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       Trip Report - Clown Encounter on Eagle
Date/Time: 02/12/2025 02:15PM
Trip Report - Clown Encounter on Eagle

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30Smoke 01/05/2022 11:40AM
TomT: He's a good hang in more ways than one. I'm curious, did you know of him before you talked on the trail?"
Tom, I had watched many of his video's before the encounter. First time I have ever greeted someone with "hey, aren't you the clown"; he said "maybe"; he was really nice and gracious to spend so much time visiting with me! I was just excited to meet such a famous person! I think I first saw his video's when I was looking at doing my LIS North trip and planning by searching for anything, and he had video's on both a canoe trip up there and then I saw his hiking on the Sioux Hustler Trail. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Up next is Nibi Mocs! On the trail!
TomT 01/05/2022 10:55AM
Enjoyed the report and pics with notes. I've been a big fan of Shug and he's the one who got me to switch to hammock camping back in 2009. He's quite a character but also someone with a very positive vibe. He doesn't ever seem to be a guy capable of complaining about anything.

He's a good hang in more ways than one. I'm curious, did you know of him before you talked on the trail?
JWilder 01/05/2022 12:03AM
Thanks for sharing your trip report! That’s awesome!

Shug’s videos have gotten me through many a winters!

Jaywalker 01/04/2022 09:21AM
Great photos. I like the captions on there - really helps provide context. It is a great view from up there. I love that secondary outlook. I camped on Whale Lake once for a few days in winter. Had to dig down to find that plaque at the summit. And how much fun was it to run into good old Shug? That must have been hilarious.
MidwestFirecraft 01/04/2022 06:53AM
Great photos. I haven't been to Eagle Mt. for 29 years, brought back some memories. I really enjoy running into great people from this forum on adventures, makes the memories even that much more crisp. Thanks for sharing.
30Smoke 01/04/2022 02:02AM
I have included a link to Shugemery's You Tube Video
Shug's Video
30Smoke 01/04/2022 02:02AM
New Trip Report posted by 30Smoke

Trip Name: Clown Encounter on Eagle.

Entry Point: Other

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