BWCA Trip Report - Cummings Lake after reopening Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Cummings Lake after reopening     



09/16/2021 11:00AM  
New Trip Report posted by tsprings

Trip Name: Cummings Lake after reopening.

Entry Point: 4

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distinguished member (248)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/16/2021 11:20AM  
Nice report!
member (32)member
09/16/2021 12:03PM  
Looks like a great trip.
distinguished member(4164)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/16/2021 12:24PM  
Nice, thanks for sharing. I wasn't aware you could hike to other ponds/lakes. If you were allowed fires you would have been cussing all the rain making it hard to keep one going. Glad it did rain to help the water levels and fire chances!

How many hours did it take you from being dropped off by the boat till you were at camp on the first day?
09/17/2021 09:35PM  
I think it was around 5 hrs but we weren't pushing it. A few snack breaks. But we did single portage.
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