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    Trip Reports
       Trip Report - Oyster Creek and Boulder River
Date/Time: 09/20/2024 08:05PM
Trip Report - Oyster Creek and Boulder River

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paddlefamily 07/27/2011 09:20AM
Thanks for the report. Happy you have a new paddling partner.
drnatus 07/27/2011 06:32AM
quote oldgentleman: "quote drnatus: "Nice report!

It was good to meet you, wish we could have chatted longer, but we were both eager to head out!


How was your trip?"

Sorry for the delay. Had a good trip. Had a fall that inretrospect wasn't as bad as initially thought. Was a little unnerving at first. Caught plenty of fish. Don't know that I can get to a trip report anytime soon.
oldgentleman 07/03/2011 08:18PM
quote Savage Voyageur: "Thanks oldgentleman, I have seen young kids climb up a telephone pole tree, likely that is what they did to get the skull up there. I liked the table made out of logs. "

There was a log table at the next camp too.
Yes, I assume somebody shinnied up that tree with the skull and strap. It makes a nice totem.
oldgentleman 07/03/2011 08:17PM
quote drnatus: "Nice report!

It was good to meet you, wish we could have chatted longer, but we were both eager to head out!


How was your trip?
Savage Voyageur 07/03/2011 02:27PM
Thanks oldgentleman, I have seen young kids climb up a telephone pole tree, likely that is what they did to get the skull up there. I liked the table made out of logs.
drnatus 07/03/2011 02:10PM
Nice report!

It was good to meet you, wish we could have chatted longer, but we were both eager to head out!

billsta 06/27/2011 06:25PM
quote oldgentleman: "quote billsta: "Nice report OG. We must have paddled right by your site on Agnes, probably about 1PM. We entered early on Sunday June 12th and took the 115 rod portage from Agnes to the Boulder River, then paddled to Boulder Bay. Spent 4 nights at the site furthest east on Boulder Bay...the first site coming out of the river.

Yes, you went right past us. Guess we need a BWCA.COM flag! How was your trip?"

It was awesome. Great weather even though the forecast had been calling for rain after that Monday. Fishing was great, food was great, company was great, wind hindered some of our day trips, but all in all very nice.
Trip report forthcoming.
oldgentleman 06/26/2011 07:18PM
quote billsta: "Nice report OG. We must have paddled right by your site on Agnes, probably about 1PM. We entered early on Sunday June 12th and took the 115 rod portage from Agnes to the Boulder River, then paddled to Boulder Bay. Spent 4 nights at the site furthest east on Boulder Bay...the first site coming out of the river.

Yes, you went right past us. Guess we need a BWCA.COM flag! How was your trip?
billsta 06/26/2011 10:46AM
Nice report OG. We must have paddled right by your site on Agnes, probably about 1PM. We entered early on Sunday June 12th and took the 115 rod portage from Agnes to the Boulder River, then paddled to Boulder Bay. Spent 4 nights at the site furthest east on Boulder Bay...the first site coming out of the river.
carlton1812 06/26/2011 09:13AM
Yes that was us. We went up the Oyster River also. The day was very windy and we were worried about waves on Agnes. We got to Oyster and waves were 3-4 feet so we hiked to the sight just East of the portage.
oldgentleman 06/26/2011 06:06AM
quote carlton1812: "Oldgentleman, GREAT trip report! We met on the Nina Moose River on 6/5. We were the Boy Scout group going out. 6 newbies out of a group of 8. 7 want to go back, the other one will never go again.
Bruce "

Were you the ones crossing the beaver dam? We enjoyed talking to the scouts as they passed. I asked one how Oyster lake was and he replied "Windy".
TuscaroraBorealis 06/25/2011 08:51PM
Nice report. Thanks for taking the time to share your story & photos.

I have to agree with your recommendation that it is usually wiser to just take the Agnes portage than paddle up the entire length of the Oyster river. But, hey, you have to try everything at least once right? :)
carlton1812 06/25/2011 07:40PM
Oldgentleman, GREAT trip report! We met on the Nina Moose River on 6/5. We were the Boy Scout group going out. 6 newbies out of a group of 8. 7 want to go back, the other one will never go again.
SevenofNine 06/25/2011 06:31PM
Old gent, thanks for a nice trip report. Nice pictures and I'm glad you got back out there. Keep on trucking.
AndySG 06/25/2011 08:59AM
Very nice report and great photos Oldgent. I agree that Oyster Creek is more of a hassel than the Agnes portage. I made the same mistake in 2006. At 59, your trip gives me hope that I can still cut it for several more years. Thanks for sharing. Glad you hooked up with Jay for a trip partner.
oldgentleman 06/25/2011 08:50AM
quote wawasee: "oldgentleman listen to Tom Petty. You look in better shape then many people I have seen in the BWCA. Nice trip report good luck on planning your next trip."

Thanks, but that may be because the pictures in the report aren't me, but my friend Jay. He didn't bring a camera so pictures of me are non-existent.
wawasee 06/25/2011 08:04AM
oldgentleman listen to Tom Petty. You look in better shape then many people I have seen in the BWCA. Nice trip report good luck on planning your next trip.
4agreenearth 06/24/2011 09:32PM
Hey Jason, thanks for the mention. Enjoyed meeting you at the portage as well. Enjoyed reading this report, too. 4agreenearth
oldgentleman 06/24/2011 09:11PM
New Trip Report posted by oldgentleman

Trip Name: Oyster Creek and Boulder River.

Entry Point: 16

Click Here to View Trip Report

The other 2 times I took a friend to the BWCA it didn't turn out very well. Last year I was so annoyed I didn't even post a report.

This year I invited a guy I've worked with. I knew he was a serious back country back packer and that he'd done one Boundary Waters trip, so I took a chance.

Jay was always cheerful, did his part and a little more and talked more than I did. I really enjoyed the trip.