BWCA Trip Report - Disappointment Fishing Trip Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Disappointment Fishing Trip     



member (11)member
10/05/2020 09:33PM  
New Trip Report posted by stok0099

Trip Name: Disappointment Fishing Trip.

Entry Point: H

Click Here to View Trip Report
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distinguished member(7653)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
10/06/2020 07:39AM  
Thanks for the report! It's a good un.
10/06/2020 07:50AM  
Nice report, good photos--thanks for sharing.

10/06/2020 09:28AM  
Great report. Looks like you had some good fishing! I’m pretty sure our group talked to you or your partner on Wednesday morning the 9th. We were in 3 solos. We were hoping to base and fish on Disappointment but all sites were taken. We had to go all the way to Ashigan to find a site that day.
distinguished member(1382)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/06/2020 06:40PM  
Nice report! Whats the square yellow thingy in the water to the left of person holding the pike?
distinguished member (244)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/07/2020 07:33AM  
I enjoyed your write-up and photos.
You caught some respectable fish!
Thanks for posting.
member (11)member
10/07/2020 01:38PM  
Just a leech tote.
distinguished member(1112)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/07/2020 04:23PM  
Sweet. Nice trip.
distinguished member(980)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/11/2020 08:21PM  
Nice write up, nice fish, very nice pictures!
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