BWCA Seagull & Saganaga - Making the best of 3-4 days Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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Guest Paddler
08/02/2021 07:24PM  
Hi All!
A friend and I are planning to do the Seagull and Saganaga Loop at the end of this month. We're in our early 30's, physically active, etc., but it's our first trip to the Boundary Waters. We were recommended to do the Seagull / Sag Loop, but we have 3-4 days and are concerned it the loop may only be 2-3. Do folks here have any recommendation? If we camp out at one place for 2 nights instead of one, are there day hikes we could explore, other lakes we could portage to for the day? Any recommendations for making the best of our special time in this special place would be helpful!

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distinguished member(1472)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/02/2021 07:45PM  
Extend your loop. Day 1 Seagull, Alpine, Jasper, Kingfisher, Ogishkemuncie. Day 2 Ogish, Annie, Jenny, Eddy South Arm of Knife (SAK). Head toward Thunder Point while looking for a campsite. Grab and open one and then head to Thunder Point to climb to the top for views of US/Canada border. Day 3. SAK, Henson, Ester, Ottertrack, Swamp, Saganaga. Day4 Saganaga out to entry.

08/03/2021 08:29AM  
I did a similar trip with a father-son group and took them from Seagull into Red Rock Bay (Sag) for a couple of nights. We exited through Sag to the Gull River to the lake where we picked up our cars. It was a better trip than I thought it was going to be with Red Rock nearly deserted. I wouldn't count on that now but the other lakes along the way were crowded with campers. It was a nice loop all things considered.
distinguished member(1043)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/03/2021 02:10PM  
Pick a windy day to cross Sag, and you might be surprised by the distance (time) added to the nominal distance as you duck in and out of shelter. Seagull has some of the same potential. ;-)

08/03/2021 03:39PM  
Are you also looking for an outfitter / bunkhouse for your trip? Seagull Outfitters could drive you to the Saganaga landing (or even tow you across Saganaga). Then, paddle back to their dock at the end of the trip for quick shower.

The tow would be recommended if you decided to do a longer loop (aka Ester, Hanson, SAK, Ogish). No tow need if you are looking at the shorter Red Rock, Alpine loop.
distinguished member(1471)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/12/2021 11:48AM  
Do you not plan on ever getting out of the canoe? Seagull Lake has a lot to offer in way of palisades and great views and islands. Alpine has wonderful islands as well. If you only have three days, rather then gauge the success by the miles, actually see what you are paddling past. Our groups have spent an entire week on just Seagull and not seen everything.
08/13/2021 08:19PM  
Michwall2: "Extend your loop. Day 1 Seagull, Alpine, Jasper, Kingfisher, Ogishkemuncie. Day 2 Ogish, Annie, Jenny, Eddy South Arm of Knife (SAK). Head toward Thunder Point while looking for a campsite. Grab and open one and then head to Thunder Point to climb to the top for views of US/Canada border. Day 3. SAK, Henson, Ester, Ottertrack, Swamp, Saganaga. Day4 Saganaga out to entry.


My son and I did this trip, but in reverse. Took a tow on Saganaga to give ourselves a head start. We did it over 5 days but could have easily finished in four. Camped on Ottertrack, Knife, Ogishkenuncie and Seagull. We were in camp most days by lunch, the paddling days were not too long.
08/18/2021 02:14PM  
Doing the sac loop is a good four day trip. The only snag would be wind. I did a five day trip doing the Seagull, sac, Saganaga loop it was not easy because it got windy every day!
08/18/2021 02:17PM  
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