BWCA Trip Report - 2020 Voyageurs Challenge Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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member (6)member
10/11/2020 11:09AM  
New Trip Report posted by LaughingWarrior

Trip Name: 2020 Voyageurs Challenge.

Entry Point: 12

Click Here to View Trip Report
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10/11/2020 11:32AM  
Great report--congrats to you both!

distinguished member (392)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/11/2020 11:36AM  
Thanks Isaac, a good read! 2021's starts in August, should be warmer, although busier.
10/11/2020 04:01PM  
Isaac! Awesome report! Loved the humor and the pics, great to see. It looks like Son of War passed the test and can officially be declared a Canoeman, and the youngest ever to complete the challenge. Way to go! I stayed at the Height Of Land campsite the night after you did, loved the sunrise the next morning as well. Congrats and I want to thank Missy again for the great pics she took of me finishing the trip. Those are the only still images I have from the trip. It was great running into you guys!

10/12/2020 02:54PM  
Great trip report, I expected the both of you will fondly remember it for a long time!
member (25)member
10/12/2020 05:28PM  
What a great father/son adventure. Excellent job.
distinguished member(743)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/12/2020 07:58PM  
Outstanding trip for father and son. When I met you on the Grand Portage your faces had the look of a great trip. Your stories back at the lodge were fun to hear. Congrats.
distinguished member(1492)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/12/2020 08:16PM  
Thanks for the trip report. Enjoyed chatting with your son. I also believed those weather reports and froze as a result.
Josh (Prospector)
Guest Paddler
10/13/2020 08:44AM  
Thanks for the report Isaac. It was glad to meet you both and it is great to see a father and son spending time like this.
distinguished member (252)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/16/2020 02:32PM  
Nice write up and congratulation to you both.
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