BWCA Trip Report - Social Distancing via Canoe Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Social Distancing via Canoe     



03/21/2020 05:32PM  
New Trip Report posted by TrailZen

Trip Name: Social Distancing via Canoe.

Entry Point: Other

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03/22/2020 08:48AM  
Nice to see this, thank you. In Northern Illinois is very brown still. Just starting to see shoots in the ground coming out for a peak. I've never gone March canoeing here and I think it's about time. Thanks for the inspiration!!
03/22/2020 09:52AM  
Great that you were able to dial in on some interesting Flora - and open water too!
distinguished member(7653)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/22/2020 09:59AM  
Great report and I'll read it again later today 'cause that's how much I liked it!
03/22/2020 11:06AM  
Nice report! Makes me want to get the solo out. Pretty much everything in SE Wis is still brown and gray. Temps are not short sleeve either, but I plan to get out on the river this week .
03/22/2020 04:54PM  
Thanks, all, for the kind reviews. Yesterday's temps were a March outlier--we were in the same general area on a wildflower hike and temps were back in the mid-50s. Perhaps March, not April, is the cruelest month.

distinguished member(1999)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/24/2020 05:33PM  
I love wildflowers! So thank you for teaching me about some news ones. I have never been wildflower hunting in your part of the country. Thanks for sharing.
03/24/2020 08:03PM  
straighthairedcurly: "I love wildflowers! So thank you for teaching me about some news ones. I have never been wildflower hunting in your part of the country. Thanks for sharing."

The next 6 weeks will be wildflower heaven here in western NC and upstate SC. If we're not restricted to home because of COVID-19, we'll be on a trail somewhere looking for whatever is blooming at the moment. On some of our wildflower walks have we've found over 50 species--come on by, there are plenty of flowers to share!

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