’d love a bit more info on that Slim-Fat portage. Depending on what time we make it to Slim, we may try to get over to Fat on day one."


The portage is about midway up Slim’s eastern shore. When heading up the eastern shoreline, watch closely because it starts with a steep hill and a sharp right turn so it’s tough to spot. There were a few downed trees on shore and it was very overgrown at the shoreline when I was there, but it was noticeable enough for me to stop and investigate. If you get to where the creek comes into Slim from Fat, then you’ve gone to far.

The portage itself is actually pretty easy to follow. The trickiest parts are where a downed tree forced a reroute. It winds around quite a bit and is close to a mile long, but the closer you get to Fat, the easier the portage gets. The view at the Fat end is stunning, and their’s a rock cairn there. Too bad there’s not one on the Fat side. Here is a map pic with the approximate portage locations on both lakes. The little + sign on the map is where I caught the Laker in the video.

cowdoc 06/05/2019 10:17AM
If you go to the maps section....Slim on the green dot "point of interest" on the east bank.....about half way between 2 sites on Slim. There is a screen shot of the approximate portage track. Some say it's not so bad, others say it's a buggar. Mostly uphill to Fat. Also depends on time of year and how many previous people made trail, cleared down trees, or whether recent storm put more trees across it.
Jaywalker 06/05/2019 08:08AM
It's not considered an official portage, so is more overgrown and not maintained. It can be a little hard to find the start from Slim, but not too bad. Steep at first, and winds around. I had to stop to clear about 6-8 trees that blew down and blocked the path. Some tight corners so longer canoes a bit more work to navigate. Before going I saw it listed as about 250 rods, but I think it is all of 300+.
CoffeeInTheWoods 06/05/2019 07:49AM
anthonyp007: "All good info so far. Fat is my favorite lake over there. There’s a shortcut unmaintained portage from Slim to Fat that could save you some time. It’s about 300+ rods, but very easy to follow. Let me know if you’d like more info on that portage. Also, the bigger island site on Finger has pictos on the big boulder in camp. At least they sure look like pictos of hand prints. I’m attaching a video of a solo I did through there a few years back. It’s got some campsite footage that may be helpful.

LIS North Solo 2017 "

Tony, I’d love a bit more info on that Slim-Fat portage. Depending on what time we make it to Slim, we may try to get over to Fat on day one.
cowdoc 06/04/2019 10:00AM
Consider finishing out the loop (Hustler, Ruby, Lynx, Shell). Hustler has some nice sites with good fishing and is not real busy. Lynx also but can get busier. Last year, after spending 2 nights and Finger, we went all the way to Hustler for 2 nights and then out through LIS the last day.
TuscaroraBorealis 06/04/2019 09:49AM
It's a bit dated but, here is our trip report through that area.
CoffeeInTheWoods 06/04/2019 07:48AM
Jaywalker: "I too like Fat and the campsite there, but it is the only site on the lake and seems to be in demand. I got it last year appearantly just as another group left. An hour later another group did the unofficial portage in hoping to camp there for several days. They came back the next morning waiting for me to leave (I told them I was). Not saying not to go there, just have a plan B. "

I’m thinking we’ll camp a couple nights on Slim and day trip to Fat. I really like Slim Lake’s campsite on the big hill.

ghamer 06/04/2019 07:32AM
We did a loop through Finger a few years back. It was a great trip! Lots of SMB topwater action below Devils Cascade, Gun Lake and Oyster.
Here is a link to my YouTube slide show to give you and idea what the area is like: May 2016 LIS loop
Jaywalker 06/04/2019 07:14AM
I too like Fat and the campsite there, but it is the only site on the lake and seems to be in demand. I got it last year appearantly just as another group left. An hour later another group did the unofficial portage in hoping to camp there for several days. They came back the next morning waiting for me to leave (I told them I was). Not saying not to go there, just have a plan B.
CoffeeInTheWoods 06/03/2019 08:24PM
Thanks, guys. There's so much good options in this area. I can't wait to explore! We'll definitely hit Fat to nab a laker or two. Finger seems like a destination lake. Eugene and Gun seem like good options and we'll certainly skirt through some of LLC. I'm curious about the trout on Trygg. I've got one boy who loves catching multiple species. We also may come out through Gebeonequet, but that's TBD. We came out through Nina Moose three years ago after entering through Stuart and it was packed!
anthonyp007 06/03/2019 07:31PM
All good info so far. Fat is my favorite lake over there. There’s a shortcut unmaintained portage from Slim to Fat that could save you some time. It’s about 300+ rods, but very easy to follow. Let me know if you’d like more info on that portage. Also, the bigger island site on Finger has pictos on the big boulder in camp. At least they sure look like pictos of hand prints. I’m attaching a video of a solo I did through there a few years back. It’s got some campsite footage that may be helpful.

LIS North Solo 2017
cowdoc 06/03/2019 07:24PM
On Finger, if the 2 island sites are full, the one to the north on the high rock point is pretty nice. (Not the far north one though). About the only good site on Pocket is the NW one.....on the big blunt point. I have it rated in the maps section.
airmorse 06/03/2019 06:58PM
The narrows campsite on Eugene is nice. Or at least it was when we were there. Its been a while.

We caught northern and SMB. I have a hunch that there is probably perch there as well.

When we were there we climbed the cliff/hill across from the narrows campsite and there was a nice berry patch.

Have fun that NW corner is a nice less traveled area.

Oh and Fat for LT.
TomT 06/03/2019 06:47PM
LindenTree: "The south campsite on the Island on Finger Lake is 5 star, I caught decent smallmouth on Finger, not sure what else is in there."

I visited the south side and it's very nice. But the better sunset view is the site on the north side. It's much smaller and intimate but has a nice landing and sitting rock with an open view down the lake. This pic is from my 2012 solo where I laid over on Finger.

LindenTree 06/03/2019 05:44PM
The south campsite on the Island on Finger Lake is 5 star, I caught decent smallmouth on Finger, not sure what else is in there.
billconner 06/03/2019 05:28PM
I think the motors are only on canadian side? Lots of US LLC where you wont see or hear motors. I appreciate the preference for small lakes but wanted to let you know.
CoffeeInTheWoods 06/03/2019 05:12PM
jwartman59: "LLC is a wonderful lake, I can’t imagine avoiding it."

We’ll likely day trip through and into LLC. We tend to like small lakes and no motors.
jwartman59 06/03/2019 05:04PM
LLC is a wonderful lake, I can’t imagine avoiding it.
CoffeeInTheWoods 06/03/2019 03:23PM
A couple years ago I did a solo up to Slim Lake, North, and South Lake. Lovely area, but I feel like I only scratched the surface. In a couple weeks, I'll be taking my 15 and 16 year old sons in at LIS and heading back to that area. We've got dreams of a Grand Slam, but would love any info on the lakes in that NW corner. We'll likely avoid LLC, but are thinking of a couple nights on Fat, Eugene, Gun, Finger, and/or Pocket.

Any info on campsites or good fishing lakes in that region is helpful. We've got a full week so we've got time to explore. Thanks!