BWCA Alpine Lake Boundary Waters Fishing Forum
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06/04/2020 09:49AM  
I'm heading to Alpine Lake this weekend. Does anyone have any fishing updates on that lake or from around the area? I would appreciate any tips as I have never fished this lake or any of the surrounding lakes. I'm looking specifically for walleye and bass tips. I would like to catch a couple of walleye to eat for a shore lunch, but that's it. The rest I will throw back. I'm thinking of bringing leeches for live bait and am wondering if it's worth trying to bring minnows in.

Thanks for your help!
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distinguished member(1731)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/04/2020 02:21PM  

I was just at Alpine a few weeks ago.

Here is a super tip for all of the BW... Use the TOG leech method. It is basically just a small hook tied directly to your line. You can add a small split shot if you like. Hook a nice leech right through the sucker and cast it out.

Let it settle for 5-20 seconds and reel it in extremely slowly. Your retrieve is not adding the action. The live leech is.

When I was on Alpine a few weeks ago, I caught most of my fish with this method. There are not many fish that can resist a real, live leech.

As for bringing in leeches, that is also very easy. Stop at Hanks Hardware in Grand Marais. Get 1/2 to 1 pound of leeches and have them put in a Bait King leech container.

TGO Method
distinguished member(1731)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/04/2020 02:27PM  
Another popular technique is to use Zulus...

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