BWCA First Trip, Big Lake, Lapond, Big Rice Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      First Trip, Big Lake, Lapond, Big Rice     
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Guest Paddler
07/26/2020 09:58AM  
First trip to BWCA. Planning an in and out trip from Big Lake. Will be paddling to Big Rice via Lapond, staying a couple nights, then returning the same way.
Any thoughts on this itinerary or special considerations? We are new to overnight canoeing, but experienced backpackers.
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distinguished member(4164)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/26/2020 11:43AM  
I've never been, but it seems like a less-used area compared to many others off the echo trail.
distinguished member (298)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/26/2020 01:31PM  
Here is an old trip report that you may find useful.

Big Lake Entry # 7 Trip report
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