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       Trip Report - of Wind, Waves & Men
Date/Time: 09/20/2024 08:21PM
Trip Report - of Wind, Waves & Men

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Kiporby 04/24/2010 09:00AM
Thanks canoenut. Yea, It is hard to understand how some seem to have no respect for the land. Having extra days for a route really does make it more enjoyable. At no time did we fell rushed and we had tons of time to explore and relax. It was a great trip.
canoenut46 04/21/2010 12:55PM
I enjoyed your report immensely. It made me green with envy. You take really great pictures and write a great report. Doesn't it make you sick at how some ingrates treat such a great wilderness area? I have wanted to take this route also with added days.
Kiporby 04/04/2010 11:00AM
Thanks guys! Glad you enjoyed the report.

The Man Chain is great route. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
fishguts 04/03/2010 01:30PM
Thanks for the great report!
lars54 03/08/2010 05:31PM
Nice report, it makes me want to try that area of the park
danhawk 03/08/2010 10:12AM
Great report - one of the best I've seen! That area looks terrific. I did get a little dizzy looking at some of the videos but I love the concept. Nice pictures too.
mc2mens 03/07/2010 05:33PM
Thought I'd bump this up. Nicely done Kip! Sounds like you guys made the best of the cold, windy and wet conditions.
Kiporby 07/08/2009 12:03PM
Thanks Beemer! First time I've really used Youtube in that manner. Seems like it worked out OK.
Beemer01 06/23/2009 08:13PM
Excellent report and great use of Youtube. Happy you kindred souls found each other here, and sounds like you had a memorable trip!
Kiporby 06/23/2009 08:08PM
I appreciate all the compliments guys. I've learned a lot from this website and it is nice to share with you all. What a great site!

Kanoes and White are great guys. Awesome route and great trip mates. Can't wait for our next adventure.
TomT 06/21/2009 10:15PM
Great stuff here. Someday I'll have to book a May trip. It looked raw out there.

Congrats for making it all happen and hope there's more adventures for you guys. Oh, and thanks for the lure tip. I'll be gettin' one of those for sure.

BTW, I would have commented sooner but our computer was left for dead by a virus about a month ago. The new one came yesterday. :) I got a lot of catching up to do.
snakecharmer 06/15/2009 09:35PM
Quite a mix of weather you had to deal with. Pretty cool that you guys met here on this site, planned and enjoyed a very successful and memorable trip. My Mom told me not to talk to strangers :)

Excellent report. Thanks for sharing it.
MTYK 06/15/2009 08:29PM
Great trip report! Thanks for sharing.
wawasee 06/15/2009 01:37PM
Sounds like quite a trip! Maybe someday my son will be ready for a trip like that!
Mad_Angler 06/15/2009 11:19AM
Sorry, I found it. It is a Wigglewart Madflash...
Mad_Angler 06/15/2009 11:13AM
Sure kip... Present the holy grail of lures and get us all excited...

Then when we start looking, we find out that Storm doesn't make that color any more...
Kiporby 06/15/2009 10:32AM
Finally found a picture of my favorite Wiggle Wart. You know I had to order some more!!

bumabu 06/12/2009 02:06AM
Great report Kip!
thlipsis29 06/11/2009 08:14PM
I finally had the time to sit down and read through all of this and watch the videos. What a trip. I was in Gabbro the 14-19 and dealt with the same kind of weather; I could feel the cold to my bones reading about Saturday May 16. Glad you guys had a good time. Look forward to reading more of your adventures together.
moose plums 06/10/2009 05:14PM
Nice report Kip.... I'm dreamin of next year
Kiporby 06/09/2009 09:06PM
Thank you all for the kind words. It was a great trip. Can't wait to go again. There is so much more to see!
Obergut 06/09/2009 06:37PM
A-1 report! The videos were great to watch/listen to while reading. Sounds like a memorable trip.

My brother and I talk about doing solo trips like you guys did, but concluded that after 2 days we'd spend most of our time looking for solo chicks. We still BYO.
520eek 06/09/2009 02:42PM
Very nice, will you do my trip report for me??
firftr911 06/09/2009 01:18PM
I thought that your report sucked.

Sorry, just wanted to bring your ego down a notch ;>)

Nice job, I wish we could get You Tube here at work, I couldn't get the videos!

quetico152 06/09/2009 10:16AM
great report kip. the videos were a nice touch too
crappiehunter 06/09/2009 07:14AM
loved the report. I'm going out and buying a blue and silver wiggle wart!! LOL!!! Thanks!
mr.barley 06/08/2009 11:34PM
Good stuff, Kip. I will be revisiting this report next winter when me and moose plums start planning a trip the the same area.
Cedarboy 06/08/2009 01:23PM
Nice report, brought back great memories, did the same route years ago even stayed at the same island site on Other Man. It didnt look that "white" back then though!
Mad_Angler 06/08/2009 10:50AM
Very nice report. It sounds like you had a great trip.

I have met several folks from BWCA and other forums. It always seems a bit like internet dating at first. Glad to hear it worked out well.
ChadLeo 06/08/2009 09:29AM
Terrific trip report!! I think I need to add a Wiggle Wart to my tackle box now.
drnatus 06/07/2009 09:41PM
Great report! Loved the videos. I kept saying to myself "I wish there was a map to show where they went." And lo' I came to the end of the scroll and there it was!!!

pmagoo7777 06/07/2009 04:35PM
Way to go guys!
Ho Ho 06/07/2009 01:30PM
Excellent! We're heading into the Man Chain from the opposite direction (Carp Lake) in early September. I can't wait. Maybe we'll see the first snow of the year like you saw the last (well, I hope it was the last).
immgr 06/07/2009 11:58AM

Excellent trip report! Especially enjoyed the videos.

My son and I followed the same route last July and posted a trip report( We had to turn around after being basically wind-bound at the famous 5 star Other Man island campsite, because of our concern about not being able to make the entire loop in time to catch our flights back. We ended up spending the last 2 nights at the "4 star" island campsite on Slate, so it wasn't so bad.

I enjoyed the video of the "swamp trek" portage into Other Man. Prior to our portage, it had rained hard the three hours prior and the water level in that swamp rose so high that it covered the stepping logs. Looking out after climbing down the steep rock ledge, all we saw was a small lake in front of us with a few trees poking up. We had to feel our way with our feet to get across, and of course we stepped off of the logs and into the swamp a few times. Not our favorite part of the trip. Interestingly, on the return trip, we accidentally took a different parallel portage route which had a larger elevation change, much bushwacking involved, but which did not go through a swamp and which we enjoyed much more.

I have a lot of respect for you and your group for making the most of some difficult weather conditions. We thought that we had it bad (hail/wind/lighting/flood) but I believe your driving snow was worse.

Despite a tough trip for my son and I last year, we will be returning in a few weeks to the Saganagons area. Hopefully no snow!

Houston, TX

rlhedlund 06/07/2009 10:01AM
Great trip and report. Glad it went well. Certainly challenging weather conditions. Liked the videos and pics. Q here we come!
Boppa 06/07/2009 08:02AM
Really enjoyed this trip report as it shows another feature that this site has to offer/provide to those willing to work out a different set of logistics. A great trip with new travel partners and common interest to create a great experience. My hat is tipped to the three of you.

I enjoyed the many enjoyable pictures, and could feel the cold and did not envy you all with the video "Snowy Morning On Other Man Lake" brrrr. Also nice job on getting to Bock Lake.

Kiporby, kanoes, whiteh20, nice trip in tough conditions. You further my Bow partner and my desire to get to the "Q" even if we will be choosing a time with hopefully milder conditions. You have made it look appealing. Thanks for a great report.
Mongo65 06/06/2009 07:17PM
Great report to read with the fact that I leave for Seagull Lake in 3 days. Gets my mind wandering more than it already was. Glad you 3 had a great trip.
Dbldppr1250 06/06/2009 07:13PM
Thanks for the report! I felt like I was there. Wishful thinking!
whiteh20 06/06/2009 03:22PM
Nice job Dan!
kanoes 06/06/2009 01:42PM
nice report! it made me feel like i was there.
Kiporby 06/06/2009 01:11PM
New Trip Report posted by Kiporby

Trip Name: of Wind, Waves & Men.

Entry Point: Quetico

Click Here to View Trip Report wc-20090601-1433