BWCA Ursack Major vs Allmitey Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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      Ursack Major vs Allmitey     
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distinguished member (139)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/18/2020 11:18AM  
Thinking about Ursack Major or Allmitey for solo BWCA or hiking trips. How does the Major stand up to chipmunks and mice?

The Allmitey is recommended by Ursack, but it's twice the weight. I'm wondering about first hand experience with both as the BWCA is my primary destination.
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05/18/2020 12:41PM  
The Major and Almighty are the same size weight and Spectra fabric construction (Kevlar added with the Almighty). I think you meant Minor Critter Bag half the weight+, same volume, Kevlar and stainless steel thread construction. The Spectra Ursacks I have are older versions of the Major and AllWhite, but have survived frequent vermin attempts to get at the contents. I have spent a night in a campground watching raccoons try.
What is good about the Major is the size availability, 650/925/1850 cubic inches, and a long reputation.

distinguished member(5379)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
05/18/2020 01:00PM  
We have a variety of Ursacks except ones from the newest generation. We’ve had no problems with critters of any size in the BW.

I’m glad Butthead did the raccoon trial. I had thought of sticking one in the backyard with food inside to see but never got around to it.
05/18/2020 08:36PM  
butthead: "The Major and Almighty are the same size weight and Spectra fabric construction (Kevlar added with the Almighty). I think you meant Minor Critter Bag half the weight+, same volume, Kevlar and stainless steel thread construction. The Spectra Ursacks I have are older versions of the Major and AllWhite, but have survived frequent vermin attempts to get at the contents. I have spent a night in a campground watching raccoons try.
What is good about the Major is the size availability, 650/925/1850 cubic inches, and a long reputation.


Got any video of that raccoon? Looking for new videos during quarantine, lol.
05/18/2020 08:40PM  
The Allmitey (13oz) is in fact nearly twice the weight of the Major (7.6oz). I got the Allmitey, and to be honest I wish I had gotten the Major. Pairing the Ursak with a odor proof bag reduces smells, which I think also helps with the min-bears. I think you would be ok with the Major, especially with an odor proof bag and not leaving it on the ground where it is more accessible to mini-bears.
05/18/2020 10:42PM  
BWPaddler: "Got any video of that raccoon? Looking for new videos during quarantine, lol."

I wish I did, and it would be quite entertaining, kept me up a long time watching their antics.

05/19/2020 11:56AM  
butthead: "The Major and Almighty are the same size weight and Spectra fabric construction (Kevlar added with the Almighty). I think you meant Minor Critter Bag half the weight+, same volume, Kevlar and stainless steel thread construction. The Spectra Ursacks I have are older versions of the Major and AllWhite, but have survived frequent vermin attempts to get at the contents. I have spent a night in a campground watching raccoons try.
What is good about the Major is the size availability, 650/925/1850 cubic inches, and a long reputation.


Sorry butthead, this never happens but you're wrong on this - maybe you're thinking "Allwhite" (which is just a white Major) instead of "Allmitey".

The Allmitey is a dual-layer bag - essential a major and a minor combined in a single bag. A friend of mine has one, and it's totally overkill IMO. The Allmitey has velcro on the top of the inner bag, then the ropes of the major on the top of the outer bag. It's heavy and hard to use. I use a Major and, as described, it's half the weight. I use an OPSak inside it, and I've never had trouble with critters, though I do generally go to less-traveled parts of the BWCA.
distinguished member(2066)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/19/2020 12:43PM  
I have a couple of the Allmiteys. Rodents are my biggest concern with food storage, bears are #2, then other small animals. The Allmitey has a thick hook & loop closure below the top of the bag. You seal the closure, pull the strings tight at the top, and tie a knot. Nothing larger than an ant is going to get inside, and even an ant would have a problem. Sometimes I use the Ursack's, sometimes I use my two Bear Vaults, and sometimes I use my blue barrel and harness. It depends on how much portaging I'm doing, the length of the trip, and how many people (for food planning and also to distribute the weight load).
05/19/2020 04:51PM  
TominMpls, correction noted, and I have no Allmighty. Just went wit h a REI comparison.
Agree and consider the Allmighty overkill, but have not used it and limited comment on suitability.

Being wrong is no sin, refusing to admit it is another thing. Good call Tom!
I do have a Major and an Allwhite.

05/29/2023 01:05PM  
I didn't hear any skepticism about whether that bags work in this thread, but when I do, I like to relate a story from Alaska where we had a juvenile brown bear haunting our camp. At some point during the night he must have visited the food cache -- hard-sided Garcia bear kegs and one ursack tied off -- and got nothin'.

I first realized this when trying to untie the bag in the morning. The knot had never, ever been tighter!! And then I noticed some pretty clear tooth marks in the bag. Clearly, the bear had given it a college try.

This was back before there was such a thing as an Allmitey, so I think it was basically a Major model.
distinguished member(5379)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
05/30/2023 10:37AM  
Great story. And good experience with tying knots that will loosen even after being pulled bear tight!
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