BWCA Trip Report - Vento Unit in Early October Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Vento Unit in Early October     



11/23/2020 10:38AM  
New Trip Report posted by blankspacesam

Trip Name: Vento Unit in Early October.

Entry Point: 62

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distinguished member(7653)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
11/23/2020 02:44PM  
Dang it, Sam, I wanted you to catch a fish too, but brook trout potato soup and the World's Best Donuts had me wishing I'd been on your trip.
11/23/2020 07:59PM  
Nice report of an area we have visited and enjoyed. Sounds like you had a good time.

But I guess I have to ask. What is "Vento Unit"?? Not a term I am familiar with.

I didn't look at the videos as I don't usually follow that sort of links, but I did wish for a few still photos in the report.

distinguished member(1682)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/23/2020 08:07PM  
Spartan2: "Nice report of an area we have visited and enjoyed. Sounds like you had a good time.

But I guess I have to ask. What is "Vento Unit"?? Not a term I am familiar with.

I didn't look at the videos as I don't usually follow that sort of links, but I did wish for a few still photos in the report.


Bruce Vento was a politician that was involved in the 1978 Bwca act, and perhaps more notably in conservation along the Mississippi River in St. Paul. When he died jim oberstar (I think) sponsored legislation to rename the area NE of the Gunflint Trail after him. I don’t believe vento had many fans up in that neck of the woods, so it’s a little weird to me. I’ve spent the majority of my bwca days in that area but don’t usually refer to it by that name myself.

Great trip report by the way!
11/23/2020 10:15PM  
Thank you. We have traveled fairly extensively in that area and I never had heard that designation.
distinguished member(4162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
11/24/2020 07:22AM  

thegildedgopher is correct. The first page of this newsletter from CWCS gives some details.

11/24/2020 11:17AM  
Spartan2: "Nice report of an area we have visited and enjoyed. Sounds like you had a good time.

But I guess I have to ask. What is "Vento Unit"?? Not a term I am familiar with.

I didn't look at the videos as I don't usually follow that sort of links, but I did wish for a few still photos in the report.


Thanks for reading! I've now figured out how to embed the videos so you should be able to watch without following any link. I also added some great pictures from mcsweem and wrestlencanoe
11/24/2020 11:20AM  
Thanks to all who have added to the history of why it is called the "Vento Unit". I'd heard it on the Tumblehome podcast and wasn't sure what else to call this loop as we split time pretty evenly among the lakes.
11/24/2020 11:24AM  
Thanks! Love your pictures!!
distinguished member(1682)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/24/2020 01:36PM  
Beautiful brookie McSweem! That fella is sporting a beautiful humpback, distinct kype, and colors that all the ladies are sure to love!
11/24/2020 06:11PM  
thegildedgopher: "
Spartan2: "Nice report of an area we have visited and enjoyed. Sounds like you had a good time.

But I guess I have to ask. What is "Vento Unit"?? Not a term I am familiar with.

I didn't look at the videos as I don't usually follow that sort of links, but I did wish for a few still photos in the report.


Bruce Vento was a politician that was involved in the 1978 Bwca act, and perhaps more notably in conservation along the Mississippi River in St. Paul. When he died jim oberstar (I think) sponsored legislation to rename the area NE of the Gunflint Trail after him. I don’t believe vento had many fans up in that neck of the woods, so it’s a little weird to me. I’ve spent the majority of my bwca days in that area but don’t usually refer to it by that name myself.

Great trip report by the way!"

I got to go to a Congressional hearing held in Minnesota with Paul Wellstone and Bruce Vento there on the BWCA. Both were very strong supporters of the BWCA and why we have much of it that we do. I listened to Bruce Vento talk and he was one brilliant man whom knew his subject well. He died of cancer at to young of an age.
distinguished member(2996)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/25/2020 05:30PM  
Bruce Vento was a champion of the Wilderness. I truly great man who can be credited with fighting for the wilderness.

A few years before he died, he proposed a 10,000 acre addition to the BWCA. We all knew it wouldn’t happen but the man tried.

Heavy Industry, logging, mining and anti-wilderness proponents didn’t like the guy because he was trying to preserve a little slice of woods and water. Some thought it would be better to harvest the timber, mine the ground, build trails and roads, and even remove any protections to public lands.
distinguished member(1682)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/25/2020 05:47PM  
Not to get too far off the topic of this trip report, but I was riding my fat bike on the shore of the Mississippi today and it occurred to me just how many of the special natural places in my life were preserved as such because of the work of Bruce Vento. I owe him a great deal I’d say.
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