BWCA EP 61 Daniels Lake Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      EP 61 Daniels Lake     
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member (24)member
07/14/2020 01:50PM  
Going in on Daniels Lake, thinking about heading towards Caribou Lake rather than towards Rose, anyone done this route, I am also wondering about the Border lakes, they seem to allow motors on the Canada side, and Clearwater is open to 10 horse or less, want to avoid motorized lakes, but not sure if getting to Caribou is doable in one day....anyone been this route or have advice?
Thank you!
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07/14/2020 08:04PM  
How are you getting to caribou from Daniels? If you are going to use the portage that takes you up to connect to the long portage and eventually to mountain and down to Clearwater and then to caribou? Or going from Daniels back to west bearskin (means you are exiting the bwca and must continue your travel and get back into the bwca without visiting anyplace) and hiking the ONE mile on gravel road to Clearwater lodge and get on the lake and paddle to the portage to caribou?

If you have the time I’d recommend the first option. Probably less people and much more scenic. Plus the portages give you plenty of time to stretch your legs. :)

Read your last line, nope, don’t think you can make it in a day. There are motors in Canada but you will most likely only see them on mountain and perhaps the fowl lakes. And. Not overrun with motors
Guest Paddler
07/14/2020 10:57PM  
Thanks for the insight, I was thinking the first option...
I’m not completely happy with my options out of Daniels...
But this year was very booked and I wanted to stay on the Gunflint
So this was the only one that worked...have you been on Mountain
Or Clearwater, I don’t like the thought of motors
On Clearwater...
distinguished member(2032)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/15/2020 06:44AM  
This is a beautiful part of the Bdub. You don't mention how long a trip you are planning. To go from a Daniels entry to Caribou in 1 day via Mountain is an extremely long day. Caribou is a very popular lake so you do not want to start looking for a campsite there after 3pm.

If you have a few nights, stay on Daniels the first night. Then head to Mountain Lake and stay a night. I haven't been in that area for awhile, but I used to travel it regularly and motorboats on the Canadian side are extremely rare. That day, feel free to paddle down Mountain a ways to find a campsite. It is a beautiful, scenic lake. The next day you can head down into Clearwater and places south. Don't worry about the motorboats on Clearwater. You will just be cutting across the very end of the lake, and it isn't like people are just buzzing around for fun...they just use the motor to get to a fishing spot and then sit there all day. Take a hike to Johnson Falls and stay on Alder or other nearby lake. You can get back to Bearskin Lake (West Bearskin) by cutting through East Bearskin, Flour, and Hungry Jack. Yes, you will see a lot of people and motorboats this last day which isn't my favorite way to end a trip, but the rest of the trip will have been lovely and scenic.

If you only have 2 nights, stay on Daniels, then Mountain. The last day go to Clearwater and then portage via the road back to Bearskin. I have done the road portage many times. There is also a nice scenic overlook to Caribou Rock on the Hungry Jack Road as you leave Bearskin Lake.
07/15/2020 06:53AM  
Motors on Clearwater during a normal year (haven't been up there this summer) are almost never even noticeable. A few small fishing boats. We have gone in or come out (usually both) on several trips, and even stayed at a campsite on Clearwater for a couple nights. Hardly even thought about motorboats--it was very quiet.

And Mountain is a beautiful lake.
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