BWCA Island River - Entry 34 Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      Island River - Entry 34     
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member (9)member
01/27/2022 09:33AM  
I'm looking at doing a trip on the Island River using entry point 34 on Memorial Day weekend. I don't know much about that area or route. Does anyone have any experience or tips for that area for a route? It will be me ad 3 other experienced paddlers.
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distinguished member(4164)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
01/27/2022 12:25PM  
Unless you head west to Bald Eagle or east to Perent you'll be in burn area there right away. It's been regrowing for 10 years but still very noticeable
01/27/2022 02:01PM  
There is no option for any loops from the Island River, so either get dropped off or do an out and back. From the Island River head down to the Isabella River. Most of this area is in the burn area so you’ll probably want to get to Bald Eagle, but there is good fishing in the river. From Bald Eagle there are a number of options, but if you’re only doing the weekend you might want to stay on BE and do some day trips.
01/27/2022 03:27PM  
It's been a long time (before Pagami) since I've been in the area. I've gone in at Island River, which was a nice entry but slow paddling due to the wild rice. My brother and I also went in Little Isabella, a cool entry, and went to Quadga. While there we also hiked a portion of the Pow Wow trail. If you had 2 cars you could enter Island River and exit Little Isabella. It was a very quiet area the 2 times I was in there, not busy at all. Never went all the way to Bald Eagle or Isabella, but everywhere in between.
01/27/2022 08:08PM  
I know the Island river fairly well. Yes - the burn is still very evident. You can paddle both up and downstream, current is noticeable in some spots, but not overly strong. Anything specific you want to know?
01/28/2022 02:03PM  
Was burned up to confluence of the Isablla River and the Little Isabella River.

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