BWCA Trip Report - 8 day 7 nights EP16 Boulder Bay, LLC, Ge-be-on-e-quet, Oyster, Agnes Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - 8 day 7 nights EP16 Boulder Bay, LLC, Ge-be-on-e-quet, Oyster, Agnes     



member (45)member
07/25/2018 08:00PM  
New Trip Report posted by EasyFisher

Trip Name: 8 day 7 nights EP16 Boulder Bay, LLC, Ge-be-on-e-quet, Oyster, Agnes.

Entry Point: 16

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07/25/2018 11:19PM  
I enjoyed your report and fishing reports also. I did the loop in the other direction end of June and really enjoyed it, although I missed the wind. It was a beautiful area and wonderful trip. It sounds like your group (family) also had a wonderful time and hopefully everyone can focus on the good times! I have noticed in life, if the group is larger than one, consensus can be difficult. Sometimes a group of one can even struggle with consensus! Hopefully you have many more great trips with family, the kids really seemed to enjoy it. What wonderful memories, and to have a trip report and pictures to relive it are priceless!
member (45)member
07/26/2018 01:21PM  
Thank you
07/26/2018 04:45PM  
Thanks for the report, overall it sounds like a good trip. My daughter and I did the same loop in the same direction last year, it's a really nice area. Your trip reminds me why I love traveling with two people and one canoe - big groups can be fun but they're always a struggle. It takes regimentation for the military to do it! Anyway, thanks for the report.
distinguished member(839)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/30/2018 06:00PM  

Thank you for sharing this. I love that area and hope to get there one more time before father time takes away the ability to get there. We happened to be hunkered down in our tents for that storm on July 20 in a campsite on Wednesday Bay. Gebe was one of my favorite lakes. The walleyes were big on average when they could be found. I always thought that lake would have large northerns in it, and you guys proved it. I wish you all the best tripping with your family. My adult kids were raised on the annual trip and now are tiger cats when portaging and paddling. They help me stay in the game.

I hope that beautiful stand of white pine on the south side of Rocky Lake is still there.
distinguished member (123)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/05/2018 11:55AM  
Great trip report. Will be doing this route in a couple of weeks, and I found it helpful.
08/12/2018 05:28PM  
I'm thinking one young boy is hooked for life on fishing.
Nice report.
08/13/2018 03:17PM  
I think we were on Gebe and Oyster at the same time! We did EP14 to EP16 and probably crossed paths at some point. Check out our trip report (Operation Bushwhack). So it was YOU who wound up with that good site on Oyster! We were the group across the lake.

We brought walkie-talkies for the first time this year, for that same purpose of scouting campsites. And we were lucky about everyone being easygoing about it, but I can relate to the story you told. Sometimes I wonder if it's better off leaving the two-way radios at home, for the sake of group solidarity. Not having the means to communicate over long distances forces you to stay together and make decisions together. But then again they were very useful for scouting missions... so I don't know.

Anyway, I can also relate to the whole thing about big groups. As the primary planner and de facto trip leader myself, I know what you mean about the pressure for a successful trip. But in the end, people are happy campers or they're not. And no amount of planning will force people's mood.
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