BWCA Family trip Lake One to Four Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Family trip Lake One to Four     



Guest Paddler
08/13/2020 01:33PM  
After nine months of planning my four kids and three spouces showed up at my house near Aurora,MN on Sunday Aug 2. We packed up our gear in the afternoon and were off to Lake One early Monday morning. 8 people 4 canoes and 2 dogs and abunch of packs.
At Lake One it was standing room only as we found a spot to put our gear and canoues. Gumman, Osagian, Alumacraft and Wenonah Champlain.) Starting off was a little slow as the dogs were getting use to being in canoes. The ones with the dogs had to be seperated as the dogs wanted to jump out to be with thier buddy. First night was in a bay on the north side of Lake Three. Nice campsite with room for four tents. camp was clean. Supper was hot dogs and chips. Day two after coffee and oatmeal we were on the water again. No portages this day as we headed to Lake Four. our destination was the very north end of Four. Of the three campsites only one was large enough four our group, the first one after passing through the channel. Other two were ok, but only room for two tents. We stayed here two nights. Tacos for lunch, stew for supper. Day 3 was relaxing and spending time with family, as they came in from Denver, Salt Lake City, and Jackson Hole. My kids have all been to the BW many times but it was the first time for their better halfs. Julie's husband does mountain backpacking; Tiffany's husband Matt does white water rafting in the west, including grand canyon, snake others. They even spent a winter in Chile to raft the rivers near Patgonia. Josh's wife Helen is from Brazil (naturalizzed citizen) and has never been wilderness camping. She had a very good time. I gave her a voyagers patch at the end of the trip.
Day 3, pancakes for breakfast, Ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch with carrots. Chill for super. Fishhing only resulted in one pound northerns which we through back.
Day 4 oatmeal for breakfast then off at seven for lake two. Found a camp site wihin site of the portage. Nice and roomy. Blt's with avacoda for lunch. Everything was packed in a softsided cooler and was as fresh as when we left. Bacon was pre cooked and warmed up. Letuce, tomatoes, avocatoes on pita bread. Supper was pre packages rice dish with dehydrated hamburger, bisqick biscuits in reflecter oven, and blueberry muffins baked in a bakepacker. smore in the evening. Day 5 back to lake one. The golden retriever swam the small pond between the portages. A very good trip for an old guy. It will be a long time before my kids will be able to have vations at the same time to do it again. Thanks for reading and forgive the spelling errors as my transplant medication mkaes my hands shake. I forgot to login so will need to post pictures seperate.
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senior member (57)senior membersenior member
08/13/2020 01:35PM  
Here are the photos, mostly of family. The rubber maid boxes are for food storage. They fit in a pack and we throw under the brush outside of the campsite at night.
distinguished member(2066)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/13/2020 06:25PM  
When I first started reading it I was scratching my head thinking "Why would he take his 3 spouses on a canoe trip together?" I think I figured it out. Sounds like you had fun. You may want to consider something more bear proof than the Rubbermaid's. When bears get fed they often get shot.
senior member (57)senior membersenior member
08/15/2020 09:18AM  
I have used the rubbermaids since 1990, on over 20 trips.Put them wear the bearsdo not go and never had a problem. At Tomahawk scout camp near Rice Lake , WI bears were in our campsite several times during the week. They were within 15 feet of thede boxew and never went near them becausr they were out of thr cooking area.
08/15/2020 11:23AM  
I enjoyed your report and the photos. Looks like everyone had a good time. Thanks for sharing with us.
08/15/2020 11:34AM  
Sounds like a fun family trip. Helen's voyager patch was a nice touch. And you ain't old, you're classic!

senior member (57)senior membersenior member
08/22/2020 10:36AM  
Classic, just like the music I listen to. Yes it was a nice trip, I hope we can do it again. But I am doubtful, to hard for everyone to plan vactions at the same time. Maybe solo next year if I can get in shape to carry my solo.
senior member (57)senior membersenior member
09/13/2020 04:22PM  
I thought that on this trip I was tired from getting old. On Aug 28 I had a heart attack and on Sept 1 I had open heart surgury with triple by pass. Recovering at home.
distinguished member (157)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/14/2020 09:37AM  
Bordertrail, sounds like you're doing well. Glad you got your trip in with your family and glad the doctors took care of you and glad the timing of those two events didn't overlap. Good luck in your recovery.
senior member (57)senior membersenior member
10/09/2020 12:12PM  
Thank you
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