BWCA Trip Report - Thunder Point: The view that was worth it. Barely. Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Thunder Point: The view that was worth it. Barely.     



member (12)member
09/10/2020 09:56PM  
New Trip Report posted by Nelsonti

Trip Name: Thunder Point: The view that was worth it. Barely. .

Entry Point: 25

Click Here to View Trip Report
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09/11/2020 03:48PM  
Your enthusiasm and humor came through your trip report! I enjoyed reading it.
distinguished member(4164)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/11/2020 06:27PM  
Thanks for sharing! Glad you guys had a good time and yes....organizing gear at the first portage landing sounds like a nightmare. Now you know what to do better on next time! Planning your first trip is always a nice achievement
09/11/2020 08:21PM  
Fun Read! Thanks for sharing
distinguished member (415)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/11/2020 09:00PM  
Outstanding Trip Report! Appreciated the humor, information, and beautiful pics! Thank you!
09/11/2020 09:46PM  
Thank you for doing the write up and sharing. It was a good read. You guys had a fun trip.
member (32)member
09/11/2020 09:53PM  
Enjoyed that. Glad you had a Good trip.
09/15/2020 07:51PM  
Nice report.
That line about not the most gear we've seen but the most this year had me smiling.

Thanks for writing it up.
09/17/2020 12:37PM  
Are there "Y" bones in walleye? I'd never read any mention of this and I'm just curious. Sounds like a fun time was had by all though!
distinguished member(1999)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/17/2020 08:01PM  
Sounds like fun!
distinguished member(679)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/18/2020 11:12AM  
Very enjoyable reading. "I want to come along on your next trip!"
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