BWCA Trip Report - Slim Lake Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Slim Lake     



member (5)member
09/17/2021 04:17PM  
New Trip Report posted by birdonbats

Trip Name: Slim Lake.

Entry Point: 6

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distinguished member(915)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/17/2021 05:33PM  
"It stormed in the middle of the night and the tree came crashing down. A large branch would have certainly damaged the tent and certainly would have injured us."

That is my greatest fear while in the wilderness. Glad you got to spend some quality time on a beautiful lake.
09/18/2021 10:43AM  
I love Slim Lake and the paddle to Hatchet is a nice one. Glad you moved that tent!

There's some good fishing on the Gunflint side as well. Ely isn't the only BW outpost. Give it a try sometime.
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