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distinguished member(8870)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/06/2018 01:12PM  
Well, usual store closed, and next one did not have it. So Amazon Prime of course. There there were more varieties than I had seen in the past. I can skip the 1+ and 3+ and some others but was use to Fortificado. Now I see "Dry Whole Milk" in a 10 tin which seems not to have the added stuff: Vitamin C (Sodium Ascorbate); Iron (Ferric Pyrophosphate); Zinc Sulfate; Vitamin A Acetate;
Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) - just "Milk And Soy Ingredients". More confusing because they don't list all on web site. I did learn from Nido chat that the Fortificado has a 12 month shelf life and the (presumably plainer) Dry Whole Milk has a 24 month shelf life.

Anyone else researched this? Really a dizzying array of Nido products on Amazon.
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06/07/2018 01:49PM  
Sorry you seem to know more than me, I am tuning in to learn though. I have a trip in July--I think I will start looking now for Nido locally. Cub foods used to have it then stopped then Walmart used to be my standby, but haven't bought it for 2 years.

06/07/2018 02:02PM  
Just browsing the Fortificada looks like the best option in my opinion if you can use it up in a year.

I see some of the Target stores in the Twin Cities have it in stock, if you have a target red card it is 5% off and free shipping. It is more expensive than I remember though.

distinguished member(8870)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/07/2018 05:49PM  
I got the whole milk without added vitamins from Prime. One day.

PS - the Fortificado has typically been in a reusable "paper can" with IIRC a metal band at top and metal bottom. I've carried it but iffy. Like a Pringles can, which I know some carry. The one I just bought is definitely a metal can. I'll repack for my backpacking trip anyway but have usually just carried the container.
06/07/2018 08:32PM  
Thanks for the info. I found fortificado and the 1+ at Target but the containers were huge. More than I could use.

What do you use the NIDO for? I use it for cooking. I make my own biscuits and gravy and add the NIDO to make the gravy creamier or for Mac and cheese and other cooking items.

distinguished member(8870)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/08/2018 07:09AM  
Primary use for me is breakfast with cereal. Granola or more often grape nuts, craisans, and nuts. Also for some grocery store items that require milk like mac and cheese, pudding, others, like you. I've become a big fan of grocery store trail food.

Got that 1+ once - sweet!!! We may actually cut the nido with non-fat for cereal but the extra fat isn't all bad in wilderness.

Always mix it night before in a fair share mug and usually cool or cold in morning.
distinguished member(2485)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/08/2018 08:11AM  
I've gotten it before in one of those little Mexican grocery stores in Minneapolis.
distinguished member(8870)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/08/2018 02:14PM  
Yes - the Walmart in an area with a large hispanic population has it on the shelf. The one closer does not.
06/25/2018 07:18AM  
Walmart in Burnsville has it—-right off 35W by Northern tool.

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