BWCA Trip Report - Finally!! Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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member (5)member
11/25/2019 09:52PM  
New Trip Report posted by WaterBadger

Trip Name: Finally!!.

Entry Point: 54

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distinguished member(2079)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/25/2019 11:08PM  
I really enjoyed your report. My favorite trip reports are from first timers sharing their excitement about how beautiful and scenic the area is. The best part was your description of the "thunder box" the first time you experienced one. The rain was typical, good rain gear is a must. It was nice to see that you will be going back. It's habit-forming.
11/26/2019 07:15AM  
I enjoyed your trip report. We have done this trip (perhaps not the same itinerary, but all of the places mentioned) but it was a very long time ago.
Like you, I wasn't excessively impressed with Eddy Falls, but it is still something to experience. We never climbed the Palisade on Seagull, but have done the one on Clearwater, and I agree that the view is worth the effort.

I am hoping that perhaps you WILL post some more photos.

distinguished member(7653)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
11/26/2019 09:46AM  
Your youthful enthusiasm struck me as like golden popcorn in a movie theater, like the sweet creaminess of soft serve ice cream when you step into a Dairy Queen on a sweltering July day, and like the teasing scent of salty meat grilling in some neighbor's backyard. It was a yummy reporting! Please go again and again before your joints start to creak and your gait begins to wobble.
11/26/2019 05:03PM  
Thanks for posting. I appreciated the details of portages and camp site reviews. As someone who hasn't paddled that area, it is was interesting to see how you made it to Ogish as a first timer. South Arm of Knife seems like a great destination and Ogish seems like a nice stop over.

Sounds like you had a great first trip and were up to the challenges of paddling in heavy rain and white caps on large lakes.
distinguished member(579)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/26/2019 11:23PM  
Nice report! I do really like that area, especially the Eddy through Ester stretch. I took a trip two years ago on almost the identical route with a couple friends who were completely new to the BWCA. We entered in on Seagull, but didn't stop at the overlook, and spent the night on Ogish also. Then we ended up working our way up the next couple days to Swamp, but, instead of Saganaga, we headed West on Ottertrack to Amoeber and down and through Eddy back out from where we came. It's a cool area with lots to see without being too difficult that it keeps people from wanting to come back! Even if it was tough, I am glad you got to see Saganaga in some wind. That lake can get really angry can't it? It's a big, deep lake and the chop can be intense. But it's never as good of a story if the weather is perfect and everything goes according to plan! I also love the Hanson portage, and know the exact trees you talked about. There are also a couple monster white pine a couple hundred feet south and off the portage from there that are impressive also. If you ever get back up for another trip you may try another entry point, but if you ever get the chance to head back in the same way I encourage you to check out Ottertrack. It's an amazingly beautiful lake. Also, if you don't mind a challenge, the route through South arm of Knife through Cherry/Lunar/Lake of the Clouds/Rivalry/Gijikiki to Ottertrack is incredibly pretty, but will really make you work if you are heading North to South. I'm rambling: there's so many cool little off shoot and dead end lakes in that area, and they all have stuff to explore: Plume, Skindance, Fish, Gift, Link, Nawakwa, and on and on. I am glad you had an awesome first trip. I hope you find your way North again. Careful though. If you come back for a second one you may get completely hooked for good. No telling what could happen then! Ha!
distinguished member(2110)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/27/2019 07:20PM  
Great trip report. You really captured the feelings of being up there.
11/28/2019 09:21AM  
There's nothing like doing a canoe trip in the BW for the first time. Thanks for the engaging write up and pics.
11/30/2019 07:50AM  
I enjoyed your trip report. It sounds like you had a pretty good first trip.
member (5)member
12/01/2019 11:22PM  
i updated the trip report with photos. Enjoy!!
member (5)member
12/01/2019 11:24PM  
those trees!!!
member (18)member
12/02/2019 11:15AM  
Thoroughly enjoyed your report and all of your pics! My son and I did basically the same route (except in reverse) in late August. We experienced Sag in all it's windy glory after we were towed to American Point. It's a challenge for sure!

Thanks for posting.
distinguished member(586)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/04/2019 09:24PM  
Great report and lots of pictures. Glad to hear you will go back. I am from Illinois as well and have made 6 trips. We are doing our planning this weekend for our seventh trip over beer of course!
distinguished member (375)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/05/2019 10:23AM  
Awesome report and photos! Thanks for sharing!
Guest Paddler
12/05/2019 04:40PM  
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