BWCA Trip Report - 1st Daddy Daughter Trip Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - 1st Daddy Daughter Trip     



distinguished member (143)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/22/2020 07:47PM  
New Trip Report posted by LetsGoFishing

Trip Name: 1st Daddy Daughter Trip.

Entry Point: 50

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distinguished member(4164)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/22/2020 09:30PM  
Great report! Pictures and stories too. That sandwich would look good after a trip...
distinguished member(2066)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/22/2020 09:36PM  
I really enjoyed your report. It looks like you have a paddling partner for life. I'm sure she tackled the wall better than I did. I did almost that same route last May a few days after they got 11" of snow. That made for some tough portages.
09/22/2020 09:39PM  
Awesome report! Thanks for sharing. My daddy/daughter trips are my favorite and that 1 on 1 time with each of them is priceless.

I laugh at the picture of your daughter on day 2 standing at the portage landing because when I was there 8 years ago with my younger daughter at age 5 your daughter would have been standing in water. We couldn't get to the landing because the current was coming down so strong it just kept turning us around each time we tried to get to the landing. We ended up going into the bushes/woods downstream from that spot and dragging the canoe and packs through the bushes in order to get to the portage.

this photo is from the rock ledge right behind where your daughter is standing
09/23/2020 07:07AM  
My condolences to your wife on the loss of her grandfather. Otherwise, the trip looks wonderful--great photos and story line. Thanks for sharing.

distinguished member (143)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/24/2020 03:55PM  
ducks: "Awesome report! Thanks for sharing. My daddy/daughter trips are my favorite and that 1 on 1 time with each of them is priceless.

I laugh at the picture of your daughter on day 2 standing at the portage landing because when I was there 8 years ago with my younger daughter at age 5 your daughter would have been standing in water. We couldn't get to the landing because the current was coming down so strong it just kept turning us around each time we tried to get to the landing. We ended up going into the bushes/woods downstream from that spot and dragging the canoe and packs through the bushes in order to get to the portage.

this photo is from the rock ledge right behind where your daughter is standing"

The difference in water levels is crazy. It's amazing how experiences can differ so much through the safe stretch of terrain.
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