BWCA Trip Report - BWCA 2018. Solo - A Boundary Waters Story Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - BWCA 2018. Solo - A Boundary Waters Story     



06/21/2018 04:26PM  
New Trip Report posted by bfurlow

Trip Name: BWCA 2018. Solo - A Boundary Waters Story.

Entry Point: 39

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distinguished member(4166)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/21/2018 08:47PM  
Thanks for sharing! We took our first trip up the Sawbill trail this year. Might have to head there again after seeing these other reports from other entry points.
06/21/2018 10:15PM  
cyclones30: "Thanks for sharing! We took our first trip up the Sawbill trail this year. Might have to head there again after seeing these other reports from other entry points. "

You're welcome! It was a great trip. Sawbill campground is awesome, not sure I have heard so many loons at an entry point lake before. I got perfect weather, so that helped a lot too.
distinguished member(2880)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/24/2018 04:47PM  
Nice write-up, Brandon. That site on Jack Lake was buggy & small. The close proximity of the pit toilet likely added to draw so many bugs, no doubt. I watched you paddle by--off in distance. I know you were very tired too so am impressed you did the Kelly-->Brunt portage. Glad you didn't hurt yourself when you took that fall. Yikes
Greg and Mary were a pleasure to meet.......and the little guy, Andy, was quite a conversationalist too. All of us meeting at the portage same time was kinda neat ......... and we all needed a brief pause to recoup.
Greg's last name is Kid. He mentioned becoming a member on this site in the future. I didn't catch Mary's last name.
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